
Lands of the Milia. Among the Benevolent Societies EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber en LOCAL FARM OWNERS PRAISE ELECTROLUX MODERN REFRIGERATION Fatal Accident one chance to tell you hos The past week has been a very Lodge or Eritish Mechanics, wüe The Installation of the Union From page busy one for the different Frien ro Bros. Goulbourne and District is scheduled for the sedly Societies in th City. Cere Henry were mstalled as cond Monday in February on tae available for rental to anyone offering the best prices. monies for the installation of the Worshipful diaster and Secretary return of Past Grand Master But as on such an occasion it would not be the mere many officers in their respective respectively; the Loyal Phoenix Nelson, from Panama whither lands but the established farms which would be involv positions to guide the affairs ot of the same rite, as also the Lol he goes on a visit to bis family the Societies ed, it will be well for the delegation to again get busy during the 1937 yal Hope whose Worshiptul dia on the 17th instant. As Bro. Nel the term have been the order of these ter and Secretary for the ensuing son has not been enjcying for interviews with the Minister of Hacienda, the Predays veriod will respectively be Bros best of health for some months it sident of Congress and the people representatives in Among such ceremcies were Smith and Bill Connell. Eros is hoped that the vacation will Congress to obtain the most advantageous conditions by those by the Ancient Order of Rojas and Franco Jimenez were not only afford him a much need Foresters, the oldest save one of also installed as Venerable Mased rest and change, but will ena way of prices, etc. so that there may be no ultimate suffering our Societies: The Grand United tro and Secretario respectively ct ble him to return greatly recupe Order of Oddfellows, the oldest the Fraternidad, the native see rated to chee more assume his Of course, as soon as contracts are in the hands of Lodge in Limon; the Concordiation of our British Mechanics. The position both in the material occa tenants the prices for bananas will be paid after the se latter officers were installer in pation of life as well as s maa most elaborate and impressive ny vocations on the spiritual si same ra as those prevailing with other land owners; manner by Past Master de.
but it must be remembered that in another two years World Highest Birth Rate Smith of the Concordia ably assist The Atlantic Voice wishng there will be a drop of five cents in these prices, in keep Tokyo. Jepan recode. the ed by Past Excellent Master Brohim Con Voyage with much pleas ing with the terms of the current concession.
Franco Jimenez and his assis antries and bappiness among world highest birth rate dur tants. similar function will his own, and a speedy return ing 1935, a complete rensu, ta take place tonight at the Mzpan to the old home town when all bulation disclosed. Records sho. Lordge under the direction. Ex will indulge in s hobby song ot! Auld Langsyne as a Depósito de Maderas weil 190 703 births, an inerea se cellent Master Bro. Hamilton fittings Maduro Lumber Yard of 146. 921 over 1934, and a late the same House. welcome.
NACIONALES of 31. 63 birsh, per 000 popula.
FRANK MADURO Jr. tion The survey also showed an PROP.
increase in the marriage rate Frank Maduro hijo, and a deerease in the percentage PROP.
of divorces. Tighty two fewer divorces than in the previous year Maderas del país. Exis cut the rate o per 1000. The tencia permanente at moderate prices marriage rate rose to 04, a new nuestro depósito.
mark The statistics showed a record low death rate, 16. 73 per 000.
DUCE MAY GO TO ETHIOPIA although the total of 161 936 re gistered deaths during 1935 still ROME. Aviation sources said only one stop on the North Afru was higher than the percentage Premier Mussolinis planning can coast.
for most other nations.
a swift airplane flight to Ethio pia to inspect Italy newly won territory. His final decision, the KERES WHAT se persons declared, will depend MRS. GUNNARD NELSON upon events in Spain.
From Cartago comes the report a man he vicinity of the Los OF CASSELTON, of an unfortunate accident which Angelet: Ch. The man seemi DAKOTA, WRITES: It the flight takes place. Il Du resulted in the death of a man. ed rot Seard the appronet ce probably would use of am very glad to have a According to the information of the train and in attempting to the newest types of Italian pla given us, it appeors that soorcross the track at a point when very much my trosene Electrolux has helped me sopu 092 Suu Jo qedeo sutly after an extra trein consisting there is a sharp curve, was knock an hour, it was said.
nine loaded cars bo left the ed down by the engine and is in abundred diferent ways.
Beides its being food He would proceed directly froin station in that town, esterday tantly killed his hody neing eat er, it has gives me to Rome to Addis Ababa, chuce bave such a vari making morning, it came in contact with it is sald, into my recs wty in meals. Ac for having company, find it isn a chore any more.
cas fix frozen salads so long ahead of time there needn be any last minute rush to fix them so they be freah.
The MCC in Audraia won tun with the ashes. The first match wis playel the first two tegt natches ardola Albion; but they were Brisbane; the sero11 at Sidanu It was thought they were on the given the surprise of their tour a:id both were secured by the vs.
road for an easy Vietory to 18 ing Life.
siers. At Melbouras, however Bradman rose to the occasion RUNS ON ard avenged himself. He won KEROSENE th: toks and decided to bat on wicket badly affected by rain (COAL OIL. Fre. Page 7)
tion, was called to England aus declared at 200 runs for nine WITHOUT MACHINERY The Right Revd. Arthur from the shoulders of to take on the mantel fallen vickets. On going to bat the NEEDS NO ELECTRIC CURRENT Dunn, Lord Primate of the deceased Ecclesiastic.
the Englishmen found the grour: HO DAILY ATTENTION West Indies, is also expect now returns as Archbishop, so Captain Allen, Captain He very diffucult to scorn on, ard ed to be with us on the 6th. Lord Primate of the February on his way to his West Bradman also derared at nine Indies.
seat of authority.
wickets, when his si le had only KER EROSENE The Atlantic Voice begs been able to put up seventy Six Electrolux Plenty of ice cubes Temperature regulator It will be remembered with Electrolux. congratulate his Lords runs. This was truly a game of brings to farm Speed: freesing that a few months ago thhip on his elevation and ho Captaincy. The Australians were homes anywhere all the comforts more. Owners find that Electrolux Right Revd. Dr. Hudso 1, pes his shal Ibe a long and now forced to reame and conveniences that have made while on his way to atterd highly successful career in on a much damage, wi zet, they batting actually pays for itself with ita the famous gas operated Electro big savings on food bills and on conference of the Bishop the high office he has been went in like a scorpia arting lux the choice for finest city homes refrigerating cost.
under his jurisdiction, beca destined to occupy. He will from hi.
and apartments. This ideal farm Electrolux is able to operate 80 me ill and died in the city be here for only three days five good men for only ninety tail end and jost refrigerator insures perfect food efficiently because of its simple of Chicago. Consequent on and the occasion will be a seven runs: Bradman then coinprotection at all times. all the refrigerating principle. It has no the death of the Archbisice cubes you want. new moving parts to wear. wickless record for our Anglican comed Finglinton and not until 346 hop, Bishop Dunn of the delicious frozen desserts. glow type kerosene burner does diocese of British Hondurased the honour of seeing and ship broken when the latter munity, who will be afford was registered was the parler. greater freedom from kitchen all the work. eliminates de who was next in line by vir hearing in the little Church went down.
preciation due to moving, wearNor is that all! Electrolux runs tue of seniority of consecra ing parts. Electrolux requires no organized and reared some At the end of the fourth day for only a few pennies a day! One daily attention. needs no water.
forty years ago by that you play the home:ters hail a lead of filing of the rank lasts a week or Write today for free literature.
thful priest, the Rev. Ansell, 624 with four wickets in hand an Archbishop of their own The final scores were Austraila QUICK FACTS ABOUT ELECTROLUX making. To see an Archbis 200 for declared, and 564 No moving parts to wear Lasting efficiency. ConCOMERCIANTE hop in St. Mark is a great (Bradman 270 and Finglioton Establecido en la Provincia tinued low running cost Fullest food protection. Every record, but to recollect the 167. England. 76 for 9, declar.
por más de 20 afios strides which this little out ed, and 325 (Lealand unbeaten worthwhile convenience Savings that Vende al detal, Vinos y Licores extronjeros y del país, station has made to enable for 111 and Hammon 50. ISpay for it abarrotes en general ius people to entertain an tralla thus won the shirt test by MISCELANEA Archbishop of their making, 365 runs amld an overwuelming Establecimiento esquina by the grace of God, is applause from 67, 000 spectators JOHN KEITH Co.
Norte del Mercado another record of great sa The remaining two tets are Agentes Exclusivos Entre 42 tisfaction to all Anglicans in a waited with the greates: anxie.
Agente Limon: JOHNSTON Costa Rica.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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