
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday December 26 1936 AIR DEFENCE ROME PLANS BIG EXPOSITION Guatemala City Fair on With the Anglicans avenues BANKRUPTCY JOHN KEITH BANK By CIANFARRA The International Bank of Costa Rica Limon Branch MOSCOW, Commande Pome is preparing to make its of the fair will help to finance a 191. Wo ld Fair the greatest series of new buildings designed will pay the Ordinary or Common Crediters the Khripin, Assistant Comman Fourth Dividend approved by ihe Board ve held in Europe. The gigantic to restore Rome to the architectu der of the Russian air forces exposition will be the second un ral grandeur of by gone days.
of Liquidators.
Mussolini has already decided Limon, December 1936.
told the Soviet Congress that to taken by Italy within this cen.
José Cordero Zamora tury. The first, held in 1911, was that the fair shall be built on the Trusice.
the Soviet Union has at least divided between two cities. Turin green lowlands that extend from 7, 000 plancs and more than was choren for the industrial and the gates of St. Paul to the Ro 109, 000 pilots ready for the Rome for the artistic exhibitions, may seaside resort of Ostia. Con It attained considerable success, trary to the custom followed by nation defense.
cspecially in the artistic field. the wald fairs of other nations, shpavillon; of the United Sta the hu ldings of the Rome exhibi Commander Khripin added:ſtes and of Austria carried off the tion will be of a permanent naTourists finding themselves in and beaux In brilliant native We have hundreds of new honos for being the most original ture, in order that they may later Tabrics are! Itectural structures of that be used for industrial and living Guatemala during this seansen costumes made from planes capable of developing handpurposes. In this way Mussolini will have an opportunity to see whose design has been feir.
a speed of 450 kilemeters per The 1941 fair, in the intention hope to fulfill his dream of ex one of the most interesting fars ed down from generation to gen hour, and in the very near of its organizers, will have the terding urban Rome as fa) west staged in Central Ameriza. The eration of weavers.
one to be opend in Guatemala as the sea.
future we twofold purpose of showing to the In contrast to this ancient will have planes wor the propese made by Italy The plans, according to Marcel City will exhibit blooded cattle. handicraft will be modern in with a speed of 375 miles per during twenty years of Fascist lo Piacentini, Italy prize chickens and agricultural niture made from the woods of foremost hour.
régime, and of drawing huge architect, call for the construc products. But in addition there the country. maghony, ebony crowds of tourists. The revenue o, of parks, hotels, sports fields, will be displays not seen in aor and cedar. and other iweatiethswimming pools and rail oads. thern lands, such as flower ar century developments. Visitors Wid, concrete State highways rangements featuring the nati thinking of Guatemala as a pri.
will connect the fair with other nal flower, the White Nuno chil mitive country will find Suatourist centers, such as the fapottery reminiscent of Mayan temala City with its quartar milGuillermo Niehaus Co. mous Castelii Romani and the originals, and coffee made ſom lion population surprisingly cos.
seashore resort of Antium, in or beans grown on nearby plan mopolitan. Theatres, handscine LIMON der that the various picturesque tations. gay midway, nulve churches and homes, clubs and MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS local ties of the Roman compagna dances to marimba music, and race tracks, make the cly may be readily accessible to visi games of chance are to be part with its mountain vistas and alCompra Cacao Material de Tranvía tors of the brilliant fiesta, most perfect climate. a pleas.
Seroicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo The large buildings that will feature will be the Indian ant place in which to live. The house the indurt ial exhibitions Village, a copy of villages scartseventy five mille rail journey from the port of San Jose Importación de mercaderia en generai will be erected in such a way as tered through the country Here to be easily cansformed later in one may see customs and Habits the Pacific affords a panorama is to ſectories, Rome proper, which centurie, old. Indian women pot of flower studdea jungles, has been brought up to date with ting out the tortilla corn cakes sugar. cane and coffee planta the construction of modern bou on hot stones, the potter at hiations, and villages of Maya Gul leva ds, will be further endowed crude wheel, the weaver brsy on che Indians Mountains skirt The usual Christmas service ranged for tomorrow. The Sun with larger cross town hand loomy whose pattera has this right of way and near by are took place at the si, ivark: day School will hold a special that will speed up triffic in every not changed in four huzeired the waters of Lake Atitla, og Church. On Christmas Eve the festival in the Church Hall at og ection during the great influx years. Through the streets nt of the country biggest lake Te was a midnight Mass preced pm when a silver collection of visitors.
the village wil) saunter balle ed by a procession and on Christ is asked. At Evensong special Ca mas Day the Masses were at rols will be sung.
and a Large congregation BOOTH attended all the services.
Special services have been arThe past week has produced continues to entirely eclipse that Bost the largest revenue in Customs of Limon. The revenue from in GUACIMO GUAPILES at dutie: for the year. The sum portations has already amoun.
Berlin The Alpha Cottage School of 420. 829. 64 colones was collected to 13. 069. 575. 80 colones, and Cantina, Licores Bread ted at the different centre as estimating that for December at Extranjeros y del país. fo! vs San José 144 886. 00: one and a half millions will put Buns The pupils of the Alyna Tienda bien surtida Limon 97. 336. 04 and Puntare us over fourteen millions for Biscuits Cakes Cottage School conducted by Abarrotes en general nas 178. 607. 60.
the year, of more than three mil The People Bakery Mr. Davidson rendered These figures prove that the lions above that for 1935.
Limon. Cox 170 PRECHOS sin COMPETENCIA business of the Pacific seaboard a very interesting entertain ment to the parents and guar dians on the 21st, instant on the occasion of their closing Maduro Lumber Yard exercises. Mr. Barrett Ex. King Edward VIII6031 would not be allowed to return NACIONALES actei as Chairman and the pro known as the Duke of Windsor to England, but this was not en FRANK MADURO Jr.
gramine, which was a rather is still on the Continent and pur tertained by Parliament. The PROP.
lengthy one, consisting of Choposes not to return to England problem which is still pending, Tuses, Solos, Recitations and until after the coronation of his however, is the position which Frank Maduro hijo, brother King Keorge VI, which his wife, if he eventually marPROP.
Dialogues was carried throgh is fixed for the 12th of May nextries will as the Duches o Wind Best native lumber withot a hitch, which speaks year. He will reside at Maderas del país. ExisEort sor, occupy. This is a sore spot tencia great praise for the care and Belvedere, which is the property with the Royal household and permanente en nuestro depósito.
at moderate prices patience exhibited by the tu of the Crown and has been ceded family, for as such she would tor, Ar. Davidson.
to him as his official residen e have priority to the Duchesses of by his King brother.
Gloucester and Kent We wish the Scholars At the time of his abdication In view of the decision of the very joyous Season.
there was a suggestion that he Duke and Duchess of Kent spend their Chritmas in London instead of with the Royal The following report on the der vs Atlantic, won by Pathfin family at Sandringham, there is result of matches played during der. Pathfinder vs. Surtidora won a rumour in high circles that the past Season has been sent by Surtidora. Atlantic vs. Path there exists a misunderstanding to the intereste clubs.
finder, won by Pathfinder among its members.
Sirs It is indeed regrettable that LIMON, LIMON, From Jamaica the ex Premier hereby beg to inform you the oder Clubs dld not partielDavid Lloyd George, ha. zent that the series of Matches Pla pare as it would have made the Importación the Ex King a Christmas mes yed under the Auspices of the event more intere ting and of y Imports and Exports sage in which he denounces the Atlantic Base Ball League for longer duration nevertheless we Exportación manner in which he has been the Stan. Dixon Cup ended, ac sincerely hope that in the next treated by the British Cabine: cording to Schedule, on Sunday Serle all Clubs will participate.
Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit and publie: he also condemns the December 6, 1936 with the Path Therefore let all hands Join attacks which are being levelled finders leading in points. The to make the 1937 Season a gras Compra de Cacao en against the Duke by some of matches were.
grano Cocoa Purchased the higher Clergy of the angli Surtidora vs. Pathfinder, won can Church by. Pathfinder. Atlantic vs Sutti Vernon Blackshaw dora, won by Surtidora, Pathfind Hon. Secy CUSTOMS REVENUES LUIS WA CHONG News of Ex Monarch Depósito de Maderas EL ATLANTICO a to Atlantic Base Ball League ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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