
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday December 1936 Eastern Affairs Confusing the World BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SOLE BANK OF ISSUE STATE BANK BANCO DEL ESTADO UNI EMISOR ofrece al público los servicios de su SUCURSAL Offers the Public the Services of its BRANCH OFFICE apa is the Chin Sisuni un lets to this effect have been drop coranting the will in a. ped in the affected areas by the dittaa to the threatene: Eu government planos; hence devepean cutburst.
lopments are anxiously awaited he Communist leade Gene by European Powers.
ril (hiang Sueh Larg.
12 kidnapped the goverrament lea. The rebel forces are said to der Field Marshall Chang Kal have already encountered the Shek and he and his party de forces sent by the government mand that the freedom of the against Sianfu, a hundred kiloField Marshall depends on the kitomters to the North East of the government agreeing to declare stronghold where a sanguinary war against Japan for her atro battle tock place. It is feared by cities against China.
some that this offensive On the As a result, Japan seeks the part of the government may co operation of Germany and endanger the life of the Field Italy to quell the innovations of Marshali although Shiang Sueh the Communists in the Far East assures Nankin he is alive and while Chiang Sueh Liang looks that he is willing to open negofor ald from the Soviet govern ciations for placing him at it ment. If Chang Kai is not libe berty. Conversations to this efs rated as a consequence o the feet have begun between the res intervention of a special delega pective representatives and wote sent to chian Sueh and his ad cording to the latest advices it visers, then the strongholds of is being hoped that a pacific 50the latter at Slanfu are to belution of the conflict will he bombarded by the air forces of obtained.
the government Many pamphEN LA IN THE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered Colombia Yields Historic find Another Death ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Died in San Juan de Dios Hospital is elvillanation there existe a THE KING BIRTHDAY The discovery of a huge stone South America a We advan. and 19 feet wide. It appears as calendar in the jungle, of Colonced culture at least 700 years if they were objects of worship bia, believed to be the earliest earlier.
by the natives of the locality known invention for telling the The exploration of professor Among other curiosities brought With the closing of the) Mr. Allan Martin, during the time in this pant of the world. Waldegg and party were conduc back by the professor were two year, the Grim Reaper con afternoon of the sth. ir stant.
was report od on November 19thted in the San Agustin region of black mummies, one of a mantinues to be busy amon the The deceased was much res by Per. Hermann Walde el Colombia, an area now covered and the other of a woman, which, residents of our City. pected and discharged the dudegg, curator of Boston College with dense jungle, dotted wil he found in the province of San In addition to the announries of a Juez de Paz for the Muzeum who recently returned giant stone statues, of which tander. These he thinks date cements made in our previous Jamaica Town District durfrom five months spaut in Co 125 were uncovered, some of from the 15th century.
lombia with an expedition, spon them as much as 20 feet tall (The Panama and issue, we regret having to ing a number of years now mention the passing of May his Soul find rest.
sored by the College, for a study another of our older citizens, of early Colombian culture.
The stone measures about eight feet wide by four feet high Chised hierogphs divide the calendar into 80 sola: cycles. 120 LIMON, LIMON, Junar cycles and other groups of Importación Rosario Jimenez Castillo, of man by the name of 14 an. vai may indicate Florida, 35 years old, on the Herbert Batman, whose antimonchs, accordiag to Profesor y Imports and Exports 23rd. November.
cedents were unknown, also Waldes Exportación Maria Josefina Guido Cha died in that hospital on the Explaining titat further revarria, of Zent. 22 years old. 16th. November.
Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit search would be needed to arrive on the 25th. November, at the true siguificance of the find, the profe or stated that it Compra de Cacao en BRITTON Cocoa Purchased INN was apparentey used by ar grano merkan civilization which exisBest Hotel in its Class in Town ted in the third century. Under this Clean and Hygiene Sleeping Quarters, Meals pre clan organization of stone statue pared by an expert Cook and served under up builders extending from Peru The first celebration of the Sovereign. The Free State ef to date accommodation. Bar where you have and Ecuador across the western, Birthday of the ruling Monarch Ireland Is, however, the only the guarantee of being served genuine and unaCentral and stern Cordillera of Great Britain, King George objecting one, as Eamon de Vadulterated Liquers.
of the Andes This culture, he vi, took place on Monday the lera refuses to acknowledge anay Situated next door the Limon Trading Company.
sald. was more or less contem 14th, instant.
sovereignty over Ireland by Bri. Brition poraneous wie une Mayan OL Although it was raining heav tain. He has long been objecting Proprietor Yucatan, these statue builders ily a large crowd assembled to to the authority or toe United were a branch of an ancient witness the pompous celebration Kingdom over his country, hence tribe of indians who Occupied of the event.
he has taken the opportunity northeastein South America long The proclamation of his As of asserting his separation in so before the area and the Invas. cension to the Throne was af far as the internal affairs of As the Incas not appear until fected with all the customary his country are concerned It is.
RIO the tenth century, it was appomp and glory on Saturday therefore, left to be een what DE JANEIRO, Bra. bor through President Rooparent that were existei in last when all the Dominions took steps will be taken in the mat zil. Carlos Saavedra La sevelt efforts, but also had the oath of fealty to their newl ter by Parliament, mas, Argentine Foreign Micrased all suspicion and pre nister, in an address to the judices.
Brazilian Congress on the Pan Brazilian leaders say the visite LONDON. Seventeen year LONG SLEEP TO BE STUDIED C203 TO American Peace Conference by President Roosevelt to Bue old Dorothy Pugii, who said she said America. opposed force cos Aires to open the conferhad been paralyzed for thee RIO DE JANEIRO. Dr and Brazilian scientists have and that if force ruled in oence is be a welcome Krum Heller, a German scien failed to find the cause of the ther reg ons America must be ture of American fraternity.
gesyears, wolled and danced here tist, will examine Noemia long slumber. The patient has more cohesive than ever.
and announced in application of The conference is expected to hypnotism had cured her. Boldrin of Sao Paulo, who has been kept alive by artificial North America, he empha coordinate all pacts among She said she had been hypno been sleeping since 1930.
feeding sized, had transformed itself American nations.
tized by Di E Gibbs, a young Spiritualists, Hindu healers not only into a good neighpractitioner af Dagenham, near London, and added. felt a little sick after he hyp Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark of the back notised me, but found to my de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
amaten ent, that could walk and Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office Speak.
Dr. Gibbs stated the attitude of cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month the medical profession to his work de cada mes was indicated by the fact that a Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena leading medical journal refused oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio.
to accept an article by him outwe would much regret to take.
Dining hit methods.
Miss Pugli sadi she had been in six don hospitals and was consideret intuable.
Roosevelt Policy Hailed Hynotism Cures Paralysis Compañía Eléctrica Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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