
Saturday December 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Nation. Wide Drive Against Moscow HOP LEE LUNG Wings Over Europe ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME 500 Italy cannot ignore the fact that Charity as Described by a Minor Massacre is Reported LUIS WA CHONG FORT WTYNE Ind. The Catholdes. Protestants, and order to remain we must Most Rev. John Francis Noll, adherents of religion in strive to keep before the ACatholic Bishop of Fort any form. Communism is no mexican people the ideals Wayne and chairman of the respecter of creeds in its proclaimed by our Redeem Establecimiesto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes Catholic lay organizations horrible warfare on God. er. In the capital city of our of the country, has announe Bishop Noll said one ob nation there is a gigantic El más surtido en Matina ed the organization of a na jetive of his campaign would monument to George Wash tion wide drive against comte the erection in Washing ington, father of his counmunism.
ton of a gigantic statue of try. a most artistic monu Associated with Bishop Christ as a symbol of idealsiment to Abraham Lincoln, Noll as members of a natio under which the country savior of his country. but mal committee are Senators was founded.
no where on public grounds Glass of Virginia, Walsh of We are yet, thank God, is there a statue to the SaMassachusetts and Borah of in a sense a Christian na viour who gave what is best Idaho; Governor McNutt of tíon. the Bishop said. In in civilization generally.
Indiana and many Archbis Should war break ous in Euro. powers is satisfied with its eur.
pe, the five great military pow. rent rating: all de rushing hops and Bishops in the Ame Genn hierarchy.
er could launch into the sides aerial armamenty at a irantic Bishop Noll has also anflying armadas totaðing at least pace.
nounced that members of 17. 900 planes. Latest figures oh France has made a dramatis tainable in Washington on the bid for air parity when her Ca.
ne her faiths will be enlisted.
Learning of the plan ProLIMON, LIMON, feverish race for air supremacabinet and Mnisterial Counc)
admittedly a guess, since the adopted a new aviation program essor Robert Gault of Evans Importación progress of production is a close calling for expenditure of ton. head of the Chicay committee of the AmeriImports and Exports ly guarded military seeret. di 000. 000. 000 franes 232. 625. ca Forward movement anExportación rv. de tie aerial forces thus: 000) on new pianes, new air nounced that he would invite fields, increased personnel and Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Rusia Bishop Noll into immediate reserve materials. The tocal conference concerning cooEngland 41300 was more than twice as much as peration between the two Compra de Cacao en 000 the Air Ministry had ever asked grano movements toward a com Cocoa Purchased France 100 for at one time and exceeded by Germany 300 800. 000. 000 frenes the cost mon objective.
01 the entire armament progrora American intelligence Tf the war holds off for a year proposed by Defense Mints er or so, these totals will be wisily Daladier last Summer our religious liberties increased, for none of the five menaced. said Bishop Noll, as he pointed to conditions In a literary competit in the ineffable satisfaction causin Spain and elsewhere. Our subje was CHARITY, and it is ed from doing good.
business and commercial fu titute of San Jose among the Charity in its moral aspe it is.
torre is jeopardized, and our scholars of our various scho s, from my way of thinking the heritage of liberty as a peo we find Moss Virginia Umaña most beautiful and beneficial ple already is under a sha the young daughter of our much for by it we console the unha gpy newspaper Le Jour from Casa de Rivera.
Paris. Lpatch to the dictator, Gene) nel primo dow.
esteemed and genial Medico of even by our advices to those who It is folly for us not to Health doctor. Ruben Umaña. may need them and by our 11blanca, Morocco, sad air travel realize that communism is winning the second prize Her dulgence in forgiving the erous ers reported the massacre of being openly taught in many subpject was CHARITY, and it is others 1000 hostages in retaliation for universities and schools of so beautifully protrayed that we We should ever an airplane bombardment of sympathise our country. Not only that have been tempted to transrate with the fallen; for who knows Alicante. TOT tnt schools established for it for the benefit oi cur read whether these poor souls had Passengers arriving aboard a the sole purpose of spread GUACIMO GUAPILES ers.
been fortunate to have a pacommercial plane wep quoted ing communism are springrents who could educate them as saying that anar atst armed ing up all over the United! Miss Umana says. The virtue whether they had inherited their with knives and pistols, stormCantina, Licores States.
which would dearly like to evil thoughts. Charity properly ed the prison and slew the hos Extranjeros y del país. It is conceded generally posters and walen propne to understood obliges us to betala tages. Among the vins the Tienda bien surtida that the Catholic Church is cultivate is CHARITY beceuse from speaking all of om neigh report asserteil, were the sister Abarrotes en general a powerful bulwark against it is the greater and mos tea boursi on the contrary, we ought of Generate Gonzalo Qudſpo de the enemies of duly constiutiful of all.
to defend them when others. Llano, Insurgent commander at PRE CIOS sin COMPETENCIA tuted government and the late liherties of human beings.
True Charity ought to embrate ng advantage of the short Seville, and a son of the However, the fight against ce two principal forms, the macomings, attack them.
this communism in our terial and the spiritual. In order VirUnited States must be carried on by co be able to realize its first fertue, shall endeavour with all ve should always accuston our my soul to follow the wise loctri.
selves from infancy to sa ruce ne of the Carist who exempli.
Halle someting of our own for the fied CHARITY in all ls forms. Berlin. While Chancellor sesces no less taan 12 62011 gold.
benefit of some one who may be lie who performs Charity never Adolf Hitler is a bacolor and children. Like everytining else in more in need of such an of has anything to repent an1 wil has no children of his own it the Third Reich, Hiller s, rew!
COMERCIANTE fering, remember ing was hear the voice of a dea: con has been announce he pos ress to play the role of grafathEstablecido en la Piovincia that there are many in this cene utter. Go forwaria!
er has been regulate and duly por más de 20 años world who are in great neei ol ways doing good.
documented 20 Vende al detal, Vinos y LE some of the most indispens ble WELL. WHAT. In principle the Chancellor is cores extranjeros y del pais, abarrotes en geneul.
things, while selfish person aie ready to be a godfather to any ED NOTE What a paradise so indifferent to their suffering is world would be if ve would Booth Bread, MISCELANEA tentis child in any Pure Aryan Establecimiento esquina thinking only of themselves.
Siscuits Buns, fomily. Sons, however, count all emulate this Vittue a descriNorte del Moreado We should always view with bed By Miss Umaña; Individuals Without which you can more, that is to say a famlly Entre 40 umpatietie eyes the poor who as well as groups and nations boats of eating the best. has seven sons they are counted so leit our aid, thus obalning Berlin Bread as the equivalent of nine daugh.
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Maderas del país. Exis Sess Uma da is a scholar of the tencin, permanente en One man with two anguages receives double Pay Parac! Yglesias School of this muestro deposito.
at moderate Prices cs In order to obtain the Nazi Dictator Has 12. 000 Godchildren EDGAR YOUNG one LEARN SPANISH con EL ATLANTICO PROP, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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