
On The Destiny of Europe The Atlantic Vaice The Pope Sinks Gradually President Roosevelt Takes Seat Our Money Exchange it wa With The Spanish Combatants zational speech in the House of with growing uneasines bie poCommons which cannot fall to liy of violence and aggressive Devored to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone have its impression on those who ness adopted by the Nazis ever Editor English Section: NATION can be responsible for the fraca since he assumed power, which to or the harmonious relatio the superiority and culture 31 ship of the European Powers. the German Race shou quell Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 23 January 1937 No. 128 He asked Germany to watch Referring to the Spanish crisis.
we her steps toward co opera he proclaimed the necessity of tion with the rest of Europe, rat avoid ing at all cost a veneral her than create a condition conflict in Europa; but if it whi may embroll again the breaks Britain is raning with world in a disaster.
all rapidity because neith him De He addressed himself very self nor the members of the Bristrongly to the proud and po tish Cabinet have any faith ir werful German nation, wh! ch the pacifie, discourses of liter had converted herself into just Each month gained without war a Race and her politi al standar is a great balance in his favour In spite of the popularity of; tectives. Three hundred marines ds into national socialism which He said England woult oppose President Roosevelt and the will be posted around and upon as a creed, held into its hands stren uously any arten:pto enormcus majority by which the the inaugural platform, which the destiny of the Continent of reign domination in Spain Europe. He strongly toli Ger there are 24 millions of Suwon the seat in the recent elec platform was inspected by exmany if she wishes to co operate niards to conserve er freedom tions for the Presidency of the perts to see that bombs or other with the other Powers in keeping He predicted that the year 1927 United Etates, at his inaugura weapons might have been secrethe equilibrium of Europea a pea would be one of maand aatton ceremony he had to be speted on the platform. The platcefulness, not one man in E: ficult problems, but will cially protected by over 000 form from which he spoke was a 150 gland would refrain from work affcra an epoch of international police, marines and members of encircled by a glass plate special the National Guard, as well as ly prepared as proof against pro ing for pacification and lasting opportunities.
prosperity of the family of Euro He judged that the risks that four armoured cars with quick sectiles as a precaution in the pe, but if not, Germany must the conflict in Spain would in firing guns and hundreds of deTo Page choose either Co operation for volve a European coauagration Peace or her economie ruin. had not disappeared but they He asked, how could Germany were lessening, expect the co operation and con It is thought that this frank fidence of England me unwaile oration of Sir Anthony will in This item in cur economic femen in high governmental polher government contin supfluence, in a favourable manner. giving untold anxieties to cut tions have signified their appro The conditical of His Holiness porting radical principles and the speech which Hitler will pro merchants, agriculturists at ct val of a modification of this law. the Pope is reported to have taaggressive movements in her nounce before the Reichstag on tizens alike. The criginal law on hence a project has been set he ken a serious change for the wor.
foreign policy during the past the 30th. Instant.
this matter was never enfo. ced fore Congress for modifying the se since Thursday and to four years. He told Hitler that by the Board of Control on law, except in so far as that por feared he would be unable Exchanges in all its rigidity. The tion of it which demand; that much longer battle against the Banks were allowed certain free al the gold derived from the increased pains he suffers from his infected legs and other sbe dom in issuing small drafts for sale of our products must domestie and minor tradings wit brought back and given to orders. His strength is said to be thie gradualiy failing as he is unable So intense has the operations the activities of the German and hout asking the Board saad in government for its accompany to obtain sleeps and it was now become in and around Madrid Italian ships which have establ and giving the necessary tetails ing value in colones.
necessary to give him frekuent during the past few days, that ished a veritable blockade of the of the reason why such was neThere will be, consequently, de ses of sedatives to alleviate a all non combatants are being government ports, and are afford cessary pending the stipulated freedom in exchanges of tradias sufferings.
forced to vacate the city. The ing the nationalists every pos notice of so many days: bitt. so soon as Congresso decides.
bombardments have continued sible assistance in the capturingcently this formality was rigldly almost incessantly and have been of cargos intended for the loya set in force, no one ccula get a of the mit violent nature, list forces small draft for mantenance of The insurgents are reported to According to an official statehave lost much of the advantage me recently given the Press, it hooling, etc. of one family they recently gained in the sec. is estimated that the revolution without having to give notice of The government of Turkey gency for lawessness.
tor or Cerro de los Angeles as a bas coat the lives of no less than such intention, etc. consequent claims that her subjects are Turkey advised France that consequence of the counter at a million natives and that is it there has been a hue and cry of being illtreated by the French she is disposed to declare war it tacks of the loyalists, their actif should continue for another sit such rigidity all over the coun authorities in vities in the region of Malaga months, along similar nes, ano try.
the mandated, these places are not returned to and Valencia are also repeated ther million would be added the The president of the Republie territory in the Ports of Antio her France has referred the mat checked, although they have re reto.
the Ex presidents and many quia and Alejandretta, which ter to the League of Nations for commenced their advance from He was bound to hand over to arbitration and decision. Meanw Marbella with the aid of rein.
France after the war but which hile Turkey has announced to forcements recently arrived from the League that if the de ision Morocco France claims that these Poris cf Thursday 21st. is unfavouraIt is stated that the loyalists with the arrival of the Ger all in fete. After the customary are practically ruled by an inde ble to her she will retire are suffering from a serious shorman Cruiser Schelswig Holstein on salutes were exchanged and the pendent and autonomous govern declare war.
tage of motor fuel as a result of Thursday last cur City has been official visits effected, a large ment excepting in cases of emer pood number of Cadels spent some time ashore visiting the various points and places of interest, with much gratification to many of our commercial houses.
Yesterday a number of the SERVICIO DE VAPORES ship Officers and over 100 Cadets left by special train for San Jase, and it is excepted that ano Salidas seinar ales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK ther company will also leave tocon escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA day to assist in the parade which is to be given in honour of Presi LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS dent Cortes tomorrow AMERICANOS EUROPEOS The Cmiser will, we under.
Saldrá de Limón stand, be remaining here for VAPORES SALIDAS bout a week during which time a number of festivities will be offored the visitors by our Ger VERAGUA 24 de Enero man colcay and their friends. QUIRIGUA 31 de Enero Serious Floods in PETEN de Febrero ENERO 22, 1937 NEW YORK, 21. More than 75. 000 persons have been driven ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
from their homes already. eight ORDENE SUS EMBARQUES DE persons are reported drowned TETELA 29 de Enero CAFE PARA ESTE BARCO and damages of over a million Llevando café solamente para Londres dollars have been wrought by the flooded Ohio River. Another 40. 000 residing in the city of Ports ALVARADO CIA.
mouth have been ordered to be LLOYD ready to evacuate their liomes Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas at the shortest notice and te Agencia Costa Rica Cincinnati region is suffering sc.
Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Teléfono 2086 Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Avenida Central verely. The crest of the flood is TELEFONO 3156 not expected until some time next enco. co. vo. com week Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The Franco. Turkish Dispute German Cruiser on Visit she is now reclaiming and HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE UNITED FRUIT Co. PATRICIA a EUROPA HAPAG


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