
The Atlantic Vaice The Political Aspect About Us Edward VIII Abdicates and Duke of York Ascends Britain Throne we Devoted fo the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone 1936 has been a very busy year politically; in fact Editor English Section: C. NATION it is doubtful if there has been another like it during the present generation, The year 1914 occasioned awful Año III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 12 December 1936 No. 123 unrest and subsequent devastation, but none have ob served such political intrigues as we have been expe riencing during this Leap Year.
Among the hitherto most stable governments of Eu rope there have been experienced the most disquiet ing political intrigues and peculiar reforms imaginable; and it is only by the sober and dispassionate mints of British Statesmen that we have been spared, so far the ghastly aspect of another World Catastrophy. arbal with Japan, Germany and Italy defying the world by committing acts and atrocities, which we never imagined could have been indulged in without embroiling King doms and Republics it has only been by the wie ober and farsighted political strategy of British Siatesmen Europe and the world have been saved a more de vasting occurrence than that of twenty years ago Dur ing the current yer we have witnessed the political aspiration of Mussolini which had Divine Intelligence GEORGE VI, King not intervened by granting wisdom of speech and action Great Britain and the to those concerned, would certainly have set the EuroDominions beyond tru pean Teapot afoa mir:g. Those of Hitle. he ve hardly as and Eperor of been less dangerus, yet smic guidance has quieted his India with his wire ains for the restoration of Germany Colonies. The po the Qu Eizabeth. litical strokes of schmussnigg and Prince Staremberg of Austria and Hungary have also not been without their danger to mankind. Japanese policy for a United States in the East bas given rise too to much discuietude in Russia and England.
The Soviet pretentions for a Communistic domination of the world which Germany, Japan and Italy, by That evil times have fallen Although the abdication has, and careful consideration, their recent agreement, are endeavouring to frustrate, on the dignity of the Royal fa been accepted with ni intowara have determined to abdicate the has rudely awakened the world to the possibilities of mily of Britain, which may pro occurrences by both douses of throne which ascended on the Rushian politics from which Spain is now suffering and duce serious complications in Pariament and the general pa death of my father; and am by which other nations are threatened. The politics of the Empire, is patent to all. blic, there is no knowing wat communicating this my final France have not been less confusing, the Socialist go In keeping with his determi. may yet happen as there aic and irrevocable decision. In view vernment of Le Blum, assisted by the communistis party, ditferences of opinions among of the seriousness of this step was brought into power and is suffering keen antagonation to marry whom he cho the po. itical leaders throughout can only hope my people. the reason nism from her Parliamentary factions. Britain is ses, King Edward VIII abdicated the Empire which may endanger fully understand the throne on Thursday in fa its unity, though the Home Sta. which has induced me to take find now facing revolutionary threats in corisey pence vour of his brother the Duke of tesmen are confident such ait will not, at this time take of the peculiar achon of her yet uncrowned King by York, who had expressed his un dilema can be overcome in any into consideration my personal stepping from his (shall we say) celestial platem to willingness to assume the res emergendy. The Irish Free Stare sentiments, but would ask that join hands with the untouchables of his Kingdom thro ponsibilities of Kingship on has already moved for the 23 it be remembered that thu hur.
account of his health, but more lition or the Governor Generelden which rests on the shoulders ugh offering quee: chip to an American commoner and ing the prestige of the League of Nations to such a de probably owing to the delicate position and the elinination ou of Monarch is so we get and unfavourable existing con the name of the Kng of Great may only be carried under cir free that the nations of the New World have considered ditions; he has however now ac Britain from all public documents cumstances different to those it necessary to hold an American Peace Conference, now cepted and will during the af dealing with the internal at have encountered.
in session at Buenos Aires, with the view of instiniting ternoon today be proclaimed fairs of the Free State. believe am not unmindful divorcee, Mrs. Wa lis Simpson.
King and Emperor with all the of the duty whicn rests on me attendant historic ceremonials The King abdication was sub in placing the publle good befoe All these happenings have had the effect of lower He will assume the title of Geormities to his Ministry by tne all, when declare am cons sen (To poze 9)
following message. After long cious it is impos ib. e to longer carry on with efficiency or my personal satisfaction. have taken a:l the steps ne. It is gratifying to know that at existing market shed wit re cessary to secure to my legal last Limon has been favoured razed and remodellea, tas givsuccessor, my brother the Duke with a President who is conge ing the Plaza a more casing of York the accession to SERVICIO DE VAPORES the nially disposed toward he: ne aspect.
cessities As soon as the structure, now Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York The ex Monarch is expected our pre ent government has under erection at the Bank con escala en Cristóbal y Habana to leave England today for the approved the construction of Costa Rica, is completea the go Continent of Europe where he certain public works which will vernment Liquor Deposit will LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS intends to spend the remainder make this Seaport second to be housed ere and the present of his life; he will never, it is none in Central America, with Rum Store made available AMERICANOS. EUROPEOS ir stated, return to England. He the proviso, however, that they our new Hospital and Sanitary Vapores Salidas will not, it is also mentioned, should be carried into effect by Clinie. This latter work is cum meet Mrs. Simp on until she ob the officers of the Department ted to cost 150. 000 colones. Ilirly tains her final or absolute de of Fomento.
in the coming year the Doad 10 VIRAGUA 13 de Diciembre cree of divorce in April next The erection of the new Meat Moin and Portette passing by QUIRIGUA 20 de Diciembre though there are rumours afloat Market is to be taken in hand im way of the Cemetery will bo that certain serious irregularimediately, and will be an up finished at a cost of 40. 000 o PETEN 27 de Diciembre ties have been discovered into date, sanitary, elegant strue nes the proceedings waich may eit ture on the site north of the The waterworks will also be at her cause the annulment of the present market. involving ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
the tended to and a reliable. npo.
preliminary ordet or a refusal um of 70. 000 colones. Soon af installed; a million colones will SULACO 18 de Diciembre of the absolute decree.
ter this has been completed, the be appropriate for the carrying Llevando café solamente para Londres.
out of this most important dertaking ALVARADO Cía, WORTHY GIFT It will therefore be echat By the West Indian Re, preciated Capitalist and com much employment will soon be Agentes para Limon Puntarena.
view for November we ob mcrcial Magnate, Mr. Cecil afforded every citizen of Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas serve there is the possibility Lindo.
City by which coder de la United Frui: Company en los bajos del Jamaica again beiag benefit It is stated that Mr. Lindo will increase househcder: Gran Hotel Costa Rica zed by the very generous, ph may donate a new Museum to able to collect their rental and TELEFONO 3156 lanthropic disposition of her the Institute long established happine prevall amor es noted Son and our much ap in that Island.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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