
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday December 1936 Wally Simpson Wonderful, Says Former Husband OBITUARY The MORE AGONY FOR CONSUMERS by the superior officers son Cooper will preside HOLLIWOOD BERENSON We exceedingly regre: hav The funeral ceremony took SAN DIEGO. Calif. Mrs later, in 1927 she obtained her, her way and lived the life she ing to mention the death or place the following morning Wallis Simpson, the American final divorce decree.
wanted, and have done the sa Mr. George Emanuel Wil and in addition to the ex friend of England King Ft don see why so much of me. What she does is no concern liams of this City, the succeedingly large number of ward was described as a won this has fallen on me. Many of mine. lot of water has flowed event taking place in the hos and sympathisers who attend derful woman by her fornier her marriages the world over beneath the bridge since we first pital on the 2nd. instant ed, there was a full turn out husband, Commander Earl Whave lived the same course of parted more than a dozen years Mr. Williams was born and of the members of the Costa Spencer, USN existence and feased in the same ago.
ducated in Bluefields: Nica Rica Burial Scheme and Court The naval officer, who has remangert Mr. Simp on has gone!
Oragua, where he was highly Galead Forecester of which fused any comment about Mrs.
esteemed As a consequence Societies the deceased was Simpson since publicity attenof the Sandino activities: he a prominent member.
dant upon her acquaintance with came here some tera years religious ceremony was con the King, agreed to an interview El mejor Regalo de The Best Christmas or ago and obtained a responsiducted by the Very Rev. Ar He did not discuss her friena ble position in the Traffic chdezcon Kelly assisted by ship with Edvard Vin Navidad o Año Nuevo New Year Gift Department of the Northern Deacon Cooper, at the Commander Spencer, executive Railway Company. His health conclusion of which at the officer, aboard the alrcraft car Una Máquina One SINGER began to fail some months Camp One Cemetery, the Tier Ranger, is a patient in the SINGER 1937 sowing machine 1937 ago, and after consultiny al Officers of the respective So naval hospital here, recovering Specialist in San Jose, he was cieties carried through their from a broken leg received on a Cose para adelante y 11 sews backward and forhuntlig trip ward, does mending. emadmitted to the Hospital here parting ceremonies in a most atrás, surce, borda y perbroidering and hemstiching where he had eventually to impressive manner. thing Wally Simpson is a Tora. Le cambiamos su work. We exchange your wonderful woman. Spencer, her undergo an operation, but The Atlantic Voice tenmáquina vieja por esta old machine for his wondespite all the efforts ofers its sincere condolence to first husband, saia.
derful new one.
his medical attendants. he his widow and other surviv Our marriage lasted cight. 15. 00 mensuales succumbed as stated on the years, site is a most attraktive 15. 00 per month ing relativt 2nd. instant.
woman and has one of the sirong!
As the deceased was a foun Agencia SINGER. SINGER» Agency The deceased was est characters have ever much ration member of the Burial Costado Norte del Mercado admired al the north side of the known any woman to po 332 and respected in Scheme Memorial Service LIMON Our marriage was no more nor marker in Limon this community, particularly will be held is the Society. less than many other American among the very large circle Hall on the 29 th inst to marriages.
offriends he had acquired: which he publie is invited.
he was also appreciat It is Dea My work began to take more ed.
with whom and more of my time ani thoights. changed stations fre It is noted that in order to ment every now and then, quently. Mrs Spencer interests provide the necessary funds placing a small tax on certain were more of a social and sportco erect a dignified residence commodities of public con nature that required a more ac for the President of the Resumption for the payment of tive form of life than it was pos. public, the creation of an which the merchant is held sible for me to live.
additional tax of three per responsible, though, in real And so, finally the inevitable cent on a who happened we agreed to disar ee. mercial sales in our coniity, it is the consumer FANCY STORE life is under contem feels the burden; for should We separated and Mrs. Spencer plation.
a tax of say two cents per GRAND BARGAIN SALE established her residence in War So as to cope with its ex unit be decreed on a particu renton, Va, where three years penses, we find the lar article, the merchant, in govern LOWEST FR. CES order to cover this charge, in creases his selling price by five cents, hence he bereits while the already heavily buLIMON APT. 515 dened consumer pays the piper.
The anxiesties of life daily becoming more and mo re burdonsomemo reu nvearable for poor labouring consu Pearl River, La. Mrs. Louis It was just about the fall of mer, wh le wages do not cor Crawford, wife of a WPA wor the night, she said. This big.
respondiently increase. ker and mother of two young black dog came trotting through boys, has assumed care of a roay the brush with something white SIX REASONS WHICH MAKE CASTILLO cheeked eight pound baby brought in his mouth. When he saw me, to h: doorstep by a dog. be stopped, and was so scared THIE BEST SOAP Workers The circumstances were as all cou do was stand there.
strange as the account of the find d never seen the dog before Castillo is Pure Bonuses Spreading of the infant Moces in the hull Most of the dogs around here are rushes.
hounds and this one looked like Castillo washes more and better Extra compensation for employ a brindle bull.
ecs was provided by many comEL Then while was looking the Castillo prolongs the life of Clothes panies as the flow of increased while thing moved and heard a extra yearend dividends conbaby cry. When realized it was tinued unabated. At the same a baby got a cold ch. 11.
Castillo leaves a clean smell tine two steel companies which ran off the porch, she con thus far had not raised workers Cantina Posada tinued, and shoulted put that Castillo is economica!
weges fell in line with the indus cown you! Put it down! chap Itry by announcing 10 per cent y Cafetería ped ny hands and made like Buy Castillo Soap and receive the Coupons from your rien Steel Foundries and Slosswage increases. These were Amo Felipe Wing Ching was going to hit him and that Grocer, then exchange them NOW for a Chance at scared hi moff. Ho put the baby Sheffield Steel and Iron Compa La Proveedora, Agencia General, Frank Herrera down and ran into the woods.
ry. The advances are effective Apartado 395 The whimpering child was lyas of Novembe. 16.
CONDITIONS Lg face downward, wrapped in Two of the big four tobacco ment of one week pny to all of a di ty square of cotton cloth.
companies voted extra dividends. the company wo kers employd Mrs. Cawford said. The covering For every purchase of the value of ten cents of CASTI Liggett Myers Tobacco Com continuously since January and was bunched at the back, most LLO SOAP, you will obtain a coupon, and each ten pany declared an extra of a one half weeks pay to those em cen the mouth of the dog.
Coupons will be exchanged for one Chanee. This Chance share on the common and com ployed after July American She aad her husband decided will take part in the Grand Drawing to take place on mon stocks. Action on the res Seating Company resumed dvi they wanted to keep the child. che 22nd December, 1936.
ular payments 15 Dot due until dends with the payment of 50, land summoned a relative, Mrs.
January payabje 50 centa in cash and Lizzie Crawford, who is a trained 12 cash one tenth nurse.
tra of 30 cents on the common a share of common. Hund eds of friends of the 4th. 25 cases of Soap. to be selected well as fregular common and pre Lone Star Cement Corporation, Cowford crowded in the crud 5th. 15 ferred dividends, but made them formerly called the Inta national ely built cabin for a sight of the 6th. 10 payable December 15 rather than Cement Corpo alion, declared an babe. No one knew wha e the in 7th. the customary January in anti extra dividend of 75 cent, and a fost came from and few cared, eth. cination of the Federal surtaxes regular quarterly dividend of 50 last of all the Crawford who 9th, On ur distributed profits.
ents. The board also voted a grad seemned a proud of the child as 10th. Raybestoc. Manhattan Compauated bonus to workers.
though it were their fireborn, ny teclared a special dividend of (The New York Daily We re going to call him Mo25 cents and autho ized the pay Investment News ses. Mrs. Crawford said.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
are Use the best Soap and gain 500 GRAND COMPETITION DOG RESCUES ABANDONED BABE Castillo does not injure the Hands CABALLO BLANCO PRIZES: 1st. 500; 2nd. 300; 3rd. 200; Larillard co voted an ex optionally


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