
Saturday December 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Grand Variety Entertainment he Prospects of our Cacao. and COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION SO THE MANGER OF BETHLE.
000 The Crowning of the Carnival Queen it last there seem to be he Starting from January next, this, the crops. Indeed starting out ol The Society Hall.
sibility of our Cacao Indur institution will, it is understcod. as she did to help our emdi set.
TUESDAY. December 22nd.
eiving its much needed pro grant loans for the deaning oftlers via her co operating sys. Admission Adulis, 050 Children, 0. 25 tion. With the Bank of Casta farms and the pruning of trees tem, the Bank of Costa Risa is a coming to the rescue wits at the proper time so as to ensure the one most fitted to ex: end co operative marketing sys en uirg crops. The fields shoula such assistence to those who and the Waldeck Drying all be prepared during the pe have seen the benefit o: supint buying all the availabierlod January to April and there portirg the efforts of Mr. Ra POODOODLS16009000928690707. CD106C0. en product from the Matin. alter left alone with an occasion mo, the affable Manager of the rains, there will be no crop; and are fortunate in obtaining such narrones districts thereby ell. al deaning and circling of ght Bank local Branch. For some similarly, if a very dry season assistence should be careful TO nating possible losses dürm weeds as may be found neces reason however. The Directors be encountered. Cash advances see that the amounts are exiny secsons, as well as tte sary. During these month: ofl have not up to this seen it to in connection there with shaula pended for the purposez for mpañia Bananera generosi. preparation, some lime should extend this he. though we are consequently be made very ludí. which they were advanced in senging out an extra train be used where it is cb erved mos told that this has been due to clously ctherwise both the Bank that everyone may be satisfied ckly for a similar purpose. ses have taken holar of the the objections raised in certain and the planter will find them and the industry receive its small settlers are really trunks of the trees.
quarters that a Bank shouli no selves in trouble. Farmers who much needed protection ng greatly assisted.
It will certainly be a glorious compete in commercial ac vities In addition to this now learn Ging if the Banks will inter but should confine themselves to are is the possibility of farm vene by supplying ine necessary monetary exchanges, etc Bu being afforded financial funds fo: the proper prepara how would it be possible for any From page by the National Bank cation of our fields to safeguarl Bank to succeed in its monetary exchanges in the proletariu be is Christ the Lord, and this shall be the sign. The cru hed or penalized in their Child you shall find wrapped in swaddling clothes, transactions by receiving Impos placed in a manger. And so we have come to worship sible prices for their produce. To Him. They entered the stables and there they found Joseph what extent could a Bauk operate with the second ranking and Mary with the Child. Faling on their knees they produce of the vicinity rated by adored Him. And so came into this world the Son of exporters at rive and ton cents God, the Redeemer of humanity, by the wonders of per poun with exchanges at 400 the Holy Ghost; the grandest emblem ever contemplated and more per cent?
It is a well known fatha and which we Christians, celebrate annually on the the Cacao Industry of h! Pro 25th day of the month of December.
vince has been saved by the inThe word was lost, having been separated from the tervention of Mr Ramohen Creator by a heavy load of sin, when God viewing the his Bans, the Banco de Costa Rica, should be the one assist calamity and unhappiness of his creatures without any the farmers by loans to improve hope of salvation, in His infinite mercy decided to give ERE WHAT their farms; but since the Direr. His Son a ransom for them. So it was that this Child RS. GUNNARDE NELSON tors will not do so it is very who was born in the Stable, who was persecuted CASSELTON pleasing to know that those of DAKOTA, WRITES: the National Bank have realized Herod, who was sought out by the shepherds, to whona the nece al wil be coming the Wise men journeyed and offered gifts of gold, franI am very clad to have a to tha talu at an early kincense was He who should pay the debt for our sins.
co to tell you how Try much my Kerosene date.
May we and myrth all meditate on this solemn occapetrolux has helped me undred diferent ways, of course, Cacao faming is very cion which should bring Peace on Earthand Goodwill it being a lood precaurlous: if they are er, it has ever me to all mankird.
Huance to bave such a varity in meals. As for having ompany, find it isn a hora any more. can thx ozes salads so long ahead Nime there needn be LEIPZIG, Germany.
Harbour Cahuita The orchestra most celebrated byt minute rush to or sem so they ll be resh.
statue of Felix Mendelssohn conductors, but Nazi authorTwo cases of smuggling Bartholdy before the Gewand ities felt that neither Mendelswere discovered at the above haus in Leipzig has been de sohn service to the Gewandplaces during last week.
stroyed by the Nazi govern. haus nor his world fame as a The Authorities are determ inent, it was learned.
composecould overcome the ined to put an end to these German encyclopedias that fact that he was a lew.
RUNS ON illicit operations from acioss were issued before 1933 men.
KEROSENE The statue, by Werner Stein, the frontier with Panama tion Mendelssohn and Arthur was unveiled in 1892. COAL OIL long the Sixaola River; and Nikisch as the Gewandhaus WITHOUT MACHINERY as a result of the activities ot NEEDS NO ELECTRIC CURRENT the Fiscal Guards stationed in MO DAILY ATTENTION that section of oui Frovince man named Grenali held at Cahuita. Il is alleged MANAGUA, Nicaragua.
be brought over an apprecia Angered by the slovenly apvenly Nicaraguans.
begin a campaign against sloble quantity of silkekn goods deareance of foreigners who EROSENE The latest statistics show Electrolux Plenty of ice cubes Temperature regulator consisting of shirts, pyjamas. visit public offices, enter clubs there are 600 foreigners in sich Electrolux brings to farm speed a freezing ladies underwear, soaps canhomes anywhere all the comforts more. Owners find that Electrolux vas shoes and other such li and promenade on the streets Managua, 99 Americans. 48 withoutscoats, hats and neck. Britons, 48 Spaniards. 44 liaand conveniences that have made actually pays for itself with ita ke merchandise, the famous gas operated Electro big savings on food bills and on woman was also held at ties, with shirts opened at the lians, 22 French, 50 Germans, lux the choice for finest city homes refrigerating cost.
Old Harbour with a similar lotineck, without shaves, with 24 Arabs and others from maand apartments. This ideal farm Electrolux is able to operate so of goods.
hair uncombed and dirt on ny countries.
refrigerator insures perfect food efficiently because of its simple Both parties have teen land white shoes, a public spirited scotection avall times. all the refrigerating principle. It has no citizen has offered a reward to New Market ed over to the government ice cubes you want. new moving parts to wear. wickless officials and investigations are those reporting the names of delicious frozen desserts glow type kerosene burner does proceeding to place the res foreigners offending esthetic Commenced greater freedom from kitchen all the work. eliminates do Nicaraguans.
ponsibility on those concern preciation due to moving, wear ed. Parties who have been en At the termination of the Nor is that all! Electrolux runs ing parts. Electrolux requires no Our Municipal Authorities ha.
for only a few pennies a day! One daily attention. needs no water.
gaged in this sort of traffic campaign against foreigners ve commenced work on the new will do well to desist as the the donor of the reward will Beef, Fish and Chicken Market, filling of the tank lasta a week or Write today for free literature.
penalty is a very heavy one.
as referred to in cur last issue.
QUICK FACTS ABOUT ELECTROLUX BOOTH Stakes have been planted on From the Philippine No moving parts to wear Lasting efficiency. ConAvenue Three at the North Easnued low running cost. Fullest food protection. Every Islands Best tern side of the existing market, where the material will be depoBaked worthwhile convenience Savings that The greatest catastrophe sited to facilitate the work which civer to befall these islands Berlin pay for it will, as stated, cost some here occurred on the 8th. instant Bread about 70, 000 colones. This build.
whea fifty townships were Buns ing will be a great acquisition to JOHN KEITH Co.
inundated affecting an area of our city, and as soon as it Biscuits Cakes is 150 ilometers. Hundred of Agentes Exclusivos completed, the repairs to the pre houses were swept into the The People Bakery in Agente Limon: JOHNSTON sent market will be taken sca with the loss of thousands Limon. Cox 170 hand.
of lives.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Cntrabandisis of Old Nazis Destroy Statue of Mendelssohn Drive On Sloven Foreigners was su da sta ue 00.


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