
THE MANGER OF BETHLEHEN The Atlantic Vaice The Banana Association ROS are in Let us for a few moments concentrate on Bethlehen during that sublime night one thousand nine hundred and thirty six years ago, when all the surroundings Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone reposed in almost complete tranquility; when the heavens Editor English Section: NATION appeared clearer, the earth illuminated with an extraordinary clarity, and the silvery rays of the moon ieflecAño III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 19 December 1936 No. 124 ting on the undulating waters of the nearby rivulet the beautiful blue of the firmament where the heavenly bodies seemed, on that significant night, more beautiful than ever.
This silence was only interrupted by the murmur of On Monday afternoon the the wing, the bleating of the lambs and, perchance, coeeeee Costa Rica Banana Association e the howing of a Jackal which had wandered from its was forntally established in San Spain and Her Troubles pack. The night was truly sublime, while nature, de ked José for the protection and dein all her wintry glory, seemed to await the advent of volopment of the Industry. This Nearly ten thoussand more England and France are de Body was first instituded in this iives estimated to have termined to press forward their some unusual occurrence.
City some few weeks ago and ra been sacrificed during the past proposals with the view of and The clarity of the he. Vinly bod ies on bled one to tified at the subsequent meet. There weeks as a concequence early termination of the con ing in the room, of the Cham of his le tile arfare which is flict, but in view of the refo discern an Inn which afforded ret for pilgrims and whemore and more assuming an inber of Commerce when the follo ternational conflict betwilin the conditions suggested, as well o this particular night it was o cupied to its utmost sal of Portugal to agree to the re wearied travellers could satisfy heir hunger and thirst.
wing planters were present. Fascists and their supporters Señores Arturo Volio; Lorenzo on the on: sice and the Com il would not seem as General Frauco opos ion capacity, multitudes of the poor were huddled with the as if there Zeller; Federico Peralta; Mamunists and other enti Fascists is likely to be any headway stores of merchandise and other objects trought irgenuel Castro Quesada; Ricardo elements on the other is a obtrained in this respect.
ther for trading purposes.
Mora Fernandez; Fermin de known fact that loly and Ger Meantime the most intensive These travellers had congregated here for one pus guel; Paulino Guistiniani; Pierre many are now openly assis fighting continues around MaDucuron; Marlano de Miguel; sing the Insurgents and that drid with yesterday cables pose, the Census ordered by Augustus Caesar, Empty Fernando Pinto; Abundio Se: 000 and 10. 000 oftheir respce indicating various gains by the of Rome, for the imposition of a Tax on the Isralites.
Fernando Cañas; Roberto Alpi live nationals are, according attacking farces.
Around the outer side of the Inn, stables had been recParisian zar; Tomas Ortuño; José Ressi: Teporis.
the Barcelona is reported to have Oscar Gutierrez, Thomas Harines, while the International been the centre during the pasi ted for the shehering of the horses and asses of those rington and Ricardo Gutierrez Brigade els continutuoly being three or four days of bloody who had ridden long distances.
on behalf of the In oponing the meeting, dun In one of the meanest of these stables, amid the yalists, Ricardo Gutierrez disclosed the chisis. communists, and sepan animals and their forage, a poor traveller and his spouse 5, 000 actual situation of the Industry.
lives were lost. The district of who was soon to become a mother, took up their He said tha: he ind ist:y was Santander is also stated to be abode, as no place could be found for them in the not now in the hands of the Uni expriencing intense sufferings ted Fruit Company but in those from a scarcity of food, in Inn. These were Joseph of the House of David and of Costarricaal producers controlled fui y elghty per cent so much that numbers of the Mary who hand journeyed from far off Nazareth in During the past week the residents hove been invading Galilee.
of the produccion; the Company United Fruit Company new the territories occupied by the consequently, Od nor have su:n Assistant Manager, Mr. Norinsurgents in search of the Shortly after their arrival, at about midnigint, the Interests as for mally, these were man Sanderson, arriv necessities of life.
Inn and its vicinity were illuminated by a light which now representa by the private here, and we take this oppor. Many of those in close touch seemed to announce the advent of a new day, and farmers who su relcrctunity of extending him our with President Azaña are suparrange to pr: themselves sincerest welcome. posed to be pressing him to suddenly there was heard a chorus of Angelc Voices collectively.
We are particularly pleased agree to a general surrender chanting in the most melodious harmony. GLORY He referred to the projet us that Mr. Sanderson should comes to avoid a greater sa. BE TO GOD ON HIGH AND ON EARTH BE crifice lives increasing the he. pitaliza in have been selected to fill this destruction of the country, but PEACE AND GOODWILL TO ALL MEN. the contribution to two pesent vit important position as he is there is no evidence that his voices diminishing with the gradual fad ng of the hout any prote being made no stranger to Costa Rica. advisers will subm to such in connection with the statou Years ago Mr. Sanderson was a proposition as they are now great light.
tion and reg lativas. at that attached to the Company making extensive preparations What had happened? What was the meaning of they desired he remark: to via Agricultural Department as for the augmentation of their this melodious chant? Why was the firmament at laze ce any obstalas in the way Superintendent for the Zent air forces to continue the fight and all nature seem to be rejoicing Soon there came affording the labourers pro; er District where his genial and to its bitter end.
medical assistance but they affable characteristics gained Madrid Goverment charges born our Saviour. Because this night an Angel appea.
In passing ite malter of the a number of shepherds enquiring of all. Where is should ask that the law thereon him the respect and apprecia against Germany and Italy to red unto us and fear overtock us, but he told us (fear be properly maiputted. lion of all. He was also al the non Intervention Committee.
Ion Arturo Volio sair that proper office shall be appoin fice in this City.
tached to the Manager Of The League of Nations has once not, for bring you glad tidings of great joy; this day again demonstrated iis inability is born unto you in the City of Dovid, a Saviour who ted to see tha: bis mine The «Atlantic Voice» wis. to undertake a decisive action To Page properly emp: ed and o otho hes him a long and success where the vimost interesis of LIITTI her member nations are To Page 11 ful stay among us.
To page Personal who a be al UNITED FRUIT Co. The Message of the HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE Motonave SEATTLE New King SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York On his accession to the Throne con escala en Cristóbal y Habana King George VI gave a short but impressive Message to the House LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS of Commons in which he ex AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS pres ed his profound sentiments SALDRA DE PUERTO LIMON and promised work intensely Vapores Selidos for the unity and prosperity of EL 20 DE DICIEMBRE DE 1936 the Empire and the happiness of all his subjets while fully res QUIRIGUA 20 de Diciembre pecting the constitucional eubi.
llevando café a todos los puertos enropeos PETEN 27 de Diciembre os of his government.
asegurando una entrega en Londres VERAGUA de Enero In replying to the King Mes dentro de 18 días sage, Lord Halifax on benalf of ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
the government, reminded the SULACO.
18 de Diciembre Sovereign that the Crown is to be considered as much more Ordenen sus embarques de café para este barco Llevando café solamente para Londres, BD than the Bond of Unity for the HAPAG Empire it is the expression of LLOYD ALVARADO Cía, the interests of the entire Bri tiah Community. He said th: Agentes para Limón y Pantarenas the recent occurrences had dePara otros informes čirjase a la oficinas IR monstrated the power and impor AGENC! COSTA RICA de la United Fruit Company en los bajos cal tance of that Unity and concoGran Hotel Costa Rica ded by guaranteeing the devoAve. Central TELEFONO 3156 TELEFONO 2086 tion of Parliament to the new King and Queen 200 ON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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