
Saturday January 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Specks or Black Spots in Bananas Solved by Science LOCAL FARM OWNERS PRAISE ELECTROLUX MODERN REFRIGERATION a José Achion Ng THE SPECKS OR BLACK slowly transferring ter plants are known in banana cultivo. have to import washing machines Comerciante Detallista equipments and men to BLESS tion?
to be used by the peasantry whese Licores, Abarritas, Cristale This is welcome news to every ED COSTA RICA.
The opinion of Agricultural of fields are infected.
ria, Articulos de Ferreteria Banana grower Costa Rica By the Daily Gleaner of the ficers of the government service It. therefore left to be seen y Eléctricos; todo se en For years now this disease has 5th. instant, we find that a So is that the outbreak in Northern what will be the attitude of the cuentra en este estableciappeared here, yet as is the sad lution is being used in Jamaica. St. Elizabeth, in peasant fields government of Don Leon Cortes miento a lot of this country, neither gov where the condition has also ap which were wiped out by the di. toward the peasantry of his coun ernment nor Capitalists are ever peared, by means of a spray for sease, was due to the water try; especially viewing the fact PRECIOS DE SITUACION interested to the mark of seek the young fruit to prevent thi logged condition of the land of an Export Tax and Hospital LIMON ing any remdy for Agricutlural attacking of the fruit to any ap. While individuals, who are a impuestos on every stem of fruit troubles. We have all bees guesreciable extent. But while the ware of results that have been shipped here, while in Jamaica sing and spelling as to the cause BLACK SPOTS are tempora obtained in British Honduras in there is neither one on the other Pres: Roosevel and cure for this peculiar condi y eliminated something else har checking the ravages ofthe di of such impositions. The question tion in the Banana business; yet. pens which renders the fruit un sease, think otherwise and a thus arises. can he do less tlins takes Seat as stated the government, al marketable in a country where confident that the outbreak in Jamaica is doing to assist the though much concerned in sec Health Laws are rigidly er forced Jamaica will be encompased, peasant proprietor?
Turing its many thousands of dol for the protection of the efficiency will not be cured altogether, but lars by its Exportation Tax, has in her manpower. The residue with the use of sprays it will not London researcher says the ex from page never investigated why there the chemicals used for spraying be the menace to the industry penditure per head per week of safety of his person and the 38 should be so much suffering a develops stains on the fruit, if that some parties are inclined to Britain population is as follows: Governors of the different States mong the farmers by the appear allowed to ripen without be ng imagine Bread, pence; milk, pence; and their wives.
ance ofthis now diagnosed dr washed; hence 28 a counteracting drink, 24 pence; gambling, The It was arranged that the bath sease in bananas.
solution is being resorted to as government is importine pence. Wonder what the Johnny of Office was to have been made Formerly, some planters con a wash to avoid such stains. alsprays and chemicals for the use Bulls do with so much bread and weather permitting, on the Netsidered it to be caused from the weak solution of hydrocloric acid of the small settlers and will also milk?
herland Bible which had been a punctures made in the young (five per cent. family hierloom for many cen fruit by the claws of the myriad It will therefore be seen how turies.
of Yellow Tail Birds which impossible it is for the peasant It was calculated that 200. 000 frequent our fields in search of proprietorship in a country like persons would witness the Inau worms, as food; otheers thought ours where the Agricultural Sogural ceremony, hence the route it was a disease of a special class: ciety offers little or no help to which this immense pro ession others that it was caused from the farmers scientifically nor fishall take from White House to lack of drainage in the soil. But nancially, who control some 65 the Congress Hall has been very there was never any acknowled per cent of the production of baclosely guarded and every vi diagnosis as to the cause of this nanas, while the Company is algilance has been set in motion condition, much less a cure for lowed to dwindle into the small to avoid any untoward occur the ravage it has made in our allotment of only about 15 per rence which may endanger the output to the tune of many hun cent life of the Chief Executive fareds of thousands of stems an.
To cope with the situation it the United States who had seea nually. representing huge needs spraying machines and red such an over whelming vic loss to the government by way washing appliances to say noth tory as was never yet seen in this o fexport income, as well as to ing of the purchase of chemicals great country. The 20th of Ja the farmer in his earnings, which for spraying and washing. In Ja HERES WHAT nuary therefore wih long be re also represents an enormous set maica, where the fruit is bought MRS. GUNNARD NELSON membered in the historical data back to the government although et 85 cents gold per stem, and OF CASSELTON, of the United States never considered in her economic the farmers are backed by gov DAKOTA, WRITES: affairs; suffice it that the Comernmental laboratories, surely pany Receivers call out on pre any disease can be controlled. am very glad to have a isentation of such fruit Spots, but here in Costa Rica where our chance to tell you how ry much my Keroseno Spots, Spots. Thousands upon fruit range in value from 50 to Electrolux has helped me thousands of stems of fruit re 30 cents generally how can these in a hundred different ways.
Besides COMERCIANTE main in the farm which the rear expenses be met assuredly we idee its belsz a lood svet. It has given me a chance Establecido en la Provincia pers would never think of touch must be an impoverished farm sy in meal. As for having such a varipor más de 20 años ing with their cutters in hand.
som ans, find it isn a Vende al detal, Vinos y Liing community as it is well known to be a Toss Imagine the expense entailed in chore any more. can fix Truten salads so long ahend cores extronjeros y del país, of energy and cash to them; and a farm of say 300 hectareas to of time there nedo be abarrotes en general.
it is strange to say that this al maintain spraying gny to go any tinute Tosh to fix MISCELANEA but so they ll be fresh.
Establecimiento esquina fiction is evident in the largest through such arers saying the Norte del Mercado and heaviest class of fruit, it is Entre 40 fruit, just so soon as the bunches hardly ever noticed in the six or are shot from month to month, seven hands of fruit.
over our logs five or six feet in diameter, with other gangs at the RUNS ON Bermuda Tourist Tax REMEDY FOR CONDITION platforms where fruit are deliver KEROSENE ed to wash and rinse with careIn far away Honduras, how ful handling when such fruit are COAL OIL)
ever, the remedy for the condi brought out. Is it not apparent WITHOUT MACHINERY Hamilton, Bermuda. The tion seem to be found, and that that without government aid or NEEDS NO ELECTRIC CURRENT stamp tax which Bermuda impo by the Scientific Department of Company aid our banana indus NO DAILY ATTENTION ses on the steamship tickets of the United Fruit Company. 01 try at present spells ruin to our every traveler leaving the island course, there the losses are so farmers as well as the revenue brought the colony 39, 800 in great to the Company in her cul to the government?
revenue during. 1935, the Trade tivation of thousands of hectarea EROSENE Plenty of ice cubes Development Board annual re of bananas.
Temperature regulator that her interesis THE HANDWRITING ON THE seith Electrolux speeds freeing port reveals.
must be aroused and attention brings to farm WALL Expenditures of 31, 370 were called there to and her Research homes anywhere all the comforts more. Owners find that Electrolux made for promoting travel and and conveniences that have made Department set in motion to stop actually pays for itself with its The paper referred to says that trade and providing amusement such innovation. While a check the Co. has already import the famous gas operated Electro big savings on food bills and on lux the choice for finest city homes refrigerating cost.
and entertainment for visitors, has been found for it, there is not ed into Jamaica many power and apartments. This ideal farm Electrolux is able to operato so Counting only the arrivals of yet (like the Panama Disease)
sprayers along with a Chemist refrigerator insures perfect food efficiently because of its simple ships in regular service, the the cause discovered; and this to direct the uses of these machi protection at all times. all the refrigerating principle. It has no board spent ten shillings to bring check is so expensive that no nes for work on her plantations ice cubes you want.
moving parts to wear. wickless each American visitor, 1s. 6d wonder the Conspany has seen in the Provinces of St. Catherine delicious frozen desserts. glow type kerosene burner does for each Canadian and 55. 3dIt fit to abandon her large culti and Clarendon which are heavily greater freedom from kitchen all the work. eliminates de for each English visitor.
vations in that country and is infected by this desaese, and as work.
preciation due to moving, wearother plantations are also heaviNor is that all! Electrolux runs ing parts. Electrolux requires no ly affected, more machines must for only a few pennies a day! One daily attention. Deeds no water.
filling of the tank lasts a week or Depósito de Maderas naturally be imported by other Write today for free literature.
Maduro Lumber Yard large planters and Companies.
NACIONALES QUICK FACTS ABOUT ELECTROLUX FRANK MADURO Jr. CAUSES YET UNKNOWN No moving parts to wear Lasting efficiency Continued low running cost. Fullest food protection. Every PROP.
The origin ofthis disease is Frank Maduro hijo, until now purely a speculation.
worthwhile condenience Savings that PROP.
This important Journal goes on pay for it to say that this disease has for Maderas del país. Existhe most part appeared in places tencia permanente where artificial manure and irri JOHN KEITH Co.
nuestro depósito at moderate prices gation are used. How is it in Cos Agentes Exclusivos ta Rica where neither such helps Agente Limon: JOHN STON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
EDGAR YOUNG ma hce to have SOLO electrolux.
new EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber en

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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