
Saturday January 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE King George and Premier HOP LEE LUNG in Disagreement SALOMON CHIN Wee. Le Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes El más surtido en Matina London cable reports fered from recent happenthat a disagreement of a ings, the Minister brougat 15 somewhat serious nature ti e attention of the King the has occurred between King social activities of the Duke George and Premier Baidoi Kent, who was, he comwin.
plained, frequenting the saThe information discloses me social circles as did Edthat in view of the effous vid prior to his abdicati, which the Premier y others t, which the king took seare making to restore the rous objections and strenprestige which the British utsly defended his brother.
Crewn was felt to have sufESTRADA Abarrotes y Licores Artículos del País Precios Económics LA IBERIA With The Razor Blades British Mechanics Legal Practitioners From Horseshoes in Greater Demand ALLAN SIMEALLAN SIME Photographers PACHECO pear. British firm who has for The Grand Lodge of British MP Fraternity were also discussed some time been exporting of chanics, the ruling Body for me and adopted.
horse shoes to China, was very chanism in Costa Rica, held their The election of Officers result much surprised, it is stated to yearly session at the Halls of the ed in Bro. Barrett replar.
Whether doasioned by the im Ser of others per. ding before the hear, recently, that the Chinese Loyal Hope Lodge on the 11th by dint of skilfal grinding and instant when there was a great ing Bro. Gibb as District provements which have ocurred Courts.
Grand Master and Bro. generally in our communal activi very pleasing feature of this tempering were converting the array of Sir Knights under arms.
fies we cannot say, but there Barrister activities here is the shoes into razor blades of a very Representatives from the dirte Spence as Deputy Grand Master seem to be agreater demand interest he takes in the unfettuna good quality, rent Loages were in attendance to in lieu of Bro. Barrett Bros.
now for the services of our Le tes confined in our local. Ja. ascertain what the officers of Nation and Egbert Jones were gal Practitioners than bas been Our representative was tol that re elected the District Grand Lodge had to unanimously District the case for some time past. though generally pressed for time place before them for the bene Grand Secretary and Treas: Observing the greater frequendon Antonio never omits visit Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON fit of the subordinate Lodges. respectively. Bro kalkes was cy with which o. Antonio Bola ing this Institution where his Brothers Goulbourne, Past also re elected District Gran Se fos one of our younger but rising services are always at the dispo inly District Gran Master, and nior Deacon; Bro. TJ Salmon, Dis Barristers, has been coming sal, more often than not gratui Spence, Past District Grand trea Grand Junior Deacon; Bios. among us a representaative of the tuosly, of those who may be in 1024 Abogado y Deacon of the past Costa Rica Bowry, Langlyn and Voice was induced to enquire need of legal assistance, and Grand Liige represented the Con Henry retained their positions the reason when he was assures from which many beneficial Notario Público cordia; Bros. Smith, as Trustees that the visits were the resu: sults have accrued.
and Herbert Charles, An exhaustive report on the of the ever increasing calls being Don Antonio seem to be steadily Oficina: Altos Pasthe Loyal Hope, while the King work or District for the made on this Barrister services acquiring much of that legal re Charles Lodge of Estrada was Antonio year 1936 was read by the Secre by local litigants. Don putation and popularity which cual Ingianna represented by Bro. Sir Kn ght had, It was stated, recently success tary and adopted, and a copy or Salmon, was possessed by his father, tre fully concluded several interesting laie Luis Cruz Meza.
The transactions in connection dered to be sent to the Grand suits and still had quite a num with the year work were review Council in England. The Conca ed and many communications ve came to a close at li. 15 read and discussed; several items!
Daughter was full of hopes last night when tafor the good and welfare of the ther walked in and spoil. everything Mother How, did he LIMON, LIMON, cause your hopes to disapImportación Daughter should say y Imports and Experts When on a visit to San josé secure he did. right under the sofa Exportación Your Photograch from the Photographers PACHECO the most My father has an awful Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit reliable in the City.
weakness for women.
Then suppose you are Compra de Cacao en 50 Yards East of the Theatre Raventó.
following in his footsteps?
grano Cocoa Purchased No, it pust the other way Telephone 3439 about, he is following mine. NEW MERCANTILE HOUSE GUA CINO GUA PILES LONDON while the personal or the Duchy of Lancaster, wealth of the Ex king is unik amounting 65, 000 your It is with much pleasure tly in lumber and podunown, he was not generally re. about 328, 000. Cartina, Licores we notice, by the official ce of our Zone: later, they garded as among the wealtheat. After his father accession in Gazette of the sth. instant, will include a general merExtranjeros y del país. Sovereigns OL durope. Willa st! 1910 Edward had the revenues the formation of a new com chandise department.
Tienda bien suci da reigning kings are not put of the Duchy. Cornwall, amount mercial entity in our midst Mr. Frank Maduro Sr. is Abarokcs er gereial in England and not means Exista ing to 85, 000 (about of ascertaining the fortume he in 416. 000. These revenues the firm of Messrs. Frank well known to everybody bcPRE CIOS sin COMPETENCIA herited. As King he hnd an aer, long to the Prince of Wales, and Maduro Lindo and Fra. who is anybody in Limon for tulmuble income or about as toere was no prince they re Maduro Lobo. The firm will his geniality in our commer3 700. 000 a year. This consists verted to the Crown Edware for the present trade strie cial lite; his generoity has of two items Parliament appra also owned three properties been his besetting sin; it is plations for the royal family. Sandringham Cottage in Norfolk, IN LIGHTER VOIN therefore hoped that the known as the civil list, contain which may have yieldes a net citizens of our community one item which goes to the King profit of 7, 300 a year: Balmo Have you had any expe will rally around to replace pera nally and may be regarged ral Castle in Scotland, which pro as his salary. This is an appro bably represents a loss and the rince with infernal machi him on the commercial pinpiation for the privy purse and Ranch in Canada, also be nes? asked the Police Cap nacle where he once stood.
amounts at present to 77, 000 lieved to represent a loss. His tain of a rookie Cop.
The Atlantie Voice bez for about 377. 000) years. country home, Fort Belvedere, in Oh, yes, replied the roo peaks great prosperity for TOKYO. The Mapanese GO In addition, after be bocame on Crown land which ta anepi kie. recently bought the new firm of Maduro and vernment plans tosubmit to Pa King Edward, had the revenue, ed on lense, second hand car.
liament a bill for sterilization of the insane, epileptics, confirme el alcoholics and persons knorn criminal tendencies, it has Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ala We beg to call your allention to our remork at the back been disclosed.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Operations would be perfomed only after requests of persons Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office fected, or of insane asylurus, pa nitentiaries and social relier cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th. of the month situations. After the request 11 de cada mes committee consisting of a judge Be so good as to comply with this request and do not a government representative and Le logemos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which two physicians would decide the de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
question finally. he measure is similar to lawa effective in Germany and so Scandinavian countries LUIS WA CHONG Ex King Had 700 000 Income a WW Japan Plans Sterilization Law Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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