
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday December 1936 Children Kidnapped by Father MADERAS DERAS President Roosevelt Returns Home THE POPE ILLNESS ADERAS Compre todas las MADERA en rather unusual case is To her utler dismay the woman woman disclosures regarNUEVO DEPOSITO DE MADERAS we understand, under invest then discovered that her erst ding the correct name of the igation by our authorities while husband intended to man and the illegitimacy of which may lead te legal pro abandon her, and consequen the children, proceedings MADERAS DEL PACIFICO DEL ATLANTICO Precios los más bajos da plaza ceedings being instituted aga tly reported the matter to the have, we learn, been initiated HAGANOS UNA VISITA inst a man in connection local authorities, but in the to have Lewis or Salisbury with his action in leavin the meantime the ship sailed with returnedịhere from Colon to Venta permanente country with his three natural the man and his three chil ace the consequences of bis de Cemento Alsen JOSE FERNANDEZ born children.
It appears, according to the In consequence of the information we have obtained, that a man by the name of Edward Lewis, said to be a Jamaican, and María Godines Meza, a native, lived together ROME. The newspaper Po. the article added. Above all, he for many years in San Jose polo di Roma, denying rumors must forego long and fatiguing as man and wife and to whom The President of the United classes, whether by contributions that Pope Pius was in precarious walks through the lengthy corthree children were born, the states has returned to his seat of toward works of production or health, sala the Pope ridors of the Vatican during reeldest being now 13 years old. government from Buenos Aires otherwise so as to enhance weil. The article attracted wl. ceptions for pilgrims.
Some time ago Lewis in where he had been to co opera greater satisfaction and content despread notice because it mar However, there is nothing in formed the woman that he te in the Inter American Peace ment among the working men of ked the first time the Italian this to arouse apprehension. It the all countries, which would tend press had referred to the ru must be noted that the intense intended leaving the country Conference. His arrival in Metropolis of the Southern Con to a peaceful solution of the mors.
and taking them all with him.
rhythm of the Pope labors has And that she should consetinent was marked by a recep many problems confronting the His long sojourn at his Sam not undergone modification of tion and demonstration of ap nations.
quently secure the necessary mer residence improved his any sor To avoid war among the coun health strikingly, the new maphotographs of herself and precation never before witnes the children for their pass sel in any South American citries of this great Western Conti per asserted. The Pope vigo However, under date the 17 ty rent, it is proposed that a regu.
ports; but that those of herself rous constitution justifie; tre slate that the Pontiffs condiand an elder child of whom President Roosevelt observa lar policing of this hemisphere. hope he may equal the record th. instant, Vaticant, advices tions and recommendations we to chastise the aggressive parties for longevity established by Pius lion was egain causing much he was not the father should re received with marked be taken separately to those tention by all the delegates. tracting nations, as also athe subscribed to by all the ion ix and Leo XIII.
anxiety as he was unable to walk the shortest distance many Pius died at 86 and Les of the three belonging to him. mong other things he showed other very appropriate arrange XIII at 93. The present on it there were now signs of his without assistance, and that This she had done and they that the manner of hoarding ments of mutual benefit to all is 79)
all arrived in this city where Capital by the great financiers the communities concerned right foot being affected by The Pope naturally must the man concluded arrange was detrimental to the interes These recommendations will be avoid excessive exertion, Incom in the left. His blood circulathe paralysis he was suffering ments for the departnre.
of the nations, and that hence brough foward at the next patible with his advanced age! licn was also reported poor, In getting out the passports, forth they should be made to see meeting of the Pan American however, the man gave his the necessity of a more equal League to be held in Lima next name as Edward Salisbury distribution among the poorer year.
and stated that the three children were of legitimate birth.
EddleAs it was not however his last. Where ve you been during hard?
Ah, there you are at Edale. Were they so very intention to take the woman the last three dances?
and her elder child along Alma. Oh, no; We took cushwith him, he did not obtain me some new steps.
Alma Jimmy was showing ions along, so did not feel them at all.
Their passports.
On Sunday he boarded the ship then about to sail for Among the Catholics was held at a. with His Colon along with the three children and when, later, the The Feast of The Immacur brant, and at which a large woman and the other one late Conception was celebrat number of native children arrived at the wharf to alse ed in a very impressive man The Parish Priest, the Rey.
made their First Communion.
go aboard he is said iho have ner on Tuesday the 8th. ins informed the authorities that tant by our Catholic commu Fr. Hotze, delivered a most RAZONES QUE HACEN EL CASTILLI they be not allowed aboard nity.
instructive discourse to the as they were not passengers. EL MEJOR JABON Specially prepared Mass children. The Cathedral was Pensely packed.
From Buenos Aires El Castillo lava más y mejor The Peace Conference being El Castillo prolonga la duración de la ropa From page held at this imporant Centre properly are being lost and El Castillo no daña las manos stake. is impossible for the destroyed. No wonder it is thai among our American Nations favourable its prestige among those who has made every League to deny a knowledge El Castillo deja olor a limpio would otherwise support it progress. Various proposals of what is taking place in so diminishes daily.
for furthering the objects of far as international interference the Conference hava been El Castillo es económico in the Spanish conflict is consubmitted by the different cerned. yel il side steps the Republics for delibcration and issue by throwing it on a ComMother. Do you know what final submission to the Pan Compre Jabón EL CASTILLO y exija los cupones a su mittee who can make no effect sort of people will wear the bix American Conference to meet pulpero. Cambie los cupones HOY mismo por una ite move but only cause get halos in heaven my dear?
acción en La Proveedora y Ramón Leon Agencia at Lima, Peru, in 1937.
furhier los of time during which Little one. Sure, mother In the midst of the efforts General Frank Herrera Thousands of lives and valuable that easy, those with the big of the delegates from the dirgest heads ferent Nations for consol daCONCURSO tion, there are complaints from some of our Central Por cada compra en valor de Diez céntimos en JaAmerican Countries regarding oon EL CASTILLO usted obtendrá un cupón, y cada the manner in which their po diez cupones serán car biados por una Acción. Esta litical affairs pre being coniuc Acción servirá para tomar parte en el gran sorteo que FANCY STORE ted. Porto Rico has also com plained of her serfaom to the se verificará el dia 22 de Diciembre de 1936.
United States. Much GRAND BARGAIN SALE Surpze has been manifested as a Premios: de 500; de 300; de 200.
LOWEST PRICES result of the exposure of the manipulation of the interna 25 cajas jabón a escoger affairs of these countries: 15 and much scandal and agita 10 LIMON APT. 515 tion are evidenced The details regarding the establishment of a permanent All American League of Na72 tions and an Intt. Amer10. ican Court of Justice are te ng investigated for deliberarion at an early conference, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Use el mejorjabón y ganese 500 Lorship the Bishop as Cele GRAN CONCURSO El Castillo es puro SPAIN AND HER.


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