
CONSTITUCIONAL CRISIS THREATENS ENGLAND The Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone Edit English Section: C. NATION Ano III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday December 1936 No. 122 The Spanish Situation Still Obscure week, any on seen is sze THE PROVINCE NEED OF HIGHWAYS With the exception of Ma, intervention of foreign po For the past three days drid suffering further deswers in the conflict, as to what is regarded as the deci truction with the inevitable avoid further international sive battle for the subjuga loss of many lives, it can complicaticias. Meantime it tion of Madrid, has been hardly be said that the siis reported that during the waging with the insurgent MRS. SIMPSON KING EDWARD VIII tuation around Madrid has past few days some 6, 000 Gei forces making some gains in produced during the past man volunteers landed in che sector to the northwest definite benefit Spain to join the ranks of the city. Along the other for either of the contestants. the Frarco faction fronts in and around tie ca The reported result of ths as in the event of his marry Both Parties have been report According to the imfor pital, both contestants appear conterence which took place ing Mrs Simpson he would be ed to have triumphed in ma tation given out by the Red co be holding their positions some couple of weeks ago bet requied to abdicate for un ny of their engagements and Cross Association 11, 500 nortwithttanding the fierce ween the King of England, der ro consideration would as a consequence to have ves have been lost as a result and to hand encounters and his mother, the Duke of York she be permitted to occupy bettered their positions of the fighting which has bayonet charges which are and others, was either alto che position of the Empire though subsequent events ha been taking place in and continually taking place.
gether misleading or King Queen ve indicated that these re around Madrid during the Death of well Edward has gone back The King is reported to ports were rather conflicting. pact three weeks.
the assurance he is stated to have threatened to dissolve It however appears that the have given that there would Parliament and throw the isce loyalists have succeeded be no marriage with the Mr. before the public if the Cabi holding back advance THE RETURN OF A Simpson, as the very latest Madrid and to advices from London indica desires, as he felt he could re threatening an attack on Bui net persisted in opposing his against te that he still persists in his lv on his PROMINENT CITIZEN popularity with gos, the readquarters of the col.
intention to mary the ladv. the masres to secure their ap unsurgents.
13 and that this threatens the proval; but it is now most serious constitutionall that the head of the Labouri Is has been decided that crisis possible.
We are giad to have ob. alveo, lio will not forget that non is the Council of tLeague of te Part. Atlee. has joined among us one of the pioneers of jealous of his philatropic acts with Premier Baldwin in the Nations will et on the 10th Limon Mr. Cecil Vernor Linds toward Juan Viñas beca e Prime Minister Baldwin instart in nce to the re He came in on Saturday interests, as he says, of the last has a greater dsim on and his Cabinet Ministers are unity of the Empire and the quest of Premier Caballero and remained here for a few ritable dispositions since nimous in their opposition to leading papers of the of Spain. Italy has announc days. He could have left for San started his career here as a comAngli the marriage and have request cala Church are also expressed, and it is believed ed she will not be represent José, his objetive, by plane, butcial Magnate and keen Agriculed the King to categorically ing their decided disapproval England and France will er he assisted to build, he elected an Industrial School for her that from his love for the little town turist. We hope he wil onstitute inorm them if he will abandon the idea of the marriage. TO PAGE deavour to so control the dis to remain and suffer our soia. nefit of the hundreds of wants cussion on the subject of the tion until Tuesday morning now on our streets or some when he left for the Capital by other charitable project which the first expe train that coud would immortalize the name of be conducted through the dis Lindo in Limon.
turbed area cf our Railway service Mr. Lindo ler here forta Cuba Sends Away after his dispute with don RiOn overy occasion with in re ones down to Squirres; but for Peralta, we find the local autho cardo Jmenes in connecto West Indiars cent years that there has been some reason none of these e rities have once again raised the with his philantropie propisi a block in our railway con forts have ever been successful que tion. They now. however, tions for the benefit of Juan nication with the interior, tine Following, therefore, on the suggest to the government that Viñas, a village which his According to the Geaner Municipal Authorities of Tu. interruption which occurred in the highway whit has already terprises in Coffee and Sugar Cuba has again commenced to rrialba have taken up the ques ring the past week and the de been construcca to as far as La ased to bring into promine cleer her territory of West 16tion of the construction of pu truction of the bridge which Ango tura be continued on tol ce as a counship. He prom sed. dan labourers. During the earblic highway to connect that connects the important agricul. Peralta, a distance of 13 kilo on leaving that his love for end ier perioil of last month TELY district with the more easteratural district of Chitaria wth metros, and have offered to con interests in the township wouia one Jamaicans returned to the tribute one half the cost estima be manifested at a later period. Island home, thirty three being ted at 130. 000 colones.
it is consequently expected that repatriated by the British ConIn view of our remarks with his return inuch goo) will sul It was expected that a hrecent issue regarding the cons be done for that community er batch would be arriving la truction of a highway from Dus We are hoping that don Cea that Island later in the monta SERVICIO DE VAPORES city through the Carripolands on to Squirres and Peralta, we Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York are hoping that this new cifozt con escala en Cristóbal y Habana part of the Municipal Father of Turrialba will mateLLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS rialize, as it may ovide Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón Gil AMERICANOS. EUROPEOS ne essary impetus of the conti nuation of the roadway down to para EUROPA Vapores Salidas Siquirres and thus help us (Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdamy realize our long cheri hed desire.
Hamburgo. PETEN de Diciembre There is no gainsaying the SESOSTRIS Diciembre 25 VERAGUA 13 de Diciembre fact that there are large trac m. CORDILLERA. QUIRIGUA of fertile cultivable lands in this Enero 20 de Diciembre section of the Province lying idle for lack of the means of su:Para GUATEMALA ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
table communication, and having regard to the enthusiam (Puerto Barrios y Livingston. CARARE de Diciembre was the Executive has Deen displaying for the CORDILLERA Llevando ca solamente para Londres.
Diciembre 28 augments tion of our ngriultural prodneF. ALVARADO Cia, tions, we again expe the hapa SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS that our Province will not be Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas overlooked and our people die Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse.
Pare otros informes dirijase a la oficinas prive of the means inprav.
de la United Frui: Compeny en los bajos del ing their econom: conditions HAPAG LLOYD.
Gran Hotel Costa Rica and of contributing their share TELEFONO 3156 to the general welfare of Age, cia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2036 ecuntry UNITED FRUIT Co.
on the HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE the to Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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