
With The Critish Mechanics Great Diversity Marks Americas with HOLLYWOOD BERENSON To Encourage Emigration BRITTON INN The following is tbe Report on. Ledge. the fura of 600. 000 is Niges a happy and prosperous Best Hotel in its Class in Town the work of the Union District of consequently involved as Denta 1937; and may each Lodge also Costa Rica for the year 1986 Cues experience similar prosperity from Clean and Hygiene Sleeping Quarters, Meals pre which was presented at the year. The year 1936 has been an ex the happiness of our membera pared by an expert Cook and served under up ly session of the Grand Lodge cedingly difficult one, but the thus assuring our District, ena 10 dale accommodation. Bar where you have British Mechanics on the 11th. Great Architect of the Univers tentment in all her aims and pro the guarantee of being served genuine and unainstant has been specially good to us by positions. While we beg to remain dulterated Liquers.
To the nutrilated Members of His guidance to enable us to de our faithful workers in Fraternal Situated next door the Limon Trading Company, the Lodges comprising the Unior vise, from time to time, means Bond.
District of Costa Fuca: The and ways for keeping ends togeS. Britton Gibb, District Gran Concorata; The Loyal Hope; The Cer. The year 1937 seem, how Master; Proprietor Nation, District Loyal King Charles Lodges.
ever, to be drawing with brig Grand Secretary: Nelson, Dear Sirs and Brothers ther prospects for the Country. Past Goulbou We hereby beg to submit the hence we are hoping that a briene. Barrett, Report of the Union District of ther era of prosperity will also Eggie Jones, G Costa Rica for the Year 1936 accrue to the individual members Treas; William Walker, Se We had Eve meetings during of our Association, which cannotnior Deacon: Thomas Bowry WIL the liam Langley, Henry, Trus.
year representatives fa to benefit our Lodges.
from Ehree Lodges cooperating In concluding, we beg to wisa tees.
The Concordia, The Loyal Hope every member associated with our By Hubert Herring and The Loyal King Charles. We were in touch and Rappy assodation wil Grand Council through Since the opening of the Panrefore, some 257 millions of out the year, and have done eveAmerican conference there is Americans of various sorts.
rything possible to see We new interest in the nature and There is wide variety amorg could secure the coordinat on et composition of the New World. The Americans. They range all all the Lodges, disassociated with The Western Hemisphere is the way from the cultured desany District, under ce great Me distributed among the Unitedcendants of the Spanish in Bueche Chain, but have failed up FANCY STORE States of America, the Dominion nos Aires and the sens of Ento now. However, we are still 003 of Canada, the lwenty sovereign gland in Buston to the Otomi ing that by reasonings from Latin American republics and Indians in Mexico. The term businepoint of view, we may GRAND BARGAIN SALE divers unimportant colonial pos American also covers the Negro yet get these Lodges to cooperate LOWEST PRICES sessions of France, the Nether of Haiti, and the drugged Indian with our project of Unificntion, lands and Great Britain. This peons of Bolivia The three associated Ligde is America.
Americano nay be descritel show a membership of 98 finan There are three Americas. gec by the languages they speak.
cial Brothers, and we have col.
UMON APT. 515 graphically considered. North English is the official language Jected by way of contributions, America includes the United of ihe 127 millions in the United etc. the sum of 142. 70 whica States, Cenada and Mexico and Sales and the 101, millions of with a cash balance from 1935 of numbers some 154 millions. Cer Corada: French ofthe millions 92. 90, makes a total revenge of Iral America covers the six tit. in Haitis Portuguese of the 44 235. 50. From this there Dive ile republics of Guatemala, Hon million Brazilians: Spanish of been disbursements for manage For the purpose of encourag: for fifteen years as expenses for duras, Salvador, Costa Rica, the 72 milions in the eighteen mentCapitation Assessments to ing unemployed Englishmen to travelling and settling down whe Nicaragua and Panama, which remaining republics. This diviGrand cineil, etc. of 217. 02 emigrate to the Dominions and Corever they may eleot to go. with the three island repubiics. Sion takes no account of the leaving at the end of the year Inies, the House of Commons has The project, however, awaits Cuba. Hii and ihe Dominican more than fifty Indian languages.
in the hands of the Treasurev. tas votea the huge sum of one and the consent of the plan of Migra Republic account for another 15 The varieties of Americans amount of 118. 55.
a half million pounds annually tion by the Dominions.
miltions. South America includes might be classified by the lattThere is a project on foot we everything south of Panama: ten tudes in which they live. Angloreby in consideration of a small republics. Venezuela, Colombia, Saxon America lies in the temquarterly fee fron the sir Knights Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, perate zone; so do the Uruguof the Order, the Sick Benefits to Paraguay, Uruguay. Argentina yans, many Paraguayans, a few them fromthe Subordinate Lod and Brazil numbering, all tola, Brazilians, the Argentinians and ges will be augmented by Five Co 87V2 millions, and British, French the Chileans. All other Latinlories, and at death a substantial LISBON, 21. The Radio Club. te. It is not believed that these and Dutch Guiano, numbering a Americans ve in the trepics.
som by Taxation will result to the Ministry of Education, the criminal acts are aiming at a revo half million more. There are, the However, altitude modifies the the Beneficiary of the deceased Spanish Cimulate, ani the Bar lation but that a criminal result of letiude. Tre e are subBrother from the District. We are carena Postoffice were bombed tremist set is trying to terro, slantial areas of Mexico, Guahoping that this will be an indu last night and the Ministry Si rize the population of the capi temala, Cocmibia Ecuador, Bocement to Brothers to take up the War came in for a blast today tal. fire which started at the Inportant. The master, to livia and Peru which are thrust higher Degrees of the Order and Considerable property damage War Ministry was extinguished No swer the membership of our was done and 14 suspects were in time impress on his pupils the need or up into more brecing air.
thinking before speaing tole District. Measures are also being arrested at the Spanish Consula American development may considered on similar lines were them to count fifty before soying also be explained in terms of by the general membership of the anything important, and one hun the high cordillera which rears Order will be benotted in sisk dred if it was very important. its stubborn spine from Mexico ness and death.
Next day he was speaking to Cape Horn with a succession standing with his back to the fire of great peoks from PupocaleThe Associated Lorges hate when he noticed several lips mov peli in Mexico to Aconcagua in paid out the sum of 450. 00 for LIMON ing rapidly Argentina. This mountain range sick benefits to their members Suddenly the whole class shout created nations, set boundaries Death has intervened in our midst MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS ed: and determined climate.
and taken two of our worthy Ninety eight, ninety nine, a Brothers. Bro. Everard Grocher, Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia hundred. Youir coat on fire air! produces practically every crop Economically Latin America who was our much esteemed Trea surer, and Bro. Frederick Steven Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo and possesses every natural 80. Both were of the. Concordia resource: copper in Mexico, Importación de mercaderia en generai No substitute. We cannot Chile and Peru; lin in Bolivia hold the thought that any govern petreleum in Mexico, Venezuela, ment, no matter how humanely Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay administered, can replace the nor and Argentina sugar in the mal agency of private charity in West Indies. Central America: its daily contact with those who coffee in Brezil end al counneed help Iries in the Caribbean area: caille and wheet in Uruguay, PARIS. 21. The law calling mery, speaking for the Making It Worse. Lady (at Paraguay and Argentinc: ruboppostLIMON for the prohibition of enrolment tion, declared emphatically that homely fell sitting on the other ver and gold and most of the a dance. Do you know that ber in the Amazon Valley: silof Frenchmen for the Spanist as the bill regulated nothing but side of the room?
mies which already passed the conferred upon the government rare metals scattered geneFábrica de Hielo Partner Chamber of Deputies by unu plenary powers to be used entire Certainly. He is rously among the countries nimous vote ad likewise in thely at the government dlacre.
my brother which hug the cordillera.
Lady Senate by a large maceity of tion. Pardon me. hadn The industrialization of Latin 283 this afternoonSenator Le noticed the resemblance.
America is te arded by the absence of coal and iron in areas easily tapped. Latin America BOOTH has been, and seemingly will continue to be a producer of raw materials for herown conUnderpunished at That. He claimed In ordinary English Best sumption and for xport fo LA FLORIDA liked showing off, and seized the would be a shilling, but in clas Baked those countries where on and occasion of dining with sumsical Innguage it costs has a coal have created the industrial friends at a restaurant, Berlin crown Let the pin shment fit centers.
Fábrica de Hielo Waits. hs called in a way the crime. as we used to say at Bread The social pattern of Latin ser ng voice. bring me some ve Oxford. Anything else, sir?
Buns America differs greatly from Venta de Leche rulam and ova.
About fifteen minutes later the Biscuits Cakes that of the United States. The Peace: Pacifism is to the true greal middle class, so charac.
waiter returned with plate of love of peace what prohibition is The People Bakery teristic of the Unlied States, is bacon and eggs.
to temperance. It is the image of Limon. Box 170 small and unimportant in most Bacon and ea59. Sir, he es virtue distorted by heresy.
of the Latin American Republics.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Terrorism Starts in Portugal In ex Guillermo Niehaus Co.
COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY French Senate Passes Prohibition Law y Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.


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