
LOCAL FARM OWNERS PRAISE ELECTROLUX MODERN REFRIGERATION was am very sad to have chance to tell you how rolux has Yew that the government, the conflict has been respons Sle, antiques ruined and the valuable rty has been receiving up for the lors on both sides of. Religious edifices destroyed.
es of ammunision and airpla 200. 000 lives. 50. 000 of these died The world is now getting tired When you enjoy prosperity your friends will be numerous, from Russia and elsewhere on the battle fronts while. of this unneces ary bloodshed but when adversity overtakes you not one in twenty will be e rebels are being kept at bey 150. 000 either died in the various and the wanton destruction of found. Therefore secure yourself by becoming a member of Fring a the strong offensive taken prisons scattered over the counsuch valuable properly, and soon the ONLY reliable Burial Society, the loyalist troops in the setry or were executed.
proposals will be set in motion of ral sectors around Madrid are There are known to be 14 000 to terminate the brutality. be ESTABLISHED IN LIMON, 5th MAY, 1928.
tend aining them much advantage Italians and 000 Irishmen figh suggestion initiated by England out le recent attack by the rebels ting on the side of the rebels and France to eliminate She Costa the Northwest of the city was while the international brigade entry of all war material into Doun pulsed with much loss. supposed to be composed of. the Republic has been accepwhich News from Berlin confirm the 24. 000 men, include 000 French ted by the loyalists but rejected was counts that the rebel forces men, 200 Germans, 800 Italians by General Franco.
The der General Franeo have ana 000 Russians Poles, Mext(From page 7)
con en meeting many serious recens Cutans, Belsians. Cho Archdeacon Kelly an All Americ anLeague for their individual protection.
Ar rses of his full strength of coslovacans adven By the overwhelming majority of votes which again by 10. 000 men, he has lost turers.
Leaves Diocese places President Roosevelt in power; by those of the 000 and of these 18. 000 were The damage to property has the irown away on the attacks been placed at the inmense va With the departure of the working men of our beloved country which selected don the gainst Madrid, lue of twenty million pesetas. Very Rev. Frank Kelly for Leon Cortes to guide her destinies; by those of Panama From the headquarters of the without taking into proper ac England on the 4th instant, two months ago and of the sister Republic of Nicaragua this cionalists it is reported thaol count the value of the priceless, the Anglican Denomination last Tuesday, we are afforded proofs that the politics of here has experienced another this world are changing and moving quickly toward the and unexpected change of ad supremacy of the desire for Democracy in its truest ministration.
form, to As shortly after his arrival The student of natural philosophy may say that the Archdeacon gained the politics constitute a field of activity immaterial to his respect and high regard of all Roca realm of thought, but he forgets that Divine Intelligenwith whom hec ame in contact arial ce is very much interested in the affairs of this world it was hoped, generally, that Vio his stay would have been a and has been guiding the political aspects of its people lengthy one, but certain cir from the time of the Egytians and the Chosen of Israel.
to cumstances of a private na Throughout the history of the world, it can be not sed ture we understand, recently ed that in any complicated situation God, or the Divine Dea arose which made it necessary Intelligence, intervenes and selects or elects to a position for him to leave for England some one best qualified to meet the crisis. In fact, by without delay. As there this intervention we have a distinct revelation of the po no time allowed the Archdea litical acumen and superior comprehension of our earcon to bid his people a proper thly affairs. The sudden rise of a great leader to guide KERES WHAT farewell, he sent out a circuMRS. GUNNARDE NELSON lar in which he expressed his the thoughts of men, the periodical birth of a great OF CASSELTON, regret for leaving so hurridly Avatar, the powerful influence displayed on behalf of DAKOTA, WRITES: and than for the kind man best interests throughout ages, clearly points to ness shown in a supreme, divine, omnipotent comprehension of man The Rev. Arthur Castor has needs and a dependable intervention by God and the pouch my Kerosene belped been selected to assume char: Divine Intellect.
in a hundred different ways.
Beides is being a food ge of the Farish whil Dea It does not follow, however, that we should fail to dives me con Cooper will continue to deeply study the political situations which have arisen ety in meals. As for having gi e his zealous and much ap and are yet arising from our attempts to control company, find it isn preciated assistence.
wordly affairs. To err is human; we constantly commit Irozen salads so long ahead mistakes, and as these MUST be corrected, we should say last minute rash to is them so they ll be fresh.
José Achion Ng approach the situation prayerfully, analytically and cosmically Man has taken unto himself the prerogative Comerciante Detallista of creating laws for the government of himself and his Licores, Abarrits, Cristale. fellow beings and inasmuch as he has assumed a superia, Articulos de Ferretería rior position in interpreting God universal laws and y Electricos; todo cuentra en este estableciapplying them in a specific manner, he has assumed a KEROSENE miento a responsibily which he cannot lightly cast aside nor pass on to God the problem which he himself must work out.
PRECIOS DE SITUACION King Edward VIII has assumed an attitude in the NEEDS NO ELECTRIC CURRENT LIMON political life of his empire which is difficult for us to comprehend; but if his obstinacy in fulfilling the laws of the Realm be the means of proving the Plan of God LLOYD GEORGE that all men are born equal of one commor parenthood KEROSENE and that Rulers should be born not made, then may all IN JAMAICA Electrolux Plenty of ice cubes Temperature regulator penda frecking join prayerfully that a genius, an Avatar be provided to brings to farm homes anywhere all the comforts more. Owners find that Electrolux According to the press an solve the stability of this great Realm. If he is to be the and conveniences that have made actually pays for itself with ita jouncemeat Mr. David Lloyd last British Monarch may Divine guidance bring about the famous gas operated Electro big savings on food bills and on George, who held the respon the change without bloodshed, without the sufferings lux the choice for finest city homes refrigerating cost.
sible position of Premier of now being experienced in Spain. In the light of Porine and apartments. This ideal farm Liectrolux is able to operate so to England during the World Intelligence, or God, all the children of earth are o une refrigerator insures perfect food efficiently because of its simple Ward, is now in Jamaica for human family and regardless of Race, Colour or Reliprotection at all times. all the refrigerating principle. It has no ice cubes you want. new moving parts to wear. wickless a stay of two months.
gious beliefs, our wordly problems are much alike and delicious frozen desserts. glow type kerosene burner does The noted Statesman left greater freedom from kitchen can only be solved by one common understanding and all the work. eliminates de England on the 9th of Novem work.
preciation due to moving, wear.
ber and after spending a few application of a sensible interpretation of the fundaNor is that all! Electrolux rans ing parts. Eleetrolux requires no days in Panama, sailed from mental principles of Him who doeth all things well.
for only a few pennies a day! One daily attention. needs no water. Cristobal on the 29th. for filling of the tank lasts a week or Write today for free literature, maica where he was expected to have arrived on the 5th.
Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard No moving parts to wear Lasting efficiency Con Mr. Lloyd George is anong NACIONALES tinued low running cost Fullest food protection. Every the few whose names have al FRANK MADURO Jr.
worthwhile contenience Savings that ready been mentioned ir. con nection with the Premiership PROP.
pay for it.
should Mr. Baldwin demit oi Frank Maduro hijo, lice as a consequence of the PROP.
JOHN KEITH Co. opposition he and his Cabinet Best native lumber Agenfes Exclusivos are waging against the proMaderas del país. Existencia posed marriage of King Edpermanente en Agente Limon: JOHNSTON at moderate prices ward to the American Divor nuestro depósito.
savet, it has chance to have mucha vari.
our chore any more. a fix of time there becdn be RUNS ON se en(COAL OIL)
WITHOUT MACHINERY NO DAILY ATTENTION with Electrolux EL ATLANTICO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    DemocracyEnglandFranceLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSpain

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