
LUUAL TAMM UNCIO The Atlantic Vauce REGARDING the EUROPEAN SITUATION PROMINENT CITIZEN Tears is left to be seen; as we are of th opinion that on Difficulty Over New Hospital Site concil virtue The year 1937 has dawned on us, and we hope it Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone brings us a new order of things. As a consequence of the world wide turmoils, a radical change, which will Editor English Section: NATION be neither local nor national but universal, is breathlessly awaited. Every community is being aroused to a Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday January 1937 No. 126 new order of thought, and the one fixed idea of the people is that in order to bring about the desired change all evil and selfishness must be eradicated from our public and private lives.
During 1936 wars have taken place and rumours of others have hovered over almost every country. Dur ing all this unrest, the European family of Nations was The advices reachia; us der Spanish waters, and it is. may be employed for the enfor fully tested and found a failure; so now the smaller Ing the past few days from the moured that in parsuanne win cement of a general blockade nations have a wakened from the illusion that their in various political centre of Euro. the plan of eliminating further along with the assistance of the terests could and would be protected by affiliation with pe indicate that the fear of a foreign intervention, these ships French.
this assembly of the greater Powers, and we find the general outbreak of hosthities taking place, as a consequence disappointed States of the Western hemisphere formu of the Spanish revolt, is steadily ating an American family of Nations. Whether this As THE PASSING OF gaining ground, despite the et semblage will produce the desired effect of peaceful, forts which have been ade to brotherly void so serious a calamity.
The recent seizure ni the Ge.
the rumours of war for which the past year was famous man hip Palos by the loyalists Vice It is with the profoundest tant position of First and the confiscation of the cargo regrets we record is really the ushering in of the new Age; the Change the pas President of the Republic.
which thoughtful people realize must of war material des uert for the come, when In keeping with the deceas insurgent forces have farther, sing of he was not only cas man spiritual awakening will cause the Goodwill so ac clerate the tense situation of our Province oldest and ed special request his reespecialy in view of the refusal most respected citizens, but mains were taen by special much preached about to blot out selfishness and evil, also and when wisdom will replace ignorance.
of the Valencia government most widely train to Cartago on the 2nd One the linown and honoured sons oj instant where they were in Man seem to be now approaching the end of his release either the ship or the cargo and of Germany deter the nation, don Felipe Al terred in the presence of an spiritual an dpolitical conflict, with the dawn of a new mination, in retaliation, to seize varado, whose earthly cancer enormous gathering of mour Age glimmering on his horizon, ready to burst ints whatever loyalist ships she can came to a close during the ners and sympathisers.
brazen glory against the dark shadows of selfishness and place them at the disposa: night of the first day of the To his sorrowing widow and evil.
cf General Franco forces. Au gear, in San Jose.
and numerous relatives, pirded to this, it is officially repai Comi:g to this Zone at an ticularly Our Governor, con How unrighteous that this earth should be dor ted that within the past the early perior of his life. don Ricardo ant don Enrique, the nated by a comparative handful of men who control it weeks no less than 19. 500 1ta. Felipe mater ally assisted in Atlantic Voice tenders its wealth and comforts, while myriads of souls go alon lians have landed in Spain fu ly, the building up of our present most sincere condolence. in penury and want; labouring begrudgingly be equipped to join the ranks of the City during which tie he alco cause they are legislated against, and are prevented nationalists; while it is also scpuied several important known that large numbers from demanding a wage which will properly feed and of public positions. He eventualy other nationals contine to cross left the service of the govern care thir progeny. They are not allowed to participate the frontiers to aid the case of ment to commence his pri in the earnings which their labours have placed in the the lc, alists. After the recent hands of the few who control vate career among us, and by governments and citit lull aused by weather tions, the most intense fightingness acumen ani genial per of his splendid busizenships alike. Yes, the torch is hovering over us; from East to West, from North to South, we see and hear ol is again taking place around Masonality, soon acquired an im Some difficulty has, we under changes projected in the political aspect of things ma drid wizere the attacing forces ore sala to to making steatomunal life. He later extended the creation of cur new He soon be vanquished. We are hoping that 1937 will be portant positio in our com tanul, arisen in connection wih terial and we are confident that the hosts of evil wil pains ca the defending party.
these activitie to other con tal.
and to have seriously affeo ed Alier st had been agreed that a year of greater commitments in the interests of the the city lines of communica tres throughout the Republic khere he becam interested the site should be that at the working people on whose prosperity and happines!
tion. The situation is regarde.
in various agricultural and back of the Railroad Bodegs and those of their country so largely depend.
as extremely critical for the as.
fenders who admit having been industrial enterprises. l, al the plans and spa ification, pe The past year has been one of great anxieties to individuals and nations. Who did not note the threa foreed to retire from several of so took an active interest in pared and approved, it transpare their important positions.
the political affairs of his na the Minister of Hacienda new of a disastrous war in Europe on account of the Aby tive land, and during the se disapproves of this spot. dele sinian affair? In the Far East did we not reach as nea gation has been sent by nur Mir In view of these developments cond administration of Lic fo coarer the Britih Admiraliy has stcut dc Ricardo Jimenez occapinteipal authorities hened its naval force located in ed the honoured an impor with the President, the Minister (To page 9)
of Public Health and the Minter of Internal Affaire wila view of arranging matters eirl.
as the money for the work is rea dy and it is desired tha: This Health Unit should be installed SERVICIO DE VAPORES as quickly as possible.
Salidas serrarales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala on CRISTOBAL y HABANA Latest European LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS Items VAPORES SALIDAS Unconfirmed repo. irem SiSaldrá de Limón braltar state that 01 Tuesday QUIRIGUA 10 de Enero last 3500 Italian soldie alrired at Cadiz and were immediate. PETEN 17 de Enero dispatched in the direction of VERAGUA 24 de Enero Sevilla. Two addiricual motor. zed German batallio 13 are also ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
reported to have landel at the ENERO 21, 1937 same Port, one of whid was sent MOPAN 15 de Enero to the Cordoba front while he II ofrer is awalting orders.
ORDENE SUS EMBARQUES DE Llevando café solamente para Londres an emergency me ting of the CAFE PARA ESTE BARCO British Cabinet has been called ALVARADO CIA.
to discuss te threatening international situation whish is said Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas to have be ome fue ter compliPara otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United cated by the replies which GerFruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica many and Italy hare submitteo Agencia Costa Rica in connection with the sugges TELEFONO 3156 Teléfono 2086 Avenida Centrall ted Anglo French nu interven tioi blockade.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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