
Lands of the Milla maritima The Atlantic Vaice The International Unrest as Commie ion et lights Docalits Fiestas! Fiestas! Fiestas! in foce.
is bruary.
ni are Referring to this much discussed question, it will be Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic zone remembered that various intrigues were placed on foot, Editor English Section: NATION by parties interested, to get the more unwary occupiers to sign contracts for the lease of the lots in their posYear II Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 16 January 1937 No. 127 ression. Some, who always exhibited a fear of meeting emissaries, supposed to be from the government, to discuss a problem arising, have signed expressing their willingness to pay any amount asked of them. Others, in their desire to pevent their associates from obtaining adjoining lots, have signed and so played the part of the The tense situation recent it in some manner. The re. their positions around Ma proverbial Dog in the Manger. These have been the ly created by the announce sult of the conference is in drid. The city is being vacat cause, principally, of most of the trouble in this matter.
ment that Gemany was con consequence awaited with ed of all its civilian citizens They have persistently worried the Agents of Police to centrating large numbers much anxiety.
as it is believed the National of her troops and much im The conflict still wages ists are peparing to launch be given such and such a piece of land for which they ;lements of war on Morocarbund Madid without ei a final and decisive attack.
intimat) their willingness to pay any sum charged tan territory in threatening ther of the contestants mak It is now reported them; they even at times pay the Agent his charges for proximity to the French ing any material gains dur that while Germany and Ita placing them in possession and protecting them from Colony, has been somewhating the past few days. They have agreed to favoura the molestations of others who may also wish to be gieascd by Hitler assurance Nationalists have, however, bly reply to the non interven ven occupation. Such actions naturally cause the Offithat Germany has no irten commenced a more exensition proposals, they will in cials to believe there are fortunes to be made from these tion whatever of interfer ve offensive in ather lo meantime be rushing ing with the integrity of calities.
Valencia and Ma many men and as much ma lands, and rates are accordingly formulated which these Morocco. This assurance laga have both sufferterial as they possibly can, grasping settlers will have to bite their nails to pay, has, however, been received ed seriously from recent to ensure a successful issue while the more sensible ones have declined to sign till in certain quarters with the air bombings, while the of the efforts of General feasible terms are made. The time has, however, come proverbial grain of Sali loyalists are reportes! to Franco against Madrid.
when such payments are found burdensome, and even and Lugland has deemed it advisable to send a special these hawkers are loud in their protestations of the inconvenience to meet the rates which have been placed make investigations.
Much concern is also beThe era has now arrived when conditions are chang ing evinced in connection San Jose has had her Civic struggles, makes a good and with the present visit o Ser Fiestas; we of Limon should useful vacation which ridsed, when the products of these lands do not always come many Aviation Mirister, have carried off ours on the us of some of the continua) up to expectations, from which to pay the rental of two General Goering, to kome. 12th of October last in ho stress and turmois of life colones per hectarea per month after settling for the It is well known that litler nour of Columbus, but dus and we return to our regu cost of production with the labourer whose charges are is determined to do everyth to the near approach of tholar spheres of labours re also not stable, despite the provisions of the Minimum ing possible to prevent these of the Capital City they freshed and with greater in Wage Law.
cstablishment of a Coma un were postponed for the 13th clinations to surmount our In view of all these circunstances, the settlers sent ist regime in any part of the 14th. 15th. and 16th. of re difficulties.
Spanish Peninsular and All horse owners will do a deputation, at some expense, to San Jose in December therefore not prepared to It is not well for us to al well to commence preparing to obtain from the Minister of Hacienda a reasonable risk the result of the exist ways go moping around on their colts for the struggle ate of rental and length of time for the exploitation of ing warfare. As the with the score of hard times and for supremacy in this the these cultivations. Feasible propositions were submittdrawal of the assistarce so bring distress and des. King of Sports. The Racesed to and accepted by the Minister with the result that which both he and Mussoli pondency on ourselves. Let will take place on Sunday the Executive Council has placed a project before Conaffording General us endeavour to shake off the 14th. and Monday the Franco would certainis jeo bts and anxieties and put on at 11. 30 a. so as to ean these occupiers. It is expected that this phase of the the inclinations toward dou 15th. of February starding gress for stabilizing the new contracts to be made with ed that he will wingly all get prepared for jullity tend the Bull Ring at p. after which there ought to be no more cause for compardize this, it is not exec the spirit of mirtli; cusclude in time for all to at matter will be threshed out early in the coming month accept the Anglo Frenen pro position of blockading th and happiness, and so assist There will be six events each entire coast of Spain and or to make these few days of day in which the plaints Melba, institutiing such measu?
merry pastimes a The duration of these contracts will be fifteen years; turting Camarconian, Barland Kni on Jand to eliminate the en.
point in our lives.
ght and possibly Mentiroso and as at the end of this period the cultivations on the trance of additional mtera There will be the usual di of Panama will compete.
lands will revert to the government, the rates, as pointed tional volunteers. General versions. Horse Racing, Then the Tico, the Gloria, out by the delegation, should be considerably reduced, Goering consultation with Bull fighting, masquerading, the Columbia, the City Bri having regard to the fact that the occupiers will be culMussolini at this time mav bombshelling by powerfuilde, the Kentucky Lad, the tivating for the benefit of the government. At the extherefore be for the purpose fire rocket displays, child Smoky, the Glider, and the of deciding on a united plan dren processions, Cricket, Sonny Boy of Cahuita ai piration of the contracts, the farms concerned will be o action to nullify this pro Football, Baseball, Basket also be finding their place.
To page position. It is also known ball and every other kiad The chiquitins and the mus ihat Germany does not ar of Ball game.
les will be sure to provide prove of the existing Anglo These mirthful days are the greatest fun and sunItalian pact regarding tho a necessity to our lives. To ses. The usual French Pool, Mediterranean, and may be be afforded the opportunity will be certain to return its endeavouring to counteract of meeting old friends and supporters their gate money spending a few happy mo and other expenses.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES Church Dignitaries Return ments amid our days of (TO PAGE 10)
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK His Lordship the Rigbt Revd.
con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA Rafael Oton Castro, Archbishop of Costa Rica, is expected here thist morning on the Peten AMERICANOS EUROPEOS His Lordship bad been in Following on our ften in our realth and needed rest and chan last issue regarding the difficulVAPORES SALIDAS se he consequently left some ty arise.
weeks ago for Havana Cuba, site where he and the Rey. Father new City Hospital shoud be PETEN 17 de Enero Mariano Zuñiga travelled erected, we are plea ed to note VERAGUA 24 de Enero with him, were the guests of the that this has apparently Leen Salesiano Priests.
31 de Enero satisfactorily arraagid, as there QUIRIGUA Tre Atlantic Voice entertains is now the announcement ilxat the hope that His Lordship re the contract for she On Wednesday last our neigh construe ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
turns much benefitted from that tion of the edifice has been war again experienced several earthbouring Republic of Nicaragua beatiful Island.
deo MOPAN 15 de Enero His Lordship Bishop Wollgar quakes, though not with such seten, our much beloved Vicar poslto the firm of Meases. Arturo which took place previously The work has been entrusted rious consequences Llevando café colamente para Londres tolle, is also expected back from Kingston, Jamaica, whither merez and José Sa izar F. ALVARADO CIA.
was called for a conference the sum of 233. 500 colonez ana and p. eleven shocks were felt in the town of Chinandega the Church Authorities. It is ex is to be completed within ihe and the surrounding Sistrets Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas pected that our genial and much space of eight months. We may while esteemed Vicar will have a great rrefore hope to have this im and Puerto Morazan.
Corinto Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United deal to tell us of his visit to the postsnt health unit in operation Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica No loss of lives have been reIsle of Springs.
before the close of the present ported, fortunately, though seveTELEFONO 3156 To Page seas.
ral buildings were destroye)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Hospital Building Contract Awarded LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Cum ion with the die on which cur More Earthquakes in Nicaragua who 25 th32 Between the hours of 11 am.
Lo five occurred in


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