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THE INNER GUIDE HOLLYWOOD FANCY STORE GRAND BARGAIN SALE BERENSON Accession Proclamation of oune with this inner votre and King George GREETINGS Photographers PACHECO Everyone has at some time arough which all Cosmi: Force, his heart, so is he (The Role other become conscious of a re is contacted, one is at he thres crucian Digest. finite urge from within which hold of all bress Ings una need For those of our readers who he may define as the voice conly to utilize this privilege with my not see this uplifting alega zint we reproduce the above his conscience or his better sell. ever increasing devoriou; for appeanr aru le.
and after giving a little bought truly. As a man thinket In to the subject we all have to LOWEST PRICES admit there is a certain influence from within which we may heel BRITTON INN if we choose to do so, or may cast aside with our opinioas LIMON APT. 515 Best Hotel in its Class in Town which rest on sense impressions and outside influences.
Clean and Hygiene Sleeping Quarters, Meals pre pared by an expert Cook and served under up Wise is to date accommodation. Bar where you have council the guarantee of being served genuine and unacultivates his relationshi to dulteraled Liquers.
it. Truly, it all small voice Situated next door the Limon Trading Company, et fir:t; simply because une 15 Brillon not familiar with its high vib. a London. The following are (Seas. King, Defender of the tions. But a keen desire to listen Proprietor The texts of the Accession Coun Faith. Emperor of India: to its message will soon make cii Proclamation declaring To whom we do acknowledge George VI King and of his ini all faljhaud constant obedience it quite audible. One will readily tial dec aralion.
with all hearly and humble iscern his persistent urge for or Whereas. by an Instrument of affection: Beseeching God, by against the many influences Abdication dated the Tenth day whom Kings and Queens co which are like the undewurzent of December, instant, His former eign, to bless Royal Prince of an apparently safe cute Stajesty King Edward ihe Eighth George the Sixth with long and this inner safeguard is beyond The old year has pasad end us of living in this peaceful at did: declare it his irrevocable happy years to reign over us. all lc ver vibrations and gives the now has dawned on is with mosphere enjoying much of determination to renounce the Given at St. James Palace us the message of a higher view its jocs and promises in resp nse that Christian happiness promithrone for himself and his des this twelfth day of December in point by which to na igote life to the Angelie me sabe of Peace sed us by the Babe of Bethlehem; cendents, and the said Instru the Year of Our Lord One Thou sea mere intelligently and safely and Goddwl. We pray for a and it is ous fondet wish that ment of Abdication has now ta sand Nine Hundred and ThirtyIn obedien e to IT fine ac speedy realization of this ea, e nothing will, during the ensuing ken ellect, whereby The Imperial six.
complishments become the na which passeth all human unders months, ante lo dispurb this Crown of Great Britain, Ireland nd all other of His former Ma King George Declaration leaves cae either at a less of at meat or that much heuded Good tural results, while a disregard tanding and for the establish much appreciate tranquility.
We extand to the Atlantic Hy Dominions is now solely meet you today in circum the mercy of all destruct. ve for will among all men.
id rightfully come to the Highstances which are without parVoice and its namecus supces. How cften does one not 1d Mighty Prince Albert Fre Hel in the history of our country chink, wi:G had one sound the recent Ethiopian cantile and prosperous 1937 In turning our though 10 porters our sincere wish for Trick Arthur George: Now that the duties of sovere We, therefore, the Lords Spi ignly have fallen on me, declare so; or when confronted by the continuing horrors of he Titual and Temporal of this to you my adherence to the tuations the cry goes up. wish Spanish revolt, we are tryera San Jose, Jany 1937 realm, being here assisted with strict Principles of constitutional knew what to do. There is an teful for the ble ing alfood ALLES These of His former Majesty government and my resolve to answar to be gotten an advice to Privy Council. with numbers of work before all else for the be found at the right tinte iſ one other Principal Gentlemen of welfare of the British Common has learned to respect and apQuality, with the Lord Mayor, wealth of Nations.
preciate this inner Totce when Alderinen and citizens of Lon With my wife Jon, do now hereby with one my side. take up the heavy himself and high above overy helpmeel by separates man into a class by Sice and consent of tongue task which es before me. In and Itearl publish and proclaim it look for the support of all other crature When on a visit to San josé secure hat the High and Mighty Prince my peoples.
Your Photograph Man lack of knowledge Albert Frederick Arthur George from the Photographers PACHECO the most Furthermore, my first act on his divine selfioed, which is 20 is now become our only lawful succeeding my brother will be lo bidden, accounts for all reliable in the City.
his ind rh ful Liege Lord. George nfer on him a dukedom, and failures he Sixth, by the Grace of God he will henceforth be known as Seeking ecun without instead and disappointments.
50 Yards East of the Theatre faventó.
of Great Britain, Ireland and the Hs Roval Highness, the Duke of within decides the rezult ut Briti Dominions Beyond the of Windsor.
Telephone 3439 every action. Reason based on.:sove. 80. 905. S0100000001690 sense experience is not the safest or only guide man hat; ladeed there is a far more mortant 72 and reliable guide if one hes highest results. Our in lun.
haich rises from witlar draws it knowledge Irony lie invisible forces, sh ld be larned very solemn Memorial ser dress addresses also in Spanish to first and always is one seeks vice was held in the Hall of the by Messrs. Carlos Valverde and Costa Rica Burial Scheme As. Diego Aguilar, who commented the right form of suces.
After experimenting and pe line 291h. ultimo for the lale Bro deceased Brother in the various sociation on Tuesday evening on the virtues displayed by the Long along Icese Gnes, we won ther George Willians who phases of his activities. Mr. BerFOR SALE gets convindng proof of Le died on the h. December last lie Barreir, an imtimate friend of the wisdom of suc pro elure. Mrs. Susie Williams. the berea the deceased. also spoke in a One experiences the greatest reved widow: Miss Alberlina Es imost forceful manner as also lief from worry and anxiety; pincsa, her devoted friend, and Bros. Duckeit, Emiliano Alcazar and fear, which dominater many Miss Diliria Williams, the dop and Goulbourne. The soin Limon a life, departs for ever. One be ted daughter, attended by special loists were Mrs. Blackman whose item was executed in her Adjoining Government Boys School comes so happy and grateful, be invitation, cause of this ever present guidThe Association Promoter, usual suavity, and the Sras. CarPrice. 9, 000. 00 ing volce, that health and dis. Mr. Bleckmen, filled the ro men de Cordoba and Zaraga. le of Chairman, ard Past Pre In his address, The Promoter position improve considerably.
What a ble sed difference 11 sident. Hvitor. de ivered. in gave a real peroration and exEnquire of Nicolás Montero San Jose his usual pre fundity. the funeral pressed the sincere thanks of makes to turn within for the oration, based on the words himsef ond his Officers to all guiding answer to any probiom will ransom them from the power who had responded to their iner Office The Atlantic Voice Limon Heeding its warning or is ree of the grave; will redeen them vitation notwithstanding the infor action, means that one is from death. death, will be clemency of the weather and never acting contrary to the lahy plague; grave, will be which they regarded as evidenfinite plan, and so is always on thy destruction. teken from Ho ce of their devotion to the lethe winning side. Thi Innor sea 13 and 14.
nels of the Association as well EL as an expression of their true BOOTH Guide or Divine Selthood 1ste.
ly the Soul force whl elevates Quite a unique programme christian regard for the soevery action and happening into was arrarged for the occes on rrowing relatives of their deceaBest the domain of divine erunt.
and reverenly carried through. sed Brother whose soul they Baked Everything can be made an up the recital of the Holy Rosary the land of everlasting light and Among the various items being commended to eternal rest in antina Posada Berlin ting, constructing influence, 10 by Miss Juanita Boniche, ihe As the wave rises and breaks Bread benefit one neighbour and the chanting of the Ave Maria in So will another wave rise to DY Cafeteria Buns world at large. Daily affairz be Spanish by Sra. Guedalupe An take its place.
come of greatest importavice for clipe Wing Chin Biscuits Cakes they furnish marvellous opperApartado 395 The Pecp e Bakery tunities for progress Limon. Cox 179 Having established this connection with the innermost Set Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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