
LIMON MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo Importación de mercaderia en general ofrece al público los servicios de su Offers the Public the Services of its SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Russia and Japan Buy American Planes Ciudad de Limón City of Limon EN LA IN THE GEORGE VI a gain WASHINGTON. Sov at purchases were soll by DeRussia and Japan are buying pariment of Commerce offipara toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service American airp anes at a fascials to be representative of servicio bancario Rendered growing pace in preparation the interest taken in American for the German Russian Ja aircraft by foreign governpanese ooooo 249990096 war which military men. s, particularly those me experts believe inay break our naced by the war clouds now next spring gathering over Europe.
World Cacao Russia, with her enormous. One of the obstacles in the Consumption y greater resources, is outs way of immediate placing of ripping Japan in purchases many of these orders, officials of these planes at a ratio of said is the possibility that In choosing to be known rejoicings and acclaim of According to an estimate nearly two to one. In addi the American neutrality low as another George, the new GEORGE VI on is accession to given out by Messrs. tion, Soviet King seems to wish to give the throne. The ceremonies in Grace and Company, one of Jning out hundreds of fighting planes, if war should break actories are fur may prevent shipment of the the Bottish Empire to unders connection with his coming the leading importing Firms planes under a forced pro jout in Europe between now tand that, in spirit, in aims, coronation will be in the old in America. the world conduction schedule.
and the time the planes are and in conduct, he intends to lroyal tradition. But after he sumption of Cacao during the follow in the footsteps of is lawfully and firmly sealed past year is set at During the past month So ready for shipment. The law George Some ng of that on the throne, wha will be tons as compared with 672, 000 approximately 000 000, the claim on embargo on ship.
715, 218 viet airplane purchases totaled requires the President to prosort is plainly cslied for, fo most expected of the new tons in 1935. At the present United Press was informed. ment of arms, ammunition llowing the shock of King King? In all political matters, rate of consumption the Firm These purchases were said to and implements of war to any Edwand abdication. For the it will be self effacement. The also estimates that the Un be merely the prelude to other and all nations engaged in time being, loyalty to the British people will count uponed States will, this year, use orders already placed for fu war, immediately war breaks Crown was under a new kind his leading a sober and ex a total of 288. 000 tons which Ture delivery, or concerning our of strain, both in the United emplary life. They will wish would represent os which bonafide inquiries have Kingdom and in the Dominions him never to fail in the exer cine per cent over 1935.
The neutrality law lists been made of manufacturers. commercial planes as well as over the seas. It was said cise of custoinary royal functhat the chief link of the During the same period Ja nilitary planes as coming pan was reported to have pur withing the scope of warms, Empire was in danger oftions. He will be present at breaking. As we can now see, historic celebrations; he will My Uncle was finall, place at chased approximately ammunition and implements this was not the case. There send words of sympathy to rest last week, after years of 600. 000 worth of American of war, which would be afare many things besides the any part of the country or much suffering.
airplanes, and has placed or fected by the export embargo.
personality of the sovereign the Empire stricken by sud c, how sad, we didn know ders for, or made inquiries Eve nin the peace time exwhich hold the British Com den calamity; he will indus he had passed away concerning, additional shipsport licenses must be obtaimonwealth together. One of Triously iuterest himself in No, he didn but my Aunt old. Virtually all of the Russian aed on all types of planes, them is the British Govern public works and in foreign ships were of big transports as well as upon airplane moment at London. For some relations. But all the time similar to those used in re tors and parts, from the arms days the eyes of people living he will remain, as behind a want one who abides strictly gular airways transport ser control section of the State in ihe farftung Empire were screen, more a name and a wishin his constitutional limi vice in this country. While Department.
fixed more upon the Prime tradition than a pulsating per tations. Such a king, it may they are listed as non military, Under a joint policy of the Minister than upon the King. sora ily. The British people do be said hopefully, George VI military officials agree that War and Navy Departments, Then there is the Statue of not want a co nothing King promises 10 be.
they could be converied easi aircraft manufactures may not Westminster, recognizing the a roi faineant but they do (The Times)11 ly into dead y bombing planes sell abroad planes similar in full right of the Dominions to as powerful as any now pos. design to those being manuLa voice in all imperial affairs.
sessed by any European ar factured for the American my.
Tiat may, in time, prove to Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association. Army, Navy or Marine Corps Officials here believe the until at least one year after be a stronger bond of the Empire than is today ile Japanese were purchassing, delivery of the second plane Crown itself.
these planes more with a view of this type to the American AVISO NOTICE There have been the usual to using them as models for armed forces. Officials of both manufacture of similar planes the war and Navy DepartSeguridad ante todo; Hágase Secure yourself and family in Japan than with a view to ments are consulted by the The Income Tax Burden Socio de la Sociedad Benefiby becoming a member placing them into immediate State Departments before excencia de Costa Rica, para paof the only reliable Bu military service gar los gastos de entierro, Es.
pot licenses are granted on Conraents, generally of an tablecida en Limón, el de rial Society established The Soviet and Japanese any military airplanes.
unfavourable nature, are often Mayo de 1928 in Limon May 5th, 1928, observed in connection with Office Boy shouldn Wife. Do you hlak, dear.
the weight of the Income Tax fire me. Haven I given close al that the radio will some day in different countries, the fol tention to your intests? take the place of the daily news low ag. therefore, gives some Vera idea of what such a tax means you wear to the bali tonight?
What colou dress will wearing black. What will you BOSS. Yes, you ve givea too paper?
dose attention to my interest in to the British public as comHusband, having lunch. No.
Eina. We re supposed to Vera. Well, if that so, to blondes and three brune. don think it en: canone pared with the Canadian citiwear something to match the don think ll go, as my botes.
can swat the flies Wa a radio.
zen. The inícrmation is taken hair of our boyfrier. so ll be friend is bald.
from the Ottawa Journal.
Inkar the Tax on Non. Householders Canadian British 3, 000 24 254 442 000 72 629 12, 500 536 2, 318 43000 Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ala de su recibo que dice: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads.
This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would much regret to take On Householders with no dependents 5, 000 10. 000 15, 000 52 232 632 525 1, 591 2, 964 Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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