
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday December 1936 Germany New The Sugar Shortage YA LLEGO. La Máquinade Coser wever, of Just Arrived. The Sewing SINGER: re aBaltic States Move Against War Threat in New York could be corn The Juvenile Delinquency Problem or or se na Penal Code «SINGER1936 As has happened in cers investigated the matter, Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora BERLIN. Adrastic, in previous years, we are has asked the Executive to Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna. sweeping penal code for Nazi gain confronted with a sho: import 000 quintals pendSOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES Germany has been announced tage of Sugar, with the resulting the arrival on the market by Ministers of Justice Franz tha: consumers are compelled of the local supply. Messrs, Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado Guertner to purchase this every day Niehaus, who are our lar ko Among its provisions are neccessity at an increased pri gest manufacturers, are that. prison sentences for the offence.
the Pinion Machine 1936 ces of making insulting In order to ameliorate this there is no need for such im marks about Adolf Hitler and unfortunate situation which portation as their factories You can sew with it backward and forward, do fort publicly inciting the limi is causing much concern will be turning out addito embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
tation of the number of off among our poorer popula nil quantities until their reWe exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one. spring tion. the government depor: gular supplies are ready.
ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH Punishment is also provided mens of Labour, whose offifor offenses committed Singers Agency at the North side of the Market in Limón.
broad, even though the acts mara are not forbidden by law in the countries where they acts HOTEL BRITTON are committed. Thus, a Ger man who insulted Hitler REMEMBRER! what you eat, where you eat, and where sent you sleep are the most important things in life returned HELSINGFORS, Finland, tions because all have com home. Other notable Situated next door West of Li món Trading Co. The old featu Discussions about the un mon interests. This proposal res of the code are. Pen sión Moderna certain political situation in is important, coming shortly The We guarantee up to date and hygiene services in sleeping death penalty for the Baltic region and the after the celebration by murder and evtertionary kid qua: ors, retaurant, al o soft drinks all at moderate pridangers to small North Eu Sweden, Norway, Denmark napping.
ces at Britton Hotel.
ropean States from a possible and Finland of their cultural Prison sentences for Pusso German war are ex and economic unity.
pected to be resumed be The articles are unusually cring the market.
Fines or jail sentences for cause of the crowing incli Joutspoken regarding the po nation of Eastern Baltic tential war danger in the resurrecting the pasts ci per States to establish closer po Baltic region, especially sons who have since proved litical relations with Scandi since the Russo German re worthy citizens, causing navia and Finland.
llations have been aggravat orderng strikes lockouts Finnish newspapers giveyed almost beyond hope of and disclosing industrial prominence to articles ap repair. It is asserted that crets to foreign countries.
WASHINGTON. Et and cities show that, of the pearing in official Latvian only a peace front around The spirit of the code is gar Hoover, director of the 59, 954 youths arrested who and Lithuanian newspapers the Baltic can prevent a en summed up in its preface, Federal Bureau of Investigt were under 21 years of age, suggesting a conference of flict between Russia and which says in part: tion, reports that sevente. 526 were charged with criLatvia Lithuania, Estonia Germany. The healthy feeling of the arrested for robbery out of every 100 individua minal homicide, 3, 622 with and the Sce adinavian dur robbery, 2, 307 with assault, people for right and wrong months of this year re 8, 660 with burglary, 11, 081 determines the content and under 21 years of age.
with lareeny, 696 with forg application of the Penal code.
The figures, he says, em ery and counterfeiting and Atonement for wrong phasize the seriousness of 708 with carrying weapons.
the protection of our people the juveniie delinquency)
as a whole determine its problem.
meaning and pulpose Its task is to safeguard arrest 1d for hobbery due honor and fidelity, race here ing the period, Mr. Hoover dity, deferave focus of ladds, was under 21 and motor rápido labor, disciplice and order. 13, 914 of the 8, 351 persons ant Jobnson Its motto is The common arrested for auto thefts also weal takes precedence over were under that age.
16 private advantage. Statistc, compiled from a The new code is based on study oí 345, 132 arrest re Entenderse; Compañía the Nazi principle that proteccords sent to the Depart Nal. Bananera RAZONES QUE HACEN EL CASTILLO tion of the nation, rather ment of Justice by Siates than protection of the indiLIMON EL MEJOR JABON vidual, is the paramount con El Castillo es puro sideration in jurisprudence.
El Castillo lava más y mejor and manslaughter strictly, it even makes the acauisition of El Castillo prolonga la daración de la ropa instruments for killing rishable of intent to kill can El Castillo no daña las manos be proved While other Communities National Lottery.
have been exerting every As the object of the proEl Castillo deja olor a limpio.
effort to eliminate gambling posal is to provide funds for. To Page 12)
El Castillo es económico from their territories, it is public beneficence, payment ANOTHER noted that Panama is being of pensions, construction of asked to localize it in its public works for relieving Compre Jabón EL CASTILLO y exija los cupones a su DEPORTATION various forms: a Bill for the unemployment situation pulpero. Cambie los cupones HOY mismo por una this purpose having recently and to improve sanitation in acción en La Proveedora y Ramon Leon Agencia been introduced in the Na the interior of the Republic, General Frank Herrera We understand that the tional Assembly by a memman Clifford Grant who has her of the it is suggested that a tax of Government pro been detained in our CONCURSO City of Twenty five majority Jail on the charge of having their net weekly profits shall Among the games which Por cada compra en valor de Diez céntimos en Ja fired the rifle shots on diffe would be permitted under be paid by the persone aupón EL CASTILLO usted obtendrá un cupón, y cada rent occasions during thehe law, if approved, are thorized to operate such diez cupones serán can biados por una Acción. Esta past two months or so at the dice cards cardb yard legames.
Aeción servirá para tomar parte en el gran sorteo que railway trains, while pazsing tteries, slot machines, roule se verificará el dia 22 de Diciembre de 1936.
a point in the vicinity of Si ttes, as well as that commquirres, will be deported to only called Chance when Premios: de C500; de. 300; de 200. Jamaica of which Teland he it did not conflict with the EL is said to be a native. regulations issued by the 25 cajas jabón a escoger Board of Director of the 15 12 10 Cara De Cantina Posada 8 y Cafeteria 2 Port of Spain. Triad: The imported in connection with the Felipe Wing Ching 10. Legislature of this Bertan Westcom ng celebration at the time Indies island has iniposed a cu of the coronation of King Fidty of 300 per cent on all foreign ward VIII Apartado 395 flags, badges and other device!
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
One of every four persons Se vende Use el mejor jabón y ganese 500 GRAN CONCURSO Besides punishing murder, Panama Asked to Legalize Gambling pu per cent CABALLO BLANCO Trinidad Imposes Heavy Duty


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