
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday January 1937 The Milla Maritima Lands ALLAN SIMEALLAN SIME Joe Louis Placed Second In Annual Ratings AVagrancy Campaign Truly Proliferous Dear Mr. Editu.
nipulation of this cultivation our old age when we will not be ermit me, as a settler on these must hand it over FREE of able to lubour to make another lands, to say a few words on this all indemnity by the State to me such proviston to prevent us seck LIMON, LIMON, question. As by the last Issue of to be auctioned off to the big ing charity of tre stat.
your valuable Weekly am seeing hest and best bidder for such ren Thanking you, Mr. Eaitor, for Importación that those of us woo have been tal again.
the clemency afforded me, ard y Imports and Exports Sermitted to cultivate on these These are the pointa to which hoping that those who are like siExportación lanas are now in imminent dan. recer by saying there are many luated with me will see the danper; and yet many of our people of us likened unto such sailor ger facing us and will rise as Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit sre ake the proverbial Sailor who who will tranquilly sleep in the one man in position to such was discovered fast ship in the presence of such dangers, instead measure. We have our rights, for midst a storm.
of going in a body to the auto President Cortes himself sald dur Compra de Cacao en In La Tribuna of the 12th. rities and opposing ruch regula ing his campaign that the Lands grano Cocoa Purchased instent, there is a publication tions to be passed. Any new te of the country belong to hiro who which says.
nants who can enter into such cultivates 11. We have been al. The Executive fixes new rue arrangements are at liberty to go lowed to cultivate it and this is les or standards for the rental of ahead, but those of us who are our Rights before the throng 1: te lands of the Milla Maritima. already on these lands must nna Justice; do not be fooled by any It proceeds saying. The Honorable ought to oppose such measured one.
the Secretary of State for Finan with all our energy in our bodies, Yours sincerely, ce, Lic. don Raul Gurdian, end because tais means ruin to us in PALMER. me elaboration an important project of reforms for the actual legislation on the matter of the rental of the lands of the El mejor Regalo de The Best Milla Maritima. Such project will New York. Champion James ingly it is the judgment of the be submitted to Congress for its Año Nuevo New Year Gift Braddock is ranked third, be Board that not only is Braddock approval during the first few hind Max Schmeling Nº and not entitled to the 1 ranking, days of the crining month on the One SINGER Joe Louis 2. in the annual but does not present sufficient Una Máquina Tesumption of its extraordinary Boxing ratings announced by evidence of achievement to warsessions SINGER 1937 sewing machine 1937 The Ring Magazine.
rant giving him the 2 spot.
The Journal continues to state.
It sews backward and for Editor Nat Fleischer and his Louis was given the Nº ratthat yesterday afternoon we sue Cose para adelante y ward. does mending. em world wide Boxing Board made ing despite his knockout defeat ceeded to understand the princip atrás, surce, borda y per broidering and hemsiching this rating because The year oy Schmeling, because during les of the fundamental reforms fora. Le cambiamos su work. We exchange your passed without any defense which he shall introduce for the old machine for this wonof 1936 he really created most of máquina vieja por esta coming legislation, all whica the title by Braddock. Accord the interest in Boxing.
moderna derlul new one.
is of much importance. By this means the Executive Council win 15, 00 mensuales 15. 00 per month dictate the new rules which ought to exist on this matter, and will Agencia SINGERS «SINGER Agency ask Congress to approve of sucht!
Cosindo Norle del San José having been rid of men found loitering during reg regulation with a view of its en at the norih side of the Mercado market in Limon the Begging nuisance, the au ular working hours, and such as tering in force during this year, thorities are reported to have cannot give reasonable explanaThe first clause fixes the maturn their attention to the Va tions as to the manner in which ximum time for each tenant on a grants who frequent the streets hey earn their living, are to be scale tribe agreed upon accordand other public places of the placed at work with the Municiing to the different kind of cultivation. The longest term is for city pal authorities in connection with 35 years. This refers to Coffee, tant gives us the following very years old and the mother of the According to one of the City une improvenemts of the public Cacho, Bananas and other pro? interesting information regarding triplets is his second wife whom has been instructed to detain all Dailies the Police Department highways.
the prolificness of a family of he married four years ago and The Regulation also dictates Naranjo.
by whom he has had during this other dispositions. It determines We are informed that the wife space of time, seven children that when such rental terminaf don Arcadio Corrales, a grand there were twins on one occasion.
tes de lands will return to the son of Judas Tadeo Corrales who By his first wife don Arcadio ownership the State without was the founder of the township had 12 children, of whom ten are the tenant having any right wha and progenitor of one of its lar alive and married.
AVISO NOTICE tever to reclaim the improvegest families, recently gave birth The family now consists of don ments nor cultivations on such lands these reverting also to the to triplets. two girls and a boy Arcauio, his wife, 16 children, Seguridad ante todo; Hágase Secure yourself and family ownership of the State. the latter dying shortly after 75 grandchildren and 12 great socio de la Sociedad Beneficencia de Costa Rica, para pa.
by becoming a member Now in the name of Heaven. Inis birth. Don Arcadio is now 77 grandchildren.
of the only reliable Buhow could this be just; here. gar los gastos de entierro, Establecida en Limón, el de rial Society established a man who cultivates Coffee, Ca Mayo de 1928, in Limon May 5th, 1928, сао, Coconuts or pastures on these lands; in fifteen years these improvements are just coming into proper bearing. am an old TOKYO, 21. Premier Hirota, who attacked the army and charg man, and so soon as my cultiva asked Emperor Hirohito to sus ed that previqus Ministers of tion is in the pink of its form, pend the sessions of Parliament War used irregular tactics to ob after all my labour, expenses for for two days and the latter sanc tain extra appropiat ons and drainage, and other necessary ex tioned the request. The parlia Furthermore intimated that arpenses. it is just possible that mentary crisis is the result of a my circles desired the establish The Labour Party in the Island Jof distressed Barbadians in Cuba. might have constructed a hou speech in the Lower House del ment of a dictatorship.
of Trinidad, British West Indies, se on this land for the better ma vere by Kunimatsu Hamada is planning to send a delegation movement is said to be on to England, after the Coronation foot in Jamaica for the compulceremonies, to discuss the que. sory insurance of Bananas against tion of Self Government with the hurricanes, etc.
Colonial Office.
Up to the month of November Jamaica current Sugar crop last, the Jamaica Tourist Tax is estimated to yield 941, 780 tons, which went into effect in August while British Guiana Rice is ex of 1935, yielded the appreciable pected to produce more than 400 sum of 13, 452, though there tons.
were many who thought, at the time the matter was under disThe Government of Barbados cussion that the imposition of has approved the sum of two hun such a Tax would have injured dred and pounds sterling the Trade.
being spent for the repatriation cesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres LONDON The 10. year old Queen Consort of George The heir presumptive to the British principality is not conferred on throne will continue to be known female heirs to the thrche, and to the public as Princess Eliza. the title will remain merged with beth. Neither the title of Princess the crown unless a son is born of Wales nor that of Princess to the new King and Queen.
Royal can be hera.
The eldest daughter of the King Princess of Wales is reserved usually is styled the Princess Ro for the wife of the eldest son of yal, but this title can not pass to the reigning monarch, and Britain Princess Elizabeth until her aunt, has had none since 1910, when Princess Mary, the present holder Elizabeth grandmother became of the title, dies.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association Trouble Brews In Japan TOPICS IN BRIEF Ahorre. El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero nefifty Elizabeth Keeps Title Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON


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