
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday December 10 1936 New Farm in Matina Area Ahorre. El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres Much prosperity teem in store don car Gutierrez and den for Limon and her p? opie. we Fenpe Alvarado of the Masina pe are creditably informed that don Banana Company will be putting ing Fernando Alvarado of Bremen in 300 hectareas. The new on mit Farm on the Old Lines will early ners of the Farm Saborio, Bears har in 1937, place 200 he tareas of Ricardo Gutiérrez Harrington Kuc the Gos hen lands now under and Rossi, intend, we are curier tion intense draining by the Fruit informed, planting the online labe Company in Banana cuitigation run of land in Banana the This cultivation will be known It will thus be seen that go id mi as La Berta.
time, are coming for Mr. Willie Hug will also, It Islabouring classes and increased th: said, be planting another 24 production is just around the TC hectareas to be named Ham. corner.
burg in the same area; while sc our 10 on Sudden Death co Banco de Costa Rica DC Re The Milla Maritima Lands SALOMON CHIN Much excitement was ca 15 found that the unfortunate ed in the Northern section of tim was an old employee ID the city on Friday of iast the Railroad Shops named to SUCURSAL DE LIMON week when it was reported McNeish, who had been in that a man had died on the failing health for some time street. On equiry, it was and had been modically advis ed that he was likely to go off suddenly at any moment.
He leaves a widow to whom we express our sincere sympathy las been agitated in these ter of the rentals. After propo ferences in the Hall of the Secolumns, deputation consisting sals and counter proposals had cretary of Congress, by appoint Wee. Le of MS. Nation, of this been discussed, it was noted that ment, with Messrs. Juanito RoESTRADA cil and Samuel Palmer and the Department is in posse:sion magosa, Daniel Zeledon, repre Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON don Colehnonpson of Cihuita left of very valuable and exhaustive sentatives for Limon, and Abarrotes y Licores for San Jose on Wednesday the facts re the cost of cultivation, Teodoro Picado. As arranged an Artículos del Pais 2nd. Sastant for the purpose of maintenance and reaping of all audience was conceded the Dayn Abogado y intervewing the Minister of Ha products on these lands: it is tation by the Minister of HaPrecios Economics cienda on the possibility of mi even known that pasturage for cienda, when the conditions of LAGIBERIA Notario Público uiming the rates of rentals to horses cast four colonies monthly deprivation of a great majority be Eclectet on these lands in per head in this locality, there of the settlers on the Atlantic Oficina: Altos Pasconnection with Banana, Ca ao fore if sufficient animals were Coast was vividly placed before These arguments were listened Coconut and other minor culti procured the rental of a tolon this Functionary of State, who cual Ingianna to with much interest and convation as well as on potreros per hectarea per month should was impressed as to the hand to cern by don Raul Gurdian, MiTe Administrator General of not be considred excessive. After mouth existence of these poor in.
Mr. Jorge Aragen. going through every details to people, as by personal experience sed to reduce the rates and to Re the Internanister of Hacienda, who promifrit approached he having prices of cultivations, mainte it was secret to him that betointed by the Minister nance, reapings. capacity of there was no fortune to be male do everything possible to allevia tional Bank of Eienda to invest. gate every lands, fluctuations of exchange from Cacao at the prices which te the anxieties of the people whom the deputation reprething about these lands. Mr. etc. the delegation was invited had prevailed during the past sented Araige was met on Thursday to meet the Minister of Hacien five of six years; and even by In keeping with the new re3rd, istant, in association with da at p. on Friday. During the present fluctuations of our So far as the Contracts for fourgulations of this Bank. It don Alvarado the Coliec this time the visitors had con monetary exchange, the product years are concerned there need very pleasing to note that the was yet a precarious one. He be no apprehension, these would Management has appointed Eng held out promises of a reduction be renewed from time to time soireer Agronimo, don Enrique Al in the rentals of lands for these long as the tenants paid the varado, and Llc. Francis Fons BRITTON INN products.
rates to be agreed on. If he seca Chamier as Directors in a Best Hotel in its Class in Town lands ware not productive, they sociation with the present Ma.
As far as Bananas are concer could be relingui red by notiti naging Director, don Edgardo Clean and Hygiene Sleeping Quarters, Meals pre. ned it was also proven to him cation at ar. y time and other Yglesiac.
pared by an expert Cook and served under up that in times past, when the lands substituted to tenants who fo date accommodation. Bar where you have best lands were planted and the were in harmony with thuir a This Institution, as the Na.
the guarantee of being served genuine and una price was sixty cents S Cur greements. If however, orcupierstional Bank of Costa Rica. Indulterated Liquers.
rency, there were never any real were hostile to the officers ad. tends to carry out intense ope Situated next door the Limon Trading Company.
ly prosperous farmers much ministrating, their holding rations in agricultural lines by Britton more now when the coast lands would be confiscated. cold at loans, etc, to deserving farmets.
are known to be poisoned by the auction, their indebtedness de hence no more confidential Proprietor gases of accumulated swamp ducted, the balance given them, efficient gentlemen could be waters and the settlers were only and they be deal with according appointed than these. Don Enri ta king chances as a means of to the enormity of their hostility que is a born and bred Limonenfinding occupation for them Much gratitude is te, cered Dr se, efficient as an Agricultural selves there being no other in Oreamuno, don Juanito Roma Instructor, having passed his which they could be engaged gosa, Lic. Daniel Zeledon and examinations, most ereditably, KIMBERLEY, South tion in American and will As the majority of these were Lie Teodoro Picado by the de in the United States, and knows Afr(A magnificent col. Probably tour the courstry.
old men who had been contras legation, for the assiduity dis who is who in and around lection of diamonds. believ The gems are river stonested here to labour on the farms played by them in presenting mon by his years of contact with ed to be unique in the world acquired in and around Kim and railways of the the petitions for official recog. all and sundry. Lic. Fonseca.
and consisting of thirty five berley. It has taken fifteen and the United Fruit Company. nition by the Minister of Ha with his wide experience here in stones of unsurpassed beanty years to collect them. The ce the clemency and protection of cienda and his associates, and Limon as a Criminal Judge and cach of a different color, has lors Jf the gems range from the government were being so to the Officers of the govern with his now lucrative practice been purchased by an Ame light green to black, the lat cites to render their declininz ment for their patience and af as a Lawyer and Notary. Is cervicend The collection, it was ter being extremely rare and years less burdensome both to fabilitfy manifested in the in tainly a great acquisition announced, will be on exhib:l valuable!
themsleves and the State. terviews the legal technique of any Bank ing concern Rare Diamonds Bought on 00 Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata de su recibo que dice: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
We beg to call your attention to our remark argihe back of receipt which reads.
This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would much regret to take.
The Atlantic Voice conga tulates don Enrique and do. co for the well merited recogni tion ancorded them, and the Bank for its good fortune in curing the services of two such eminently prepared gentleman This Institution will, we learn soon be erecting an approplate huilding of its own to accum modate its operations which will be an additionaj adornment to Tour entrancing City Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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