
ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME WITH THE METHODISTS Abyssinian Giant Causes Food Trouble COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Saturday Nobember 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE CLOSING OF DUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS In accordance with the pro closing exercises. It was attend: admiration of their students as samme of the Educational De. ed by an immense number of well as of the residents in the apartment Limon has been very parents, guardians and visitors vicinity. Mrs. Breedy however LIMON, LIMON, exemplary in following the oth and among others we were pleas complains of one thing. the lower Provinces in bringing the la ed to see Doctor and Mrs. Uma lack of co operation by parents Importación a bours of the Tutors and pu na occupying seats of honnur on and guardians. Imports and Experts pi of our Public Schools to a the rostrum The lot of a teacher is a teExportación close The songs, recitations and oth dious one at its best the world The closing of the Adult sec ter items were most efficienly over, and without the co opeia Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit tion of the Schools was effected rendered; but special mention tion of parents is almost a hugeon Thursday night, 19th. inst must be made of the dramatic less task. Parents must, 11 their Compra de Cacao en ant, and made very attractive acts by a few boys which were homes, help the teacher by in grano Cocoa Purchased by the fine programme which perfectly carried through and stilling in the child a lova Ior was most officiently carried must have called for muh time school and its studies; to emuthrough by the Director of Scho and care in preparation to have late an ambition for learning ols, don Juan Bautista Peralta, enabled the children to acquit order to be able to 30lve life his colleagues and pupils; it was themselves so methodically. problems: to encourage a pride most pleasing to note the spirit There was not a single hitch in in mastering the subjects proSince the departure of of admiration, and comradeship the performance of any of the vided in the school curriculum the ly appreciated the very inspiring displayed by all during these ex exercises.
and the acquiring of that :esRev. Mr. Berry many months discourses given by the visitiaz ercises.
The exposition of the draw peet and ocedience for the teach ago, the Rev. Pitt though clergyman.
with respect to the examina ings and sewing classes is another as is given to the parent. rath now a Supernumerary has been The Women League attached tions among the coloured stuer item worthy of the highest er than regarding such a one as shouldering the work of the Me. to the Church held a Missionary zents of the Commercial Class, commendation, and Mrs. ieedy an enemy. Parents should also thodist Mission with the assis Meeting the following night at it is certainly gratifying to learn and her young Assistant, Missivisit the schoo more oftea and tence of local helpers and Min wh ch the Rey. Mr. Canon also on Information from the genial Abde nour, are surely worshy of publicly give a word or two of isters from Colon, Panama and assisted. It was fully attended.
Director himself, that Miss Do advancement by the Depart advice and encouragement in Bocas del Toro, It is understood that a permarothy McRae, Mrs. Blandina ment for the selfsacrificing care the great work of education On Sunday last the Rev. nent Pastor will not be appointbe Mitchell and Mr. Nelson have and attention given to the boys Our congratulations aiso te stanley Canon of Panama coned to this Mision until the Jarnaica every creditably passed their cour and girls of Cieneguits, who are the following children who have ducted the three services. There 1937 Synod meets in Deres in accountancy and have known to be the hardest nuts acquitted themselves in the froat was a very large turn out of next February been granted Diplomas as Car ty crack at in and aroun rank of the Cieneguita School members and visitors, who great!
tified Book. keepers. We con mon. These fellows actuaily li both by steadfast application to gratulate them for their zeel squalifled the Director allotted their studies and good conduct. and persistence. We understand this school because they dla not Alfredo Corlew; Gladiswell wil there were eight others who took feel he merited the respect liams; Louisa Azevedo; Stan.
these examinations and al which his presence should de ley Taylor; Eugenia Dillon ard though fairly wel instructed. mand. Since his removal, Mrs. Violeta Williams. We wish them they did not reach the standard Breedy and her Assistant have higher honours in 1937 and nav of proficiency attained by the been carrying on and right they be the means of inciting. DDIS ABABA. The Italien percr band, where his imprissi three.
faithfu ly are they doing so, greater impetus in others around overlords are trying desperately Ve stature commanded attention We are further informed by earning the love respect and them.
to find some legal means to italian officials charge that 7lu, the Director that in consequence 000000000 oring to a speedy trial Bala luled his musicieng in discarling of the unusually large number of tallest man in Ethiopia, beld on their instruments for rifles and children who sought admission lootú. charges because he als spears, to go forth in search of this year, the entrances to the twice as much as any other pri root and plunder. For this alleg adult classes had to be reduced strer. and it is feared that on ed offense the group was captur to suit the younger ones, and it Eer decided that only When you enjoy prosperity your friends will be numerous, imprisonment of the glanted and summary flung Into prithese would be accepted as it tormer umbrella bearer of Haile son.
but when adversity overtakes you not one in twenty will be Selassie will exhaust the food Rumors that the giant had been thought they would be more sus found. Therefore secure yourself by becoming a member of the ONLY reliable Burial Socisty, budget of the jai executed some four mounths ago ceptible to the tuition given Bala Hu, who is geven feet were lately dispelled by the warthem; but it has been round ESTABLISHED IN LIMON, 5th MAY, 1928.
call and one of the most picturas den of prison, who informed Gen that these younger adults do not seem to appreciate the classes que figures in th country, was Rodolio Graziana, Italian viceroy as they attend one day, the next PoscoCCI. IS066000 arrested immediately following of the country, that Bala Hu was 206000000010000 they are off to the theatre and the Italian becupation of the captact cn y al ve but that his appe la! It was charged that he led cite was nothing short of being other form of amusement. Don and of Der ho o normous. The waruen said the Juan has therefore resolved that MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Be Information has been formally ed and pllaged this city. ziart had been fed double rations for the 1937 matriculat ons, he cause of a shortage of beans given by den Julio Peña, the adThe giant native also held dally since his arrest, and that will revert to his original system and rice, the most important ministrator General of the Natio pest of drumur of the Em although he way quiet and rino of taking the older student, who food for Nicaraguans, the gov nal Bank, that loans to agricul del prisoner, it would be wise to though not so mentally capabie ernment has prohibited their ex turists will not be granted out spechi his trial, ang his continued yet by the assidulty and persis portation after the 1st January 1937.
imprisonment would make it altence they display, they more loans will be of cne or two years José Achion Ng most impossible for the prison cubstantially acquire a knowSo great is the desire to plant duration with a possibility, if in to balance its budget. It is thought ledge of the subject: taught cotton this year because of biga terest, etc. are faithfully met, of Comerciante Detallista Co will be brought to trial in them than the frivo ous younger prices the farmers have neglect a prorogation of the mortgages.
the near future cnes. All the older students who ed to plant cereals.
The authorities have also decid Licores. Aharties Cristale: ria, Articulos de Ferreteria had been asked to await their ed to change the name of the y Eléctricos: todo se en time are consequently requested Barco de Seguros to that of Mo cuentra en este establech EL by the Director to matriculate пopolio Nacional de Seguros miento WELL. WHAT. olisme 59 next year. National Monopoly of InsuranTomorrowat Arrasty s, there Booth Bread, ces) whose Administration will PRECIOS DE SITUACION will be the regular function by Biscuits Buns, still be continu by don Jaime LIMON Cantina Posada the Tutors and pupils to which Rojas Without which you can Olli parents and others interested boats of eating the best.
Archbishop of Philadelphia, to y Cafeteria an education are invited.
Berlin Bread represent the Pope as Cardinal On Sunday last, the children Where you will get the best.
Felipe Wing Ching of the Cieneguita Day School Legate at the International TuPope Appoints Legate the industry can produce.
charistie Congress in Manila over which Mrs. Matilde Breedy Booth Biscuits VATICAN CITY The 05 This appointment had been Apartado 395 presides, as Acting Directress with Miss ari Abdelnour 38 The Peoples Bakery servatore Romano, Vatican nefs expected because Cardinal 10paper, announced the appuntugherty for several years was Maestra carried through their ment of Cardinal Dougherty. Bishop of the Philippine Islands No War for Britain LONDON. Alfred Duff Coo.
Nos permitimos llamar su alención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back per, Secretary of State for War.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
declared in a speech at Birken.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofihead that Great Britain would This bill must be paid at our office take no part in any war between cina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes before the 10th of the month the forces of fascism and conimuniam Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena He emphasized Britain de.
oblige us to suspend our service, a step which termination to stand aloof, sayde tener que coriar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
ing: Lf such a war does take place, am certain people of this country would not take part in it. They regard both with equal abhorrence Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
wasio the fol owing to a dance or some Nicaragua Curbs Exports Nicaragua Curbs Exports Bank Operations The CABALLO BLANCO sar Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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