
Saturday December 26 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Annexation of Abyssinia LIMON FORGOTTEN AS USUAL Yuletide Message of Hope a SALOMON CHIN, as Photographers PACHECO Recent events have disclos, the two nations to restrict yet entertained for his native ed that Premier Mussolini Germany operations in the Empire, as he will now be When on a visit to San josé secure was correct when at the time Mediterranean region, and refused continuance of his Your Photograph the League of Nations refus as this could only be effected membership in the League operation of of Nations in view of the fact from the Photographers PACHECO the most ed to recognize the annexa with the co reliable in the City.
tion of Abyssinia by Italy, he Italy, the recognition is pre he will be unable to maintain declared this decision was sumed to have been given in his claim of representing a 50 Yards East of the Theatre Raventós.
of no import for as the con exchange for the Anglo Ita duly recognized government.
Mediterrean Statu Belgium, Switzerland and Telephone 3439 quest of the African Empire lian was an accomplished fact Quo Pact recently agreed Hungary have also announc ed their recognition of the recognition would sooner or on.
later have to take place.
This decision gives the annexation since the publi Germany was, of course, ideath blow to whatever hocation of England and Fran the first to announce herpes Haile Selassie may have ce decision.
recognition, to be followed Much comments are being public men will not be able by a numbes of other heard regarding the over to get out of town to enjoy National; until HOW we sight of our ruling Officials the ten days rest among their find England and France in leaving the public emplo relatives and friends as will who had steadfastly refused yees of Limon out of the be the case with those locat to do so, announcing their Chistmastide the Nativi wish one another a Happy opportunity of enjoying the ed elsewhere.
extention of re estabilishing ty of our Blessed Lord, Christmas. Let us ask, what holidays afforded other ProIt is appreciated that this diplomatic relations with which was heralded by the makes for happieness? Is it vinces during the Annual is only an oversight on the Addis Abeba. Needless to say there has been Angelic Choir chanting Glo what we posses in this world Fiestas as from Sunday 27th part of the Executive Counmuch instant to Sunday the 3rd. cil: but one inner cannot help rejoicing in Italy as a result ry to God in the highest, goods, or rather that of Januaryng bil feeling when such omissions of this move, it being regard Peace on Earth: Goddwill Peace eminating from a cues Decree has been issued occur, the category of esti ed as a formal acknowledg to men. The day, moreover ciousness of God care and from the Presidencia exempt mation in which our best in ment of Italy claims.
that changed the world and love as exemplified in the Baing all employees in govern terests are held. It might, This unexpected change be of Bethlehem. ment situations from duty as on the other and coived in men hand, be of front is, however, said to from Christmas day to the Printer Devil, that has caus be caused by the desire of hearts, hope and confidence; 3rd of January. but, while ed the omission in the Gawhen we are reminded of Forsake then the worship the other provinges have zette, and now that attention God love and consideration of the world, the flesh and been particularly mention has been called to it we ars for humanity, the lesson of the devil, and follow, as the ed, poor, Limon has been hoping it will be corrected lead oversighted usual.
humility, self abnegation and Wise men of old the long before shis note apWee. Le peaceableness.
ing or God to In consequence of this our pears.
Bethlehem, there to fall down in adoraion Someone will probably ask ESTRADA before the Saviour of men why then the discord, the BRITTON INN Abarrotes y Licores hatred and utter selfishness and experience that Peace oi Artículos del Pais Best Hotel in its Class in Town of men? Simply, that men ha God which passeth all Precios Economics ev not applied the leasson in desrtanding and thus posses Clean any Hygiene Sleeping Quarters, Meals pre pared by an expert Cook and served under up a truy Happy Christmas, in LA IBERIA tended to be conteyed 10 dale accommodation. Bar where you have this happy day. Custom is to company with all those who knok Christmas to be a Ho the guarantee of being served genuine and unadulterated Liquers.
ly day rather than a holiday Situated next door the Limon Trading Company.
That this may be the ex Britton El mejor Regalo de The Best Christmas or periance of all is the prayer of Proprietor Navidad o Año Nuevo New Year Gift your friends, The Revd. Clergy of St.
Una Máu. One SINGER Mark EINGER 1937 wing machine 1937 Arthur Caslor Cose para adelante y It sews backward and forField Marshall Chiang atrás. Surce, borda y perward, does mending. emKalings should be taken to termibroidering and hemsniching Donald Cooper fora. Le cambiamos su Shek, the Supreme Chief of the nate the revolt without cering work. We exchange your Chinese governmenr, is still held one item of these demands as máquina vieja por esta old machine for this wona prisoner by the revolutionists moderna.
derful new one.
and Field Mar hall Chang Elek It would be disa trous for the 15. 00 mensuales 15. 00 per month Liang is demanding for his ran furure progress of any organ!
som a cash payment of threezeil government.
Agencia SINGER SINGER» Agency hundre million dollars; iat all The Grocery and Liquor esta the garrisons of the country be instructed its forces to cease Meantime the government has Costado Norte del at the north side of the biishment of Mr. Antonio Aeuna reorganised by apportioning the their operations against the reMercado market in Limon at the Cieneguita Crossing has rebai troops to more prosperous bel stronghold at Slanfu changed hands, Mr. Willie Char districts than those they ke jate of the grocery and li occupy: Tresdom from punish held for the posible release now further negociations are being of quor department of the Compa ment for himself ana his men the field Marshall. Should the nia Surtidora having purchaand that the latter receive se fail operations will be restarsed it.
the same equipment, provisions tea after a period of three days.
During the early hours.
Don Antonio was most genial treatment and salaries as thoe omotion and fears are entertained Sunday lost, another of those for the safety of the nearby is and affable to his numerous or the supreme government; astrous earthquakes which trict of Guadalupe.
clients which caused the place the immediate declaration of codically occur in these parts. The affected areas have been to be a rendezvous for everybody war against Japan, ana tha Increase In Royal Family 1ook place in the Sister Republe placed under Martial Law anal who was anybody and fext hims two of his Generais be appointea or El Salvador when the town the urviving in habitants elf a son of Bacchus, Chief and Sub Chlef of the Naof San Vicente was completely being rushed to other localities It is hored that the new owner tional Army of liberation, which Londo nreports that a daughter de trojed, and although no ac. Every effort is being employed will extend even more geniality must be organized at once. was born to the Duke and Du curate account of the result can by the government and Red ihan that for which he was fa The government advise:s have. chess of Kent at twenty minutes yet be ascertained on account Cross Association to afford rellet med while at the Commissary of course, declared the lat twɔ past eleven on Christmas of the widespread destruction to the unfortunate sufferer and so keep up the prestige of items urac eprable, and Japan Day.
more than 300 of its 25. 003 inTony Joint advises that rigorous praceeil!
hablants are already knowa to have been killed over 005 injured and the remainder shelter Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ala We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back les: The damage to property de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
has been estimated at from ten to twenty million colones, Salva Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office dor Currency cina dentro de los primeros 10 dias before the 10th of the month The major quake is said to ha de cada mes ve been followed by no less Be so good as to comply with this request and do not than 100 minor onės during the Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which ug 24 hours.
de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take. later shock has also des.
troyed the village of San Esteban with a los of 500 lives, while the volcano Chichontepec is in Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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