
Harvest Festival CABALLO BLANCO spreciated Cantata WATER FACTORY FLORIDA ICE AND the necessity for a continuance of these litle Kind FARM CO.
was SO THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday December 26 1936 Pease to All Men of. From page 7)
Lodegs and other assemblages, where we vovy On Sunday the 13th ins, their annual Harvest Thanks, crowded that hardly standing and preach Fraternity, there is also that rivalry, tant, the members of the Me giving Festival. Special servi room could be obtained. Mrs that estrangement of brotherly affection, that need thodist Demonination held ces took places during the day Jessie Wright, the Rev. Mr of goodwilt foward our fellow beings: which the Rev. Pitt being Pitt and all the Officers of never before, is now at Christmas time so vividly assisted by the Revs. Alphon the Church are to be congra brought before us in the reflection of our Chris EL se of Bocas and Huckerby tulated for their sincere efforts tian faith, which teaches that we should have ri from highly for the intellectual and moral vetted in our minds that universal Brotherhood was uplift of our rising generation or Fraternity so significnatly implied by the char rendered by the members ting of that Angelic Choir on that memorable mor Cantina Posada and childrem of the Sunday one thousand nine hundred and thirty six year y Cafeteria School during the afternoor, ago There was a proceesion o!
COSTA Felipe Wing Ching RICA SODA Pompously and vaingloriously on this mor the children who presented are sacrifices offered by the giving of repasts Apartado 395 their many and beautiful gifts the poor of our vicinity, to the needy of our Lod Mr Angus presidedl ges as well as to those of our Churches and othe The sermon at the evening LIMON Organizations. Why? Because it is the intentio MORE AGONIES service yas preached by the of this Anthem so beautifully portrayed by the birt Rev. Mr. Huckerby, and he of Him who came to earth as the Standard Bea the im An extra charge of three colo) verily captivated Fábrica de Hielo rer of Peace, Harmony, Love and Goodwill amon nes has been placed on all inirense congregation with ported flour y Refrescos men; but how many of us do this sacrifice in en his able discourse and fine The large dealers and bakers delivery. He conducted other membrance of Him? And how many of us forge have been so advised by the importers. The reason for this services on the following Mon nesses; these little Acts of Charity, Benevolen he they say, is that in consequence day and Tuesday when and Goodwill just so soon as the customary of the heavy European orders again atracted large gather now being received, the manu ings.
lutations and hypocritical handshakes of Christma facturers have raised their prire On Wednesday night, pass and we fall back intoour circumscribed area the LA FLORIDA by seventy five cents per bale children of the Day and Sun of rivalries, our petty jealousies, which even creal of 200 pounds, hence they, the hatred for our Brother in which we seek every op importers, are forced to increase day Schools entertained their Fábrica de Hielo portunity to wound his feelings, to curtail his sug the price here by the three colo parents, guardians and friends Venta de Leche nes. This naturally, means smal with a most enjoyable cesses, to injure his reputation and his moral stan pro ler bred for the consumer. gremme of songs, recitations y Maderas ding in the community.
Let us endeavour, each one of us, to exe etc. The Church lify in our ordinary intercourses, the wondeo lessons intended to be taught by that significa Chant, so that it may be with us, henceforth, Earth Peace and Goodwill toward all men. Ho blissful would our lives be; what supreme happinesse mihht we nof bring, all the year round, into som disconsolate homes; what glad tidings of Gred loy wold we not dispel by living a Christlike exam ple of Charity and brotherly affection? Thus wou there be no more uncharitable epithets shovverd to Secretaría de Hacienda y Comercio on our neighbours, no more slanderings, nõr play tings, but rather good fellovvship tovvard all. Goo vvill cementing bright radiaut hopes for the futu vvelfare of all as exemplified by the coming of the NATIONAL LEASEHOLDS Christ Child.
Let us realize vve are our Brothers keeper ALL TENANTS in arrear for Rent of the Government MILLA MARIfor unquestionably each one ovvez something TIMA LANDS in the ATLANTIC ZONE are advised of their obligation the other; each of us enjoys benefits and Flessing to pay up to date the amounts due, and that should they fail to do 30 we can and should share wih others. The Law proceedings will be taken to apply the Provision of the Contract which Compensation and the Universal Law of Suppl says in its First Clause and demand require that we not only give thank for what we have, but that we regard ourselves a IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT FAILURE TO PAY FOR THREE CONTrustees for the Divine dispensation of blessings. Go SECUTIVE MONTHS GIVES THE GOVERNMENT THE RIGHT TO TER and all nature need human channels through whid MINATE THE PRESENT CONTRACT AND TO PLACE THE LEASE AT the great work of universal benedictions and the di PUBLIC AUCTION, IN THIS CASE, THE GOVERNMENT pensing of. His mercies should be carried out; ead WILL RE TAIN FROM THE SALE THE AMOUNT OF THE RENT DUE AND THE one is therefore a Channel, for the dissemination EXPENSES OF THE SALE AND WILL DEPOSIT THE BALANCE AT of that which God intends us to enjoy.
things in life, very often enjoyed in abundance many but lacking in the lives of many others.
This therefore NOTIFIES ALL TENANTS that they are given to the Many among us will on this Christmas Day en 31s: DECEMBER 1936 to pay their arrears to the Sub InaSector of Hacounter nothing more than a day of ordinary cienda in Linon, who is in charge of the collection. The Provision of the experiences, fraught with solitude, dispondency Contract will, in accordance with the above mentioned Clause, be applied gloom, sorrow want and regrets. Let us here to ALL who fail to comply.
fore, put away uncharitableness and selfishness from this day onward and open our hands ang Tenants who are without Contracts should apply for same at the Ofliearts 10 alleviate the sorrow and destitution fice of the Sub Inspector during the present month.
some whose lives are the very opposite to ours and thus manifest throughout the remainder of op ADMINISTRACION DE LA TRIBUTACION DIRECTA lives ihat Spirit of Christmas lide, of Goodwill and Cheer to all around us.
NOTICE Bu 10 Decembar 1936.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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