
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday January 1937 Oil Taxes Missing BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE dend the police, dove concerts Cound in the government de Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Britons Urged to Bar Massacre in Madrid Maracaibo, Venezuela. In 600, 000 to the government vestigation by the Venezue: for the privilege of extenlan Government to ascertain ding its concessions to sixty what happened to the enor years immediately, instead of BANCO DEL ESTADO mous royalties paid by fo. waiting until the renewal opSOLE BANK OF ISSUE reign oil companies to the tion fell due at the end of late Gomez government has the first thirty years when, UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK revealed some curious details. owing to a change of gov.
When the oil companies ernment in the meantime, ofrece al público los Offers the Public the under the terms of their con there might be difficulty in ocessions were exonerated from obtaining a renewal. Howe.
servicios de su Services of its payment of customs duties ver, not a trace of this payon their imports of machin ment of 600, 000 can be ery suppliesit was calacculated that the government counts.
would more than make up EN LA IN THE for this loss of revenue by Shoemakers Again On the much higher amount received from the taxes on the Strike oil exported. Now it has been discovered that althThe Shoemaking industry in para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service ough all the oil companies difficulties, the majority of the San Jose is again experiencing servicio bancario Rendered claim to have paid their ex workmen having gone on strike.
port taxes in full to the Go. The men are out, we undersmez government, the amounts tand, for a higher rate of wages actually credited to the nat for the work they do in conional tresury were far less nection with the manufacture of that the exonerations from shoes for the varicus commercial houses.
LONDON. The Madrid Go sary of Premier Francisco Lar capital 1. 500. 000 inhabitans import duties.
vernment. The Sunday Referee go Caballero reached London from catastrophe.
It is hoped that this further An examination of the natasserted has sent an urgent ap by plane and presented his appeal to members of the British peal in a private meeting of only as a Scotsman of 33, who few years The emissary was described ion accounts for the past difficulty will not extend beyond the Capital, as the current discloses many cost of this article of necessity Parliament to save the Spanish members of the House of Com made «a profound impressions such discrepancies. For ins is already causing our working capital and «prevent the most mong. He pleaded, the newspaon the Parliamentarians who tance, a few years ago the classes much concern, and they horrible massacre in modern per continued, that members of listened. He was said to have British Venezuelan Oil Con would hardly be able to meet history the House accompany him to warned that the Insurgent com cessions Company paid any additional increase.
The newspaper stated an emis Madrid in an effort to save the mander, General Francisco Franco, angered by Madrid resistence, was preparing to Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association El mejor Regalo de The Best gas the city. He declared the Socialist Government believed Año Nuevo New Year Gift General Franco would not dare AVISO NOTICE use such a weapon iſ responsible observers were in the Una Máquina One SINGER capital Seguridad ante todo; Hágase Secure yourself and family SINGER 1937 sewing machine 1937 The paper quotes the asserSocio de la Sociedad Banetiby becoming a member ted representative: li sews backward and forcencia de Costa Rica, para paCose para adelante y ward, does mending, emgar los gastos de entierro, Es.
of the only reliable Bu«l only want a few men who atrás, surce, borda y per broidering and hemstiching tablecida en Limón, el de rial Society established have courage to go to Madrid fora. Le cambiamos su work. We exchange your Mayo de 1928 in Limon May 5th, 1928, and stay there until the fate of máquina vieja por esta old machine for this won the city is decided. They face moderna.
derful new one.
risk. But surely when risk is weighed against the agony of 15. 00 mensuale: 15. 00 per month hundreds of thousands of woFIESTASI FIESTASI men and children, it is not Agencia SINGER «SINGER» Agency (FROM PAGE 7)
much to ask.
and Bonifacio on the SaturThe paper did not disclose Costado Norte del In addition othe many day to return on the Wednes whether any of the legislators at the north side of the Mercado market in Limon Bliversions already mention day for the cutting of fruit volunteered.
ed there will also be the Me and the gathering of what Cry go Round, Ocean Wave, Cacao may have been left Catalans Smuggle Gold In Bread and other wheels for the behind. So get ready to join ads and lasses; not forgelt the Dukes Sons, the Sons of Son You don seem to PARIS. Gold ingots and coins with a basket ofloaves on his arm.
Ing the Rabbits, the Roule Belted Earls, Cooks customs man stopped him Sons, appreciate the fact that concealed in loaves of bread are te Wheel and various other Farmers Sons, who will ali do more than my share of being smuggled across the Spa and examined the loaves. Sone games of chance to keep the be travelling to the City for work on the farm.
inish border into France, accor were considerably overweight and these never to be forgetten Father Yes. More than ding to French officers in Per he found a total of four pounds of gold concealed beneath the Remember we will be la Fiestas of ours. Come in and your share of loafing, more thus, on Catalonian border.
Eng the farms to take care see Limon all aglow with than your share of drinking The officers were examining crusts. Search of the baker of themselves by runniag lights, fun and sport, then and more than your share of papers and gaggage of a Catalan shop also revealed about fifteen pecial trains from Guacin. oldie after if so disposed. chasing after the girls.
requisitioned antomobile when pounds ot gold ingots and they noticed that one of the large quantity of coins.
occupants of the car had ente Altogether about 35. 000 red a bakery shop. Then the worth of gold was discovered.
baker was seen leaving his shop!
music up.
Ahorre. CONGRESS MEETS El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres Our Legislative Chambers ralta to Siquirres; as well will resume business on the as the all important ques18th. instant, and some tion of the assistance which where about the end of Fe should be afforded Agricul bruary will go in recess un turists by the Bank of the til the 1st. of May when the nation.
usual peal of cannon will to continue their efforts for The Legal Vacations Banco de Costa Rica the onward progress of the The annual vacation of a Republie.
fortnight for the Judges and number of important employees in the offices of matters are awaiting atten our Judicial department will tion at this extraordinary begin on the Ist. of Februasession, such as the amend ry.
ing of the Exchange Laws: The 1st. Alcalde will as.
the Rental of government sume the duties of the other lands; roadmaking proposi Judges for 15 days and on tions, which include the the return of these he and road to the Poas Volcano, his staff will then go for the road from Turrialba to their well merited period of Guapiles and that from Pe recreation.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceFrancisco FrancoSocialism

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