
936 the laternational Panorama 10 The Atlantic Vaice Politicaj circles, among tip by the various nations with the reat Powers, are again much Committee.
Serrurbed for the Peace of Euro As Russia is still ma:erially tole which is once more threa assisting the loyali ts, and to El pened by recent developments in which assistance it is felt the us onnection with the Sparish setbacks being now experienced by the nationalists are due, HitAs it is feared that the insurler feels that unless he can aug Besents may not be able to obtain ment the help he has been affinal success with the forces fording General France, the com Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone Editor English Section: NATION onflict.
Ano III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 26 December 1936 No. 125 the The League of Ameri Peace to All Men of Goodwill any is considering the neces their objective in controlling the ality of send ing them further affairs of the Republic and this can Nations as to the tune of 60. 000 men materially strenghen their acti How quickly has time brought us again to the mirxand large quantities of munivities among other communities.
The formation of a League season which emphas izes the righteousness of nion. The disapproval of Ttaly It is however believed, in of the Nations of the Wes Peace and Goodwill to ward all men.
me by the concentration of such a matic centres, that despite the tern Hemisphere is now a ultimarge German forre in the Mecbjection, which may be taken definite fact, the reprezen As the day approaches whereon, from time to mais iterranean region, is already by the other interestal nations tatives of all the nations of time, we celebrate the nativity of the Redeemer of el reing voiced and may, it is ru Germany will in one way or the North and South America the world, we all feel the conviction of that ured, produce a change of other, continue augmentinz ge assembled at Buenos Aires faith in the Chrstian religion as was taughts int Dernier attitude in connection with neral Franco man power until having, on Saturday last, ra mali ser existing understanding with she feels he has a sufficient tified all their deliberations our infancy by those who received the sublime the Nazi government: while Eo number to give him the desired and approved the twenty instruction by the chanting of that Angelic Band land and France are supposed victory.
two resolutions which had «GLORY BE TO GOD ON HIGH and on earth Po be strongly inclined to quit The greatest anxiety prevall passed under deliberation PEACE AND GOODWILL TO ALL MEN» thril the Non Intervention Committhroughcut Europe, as there and are to be submitted to ling through our very pulses. But while we realize mais ee if no immediate method canino saying what may happen alt the Pan American Peace the steadfasiness of that faith do e round to effectively enforce hin the next few days.
we ofrea Conference to be held in Li he neutrality agreement made ma, Peru, in 1937, for final concentrate on the admirable significance of the afadoption firinations of his Chant? Our faith being beyond discussion we see reasons for glorifying God for Many very praiseworthy having sent a Propitiator for aur many shortrecommendations to instil The Atlantic Voice ideas of Peace in the minds coming. But why inihuse us that there should of citizens, have been set in also be Goodwill to all men? Did our Creator net motion, among which are see that with the impending rivalry between tes in expressing its profonud gratitude 10 the teaching of the beauty individuals and nations for positions of fame and all its Subscribers, Advertizers and Well of Peace and the horrors of dis inction in the material things of this earth, we war in the public schools of Wishers, for their much appreciated cooevery country concerned and Hence His composition of that chant «Glory be to would be apt, by selfishness, to forget the spiritual?
peration and support during 1936, takes The broadcasting of Poace this opportanity of wishing them. talks at frequent intervals. God on High and on Earth Goodwill towand The Press will also publish all men colaborations revealing the How often, in our intercourses, do we not Very Joyous Christmas thoughts of illustrious men forget that we are our Brother Keeper. In cur of every nation on the neces Churches there is rivalry for indulgences; in our sity of preserving our man and Unlimited Prosperity in 1937 To page (To page 8)
CUBA AT IT AGAIN Opening of New Bank Building UNITED FRUIT Co.
This beautiful prosperous schools which the Army had, Tribunal issued its verdict Island Republic seem una recently established in the which upheld the charges ble, for any length of time, rural districts. The Presi placed against the President, The formal opening of the ell cials are expected to be present to keep from conflicts and dent bases his opposition to the votes were 22 against 11.
ice recently erected in San Jo His Loroship BI hop Wol! gar dissentions which tend to the measure on his opinion Shortly after receiving the leto tp permanently house the ten Vicar Apostolic of Limon. demoralize her prestige and that the beginning and end notification of the verdict, National Bank of the country bas ben invited to perform the interrupt her proyress in the ing of all troubles in every President Gomez left the has been fixed for New Vear religious part of the ceremony civilized march of the world. democratic country are due Presidency for his private pay The funtion promises to be This resognition of our Provin The Gomez regime is being to Military Dictators, and residence where he will reather imposing at which the ce in a fuction so cloe. y iden brought to a close by the that these schools would not main for a short while before president of the Republie and tified with our economic life is accusation of Mal Adminisbe in the best interests of proceeding to the United arious high government offi. very gratifying.
tration issued against him the Republic. If schools are States whither his family by the House of Representa needed by the Educational has already gone.
tives, at the instance of Solo department for the general The Vice President, Lic.
nel Fulgencio Batista, Chief culture of the citizens, he Federico Laredo Bru, will of the Army, and under would have no objetion, but assume the Presidency pena which he is charged with the military have no autho ing a definite settlement of incapability, corrption, misrity in this respect and are the trouble.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES appropiation of funds, viola consequently usurping the The President did not, as tion of the legislature pre civil prerogatives and depriv he at first decided, conduet Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York rogatives, coersion and failing the President and his his defence in person, this con escala en Cristóbal y Habana lure to comply with the Executives of their constitu was undertaken by the Minis agreements made with the tional rights.
ter of the Interior who was LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS parties who placed him in For some reason President given a tumultuous ovasion AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS power. The Presidena has Gomez has not the sympathy at the close of his address.
y expresed his intention of per of the Legislature while Co As it is feared that further Vapores Salidas sonally conducting his defen lonel Batista has, hence he and greater difficulties will ce and hints at making cer was able to have his measure arise, various members of tain disclosures of a sensa carried through despite the the Gomez administration PETEN 27 de Diciembre tional character. The prose President veto.
and his intimate friends are VERAGUA. de Enero cution will be conducted before the Senate, which has Shortly before midnight leaving the country. QUIRIGUA.
10 de Enero on Wednesday, the Special been converted into a Spe cial Tribunal for the purpo ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
ses of the case, and MATINA de Enero which the President of the JOYOUS CHRISTMAS Llevando café solamente para Londres.
Supreme Court is to preside.
The trouble ha arisen as and a result of the President F. ALVARADO Cía, opposition to a law which Much Prosperity During the Coming Year was passed by a large majo Ageates para Limon to all our Patrons, Friends and Well WisPuntarenas y rity in the House of Repre Para otras informes dirijase a la oficinas here, is the Sincere Wish of sentatives to impose a special de la United Fruit Company en los bajor del tax of nine cents per quintal Gran Hotel Costa Rica on all Sugar produced in the The Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association TELEFONO 3156 country for the purpose of maintaining a number of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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