
Saturday nuary Death of Mr. Pope Condition Still HOP LEE LUNGH. Alvarez Serious CHRISTMAS MORN a To Seek Lost City Repairs to SALOMON CHIN the City Bath of Queen of Sheba AN OLD CASE We greatly regret having Although the reports ema rangements necessary for the to note the death of Mr. Hum nating from the Vatican City election of his successor berto Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes Alvarez, which sad are somewhat conflicting, the should be begun without fur event occarred in San Jose medical bulletins indicate that ther delay: he also intends, it El más surtido en Matina during the closing days of the the illness of His Holiness the is stated, to hold a special past month.
Pope continues to cause the Consistory to appoint several Mar. Alvarez Ws well inost serious anxiety. He is sw Cardinals.
known in this community now unable to leave his bed With regard to his succeswhere he personally labour and on account of the almost so, it is now believed that ed for some time and, in la constant pain he suffers from there is little likelihood of one bis legs, which are row both of Comter years, conducted the American Cardinals mission Agency business affected. his strength is being being selected not only on ac Christmas morning arrived ble idea emanated, it is said, count of their advanced ages We greatlyre gret having gradually undermined.
and passed here with the accus from the worthy President of the of expressing As His Holiness realizes h: but in view of their non aeour sincera tome, display of jou tality and Association, Mr. Smith, bus sympathy to his bereaved wi is nearing his end, he has ex quaintance with the Italian myrth, each one giving his usual, ceemed to have grown into quite dow and the other members pressed the desire that the ar language.
salutation and wishes of hap a larger task than originally of family.
piness; everyone joining in the anticipated.
pleasant associatio. 15 with ex We observed a large number pressions of Goodwill.
of packakes nearly made up to The Churches were all well be handed to those of our very attended their congregations indigent, who had received the Paris. An American expedichanting their songs of grad tid. Tickets distributed by the soWee. Le tion, headed by the Franco Anneings and great joy. We saw the ciety among the Churches, ChaIt is expected that the work rican explorer Count Byron de procession of the Shepaer. is ritable Societies and their own of repairing our City Bath will Prorok, will sail from Marseilles ESTRADA who, after watching throaghout poor members. Each of the 175 soon be undertaken. On every in search of the lost capital of the night, visited at the ap recipients got a package contai Abarrotes y Licores occasion that the sea gots rough the Queen of Sheba.
proach of dawn, the Wesleyan ning Rice, Sugar, Beans, Beef, Artículos del País further damage is done by the Church to receive the exhorta Plantains and a colon in cash.
The quest for the legendary Precios Económics waves undermining the ceru.
tion of right living, if they neant This is certainly an ambitious truction; so the longer these da city with its reputed amountains to exemplify the iife of the Good undertaking for so young a Socie LA IBERIA mages remain unat edea to.
of gold and jewels that have Shepherd, by that pioneer of tiy and betokens a great future the more serious will the tas: lured esarchers since biblical tiReligion in this Community their continued under the same inbe when eventually commenceames, will take thie expedition to Revd. Pitt.
telligent guidance and charitaIt is understood that as the the Yemen coast and across the Passing toward the Hall, of Ele aspects. The distribution was result of the recom nendatio:13 searing sands of the Ruba althe Jamaica Burial Scheme AS carried out without a hitch, and submitted to the President the Khali, or Great Arabian Desert.
sociation, we saw a fairly good all who were attended to depar work will be begun at an early Count de Prorok and seven gathering as if awaiting sone ted with a very pleasing expres There has been another stir date.
assistants, including two AmeriImportant ocurrence of curiosity sion of gratitude.
recently, in the proceedings of cans, will follow maps provided we fell in line when we enconn The Administration of the As the Great After Death Sale. The by the French airman, Capt.
tered our friends Messrs. Hasociation is worthy of commen Cosa was cpened for investiga Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON Corniglion Molinier, who flew rold Smith, Peter Muir, oscar Mc dation and the Voice wishes ting the evidence as to the crimi from London to Capetown with Rae, Gourzong, Goulbourne them laurels of appreciation nal responsibility of those who Jim Mollison, and the novelist and many ladies who, we disco from the general publie as well had been indicted for Frand.
Abogado y Andre Malgaux.
vered had gathered to distribu as from the government authori Messrs. Polson and Francis Capt. Molinier and Malgaux te their Christmas offering to ties.
were again called and gave deNotario Público announced discovery of the the poor of the City. This laudaclarations. The defendant Perry Queen of Sheba capital after a was also cited to give his testiOficina: Altos Pas 900 mile fight across the desert mony in support of his claim of in March, 1934 Pupil My boyfrien: has mean he takes pains to wait a innocence, but he pleaded Illness cual Ingianna They said they sighted and certainly listened to your advice while before eating?
as his inability to answer the photographed from the air, 20 about not eating wher: he ti. Pupil. No, meua ne nezer summons of the Court.
temple towers, which protrude red.
works hard enough to get tired.
above the sands of the centuries Gym Instructor in a mountainous country.
De Prorok, convinced that the lost city lies beneath millions of tons of desert sand, will take NEW YCRK. The New York The Commissioners announ so Arabian diggers with him on State Athletic Commission has ced that the contest will be sa a 200 camel caravan trek across The reaction which was Dispatches from China dis turned down the proposal from ged by the Madison Square Car the Ruba al Khali.
anticipated as a result of the close that notwithstanding Germany that the James Erad. den Corporation, al will be The Americans among the removal from Office of Presi the agreement which was coacek. Max Sehnseling world fought at the Long Island Rowl scientists and archeologists com dent Gomez of Cuba has ap me to recently between the heavyweight championship bouton June 3rd.
parently commenced, as prising the expedition are Ellswe central government and the be staged in Berlin worth Brown of New York and observe Havana reports that rebel Field Marshall. Chang Harold Atkinson of Los Angeles.
more than sevently persons Sueh Liang, the troops of the were recently arrested in con latter have recommenced their The group will sail on the French sequence of the discovery of rebellious activities in so much liner Champollion from MarseiIles.
a plot against the actual goy that government forces had The location of the treasure ernment.
cinity of Sianfu where, is it. The Philippine Nationalist to be urgently rushed to vi city has been disputed for 000 Party, who have been persis said, a conflict has already tayears. Pliny the Elder believed tently opposing the American Len place.
The Annual Megorial Feuet of ness and dignity of the order it to be in Yemen along the control of the Islands are Another conflict now threathe British United Order of Mohers and Sisters.
the Royal King 0216 Temple of were made by many of the Brot. Red Sea. Other Latio historians said to be responsible for al tens in the Eastern Mediterbelieved it to be farther north, sale Templars de widely spread conspiracy aj sanean, where Turkey seem Monday the 28th. Dumber a enjoyable evening, the meeting erally, have contended it lay After a very harmonious and while modern archeologists géngainst the present political disposed to seize the opportu 80p. The Code came to a close at 10. 30 with buried near either Mareb or Mein.
regime, which necessited this sity created by the disturbed cers were present. Brk the pronouncement of the Bene Malgaus insisted it would be arrest of 300 perso: some conditions in Western Surope Brooks, S! sta, Hen diction.
days ago. The principal lego regain the territory which ry. Bru. Synica found near Naith.
ders of the movement are be she lost as a result of the Bro. Palmer, lieved to be among the native World War, and which Fran Malcom, Treas, Sisar Thow Bro.
military officials.
ce acquired under a mandate mas, Bro. Haes, WW from the League of Nations. Bro. Davis, Bro.
Several divisions of Turkish Osborne, Bres LIMON, LIMON, troops have been mobilized in Ashley and Bake, Frenci the vic nity cf the GUACIMO GUAPILES The meeting was opener in Importación frontier where an outbreak of the usual manner and the reay Imports and Experts hostilities may at any moment son for celebrating this special Cantina, Licores Exportación occur. France has some 30 000 day was ably expiained by the Extranjeros y del país. odd soldiers in the affected worthy Ma ter pre:iding. Bro. Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Tienda bien surf da area and has instructed her Brooks, after which ali Abarrotes en general High Commissioner to stre repaired to the Banque: Hall to Compra de Cacao en nuosly resist whatever attempt enjoy the good things there pro grano Cocoa Purchased PRF OS sin COMPETENCIA might be made by the Turks vided, when several encouraging to invade the territory. addresses, eulogizing the usefulEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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