
Saturday 11 January 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Randering Unto Caesar HOP LEE LUNG Before The Law Courts 3 Photographers PACHECO SALOMON CHIN 000 In Prison Camps In the mad rush of selfish ſvours to be exampled by the cul Concesions all say 80 per cent of ness and dishonesty of purpe. ture and refinement of those in labour must be nationals, wherehow seldom do we find indivi tru ted to guide and instruct him. as the Foreign Office refuses nat duals doing unto others as they There are failures in white and uralization to Jamaicans; yet his would like to be done by. When black alike in every country and stamina built Limon, the Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes the Christ was sought to be en clime, therefore a man skin or and Northern Railways of trapped by being a ked: hall race should not be utilized as a this country. The agricultural de El más surtido en Matina We be honest and straightio stigma sufficient his training and velopments of the Atlantic Zone ward to Caesar, did his answer culture are above reproach, nor are due to his honest labour and not mean the same thing as He is this done except by the less integrity, yet in his endeavours to nationalize himself to particihad formerly said to His fo. cultured characters.
lowers and hearers Do (ren In industry, commerce or agri pate in the economic affairs of der) unto the other fellow what culture, the Jamaican has to be the country he is told flatly by is his. considered seriously for his zeal the Oficiales Mayores of the Foand rectitude in all his transac reign Office that there are orders The unpleasant Case of Nation and admitted all the Certificates Any coloured man or women trons; even as a labourer he must not to pass naturalization for Ja vs. litchell Joanthan for and other documents in evidence reading, in the Gleaner of the be considered as our Bishop puts maicans. Thus, when His Lord Slander, which had been pending sth. instant, the remarks falling it, a tower of strength to any enship, who knows all of the suf before the First Civil Court of from the lips of the Most Rezeriterprise. But here is where his ferings here by Jamaicans and the Province for more than In his summing up for sentenend Bishop Charles Albert Woll superiority of consistency earns garten, Vicar Apostolie of Limun. him jealousy and dislike, getting ne has spoken in Kingston, we fore Christmas by the Juuge. Lichasi claimed 5, 000 colones, but as ccloured West Indians, speaks as year, was concluded shortly bece, the Judge stated that Nation Mitchell had, when pointed out In his interview by a represen to such an alarming degree that trust the more lave, respect and do Octavio Rodriguez, giving tative of that fames Daily News he is legislated against even by ndmire him for his sympathetic judgment in favor of the Plain the ceriousness of his allegations by the Governor, modified the in Organ, cannot fall to be deeply the very parliamentary authori attentions and can only wish for tentions of his remarks uttered impressed with the gentlemanly ties of the country, for he is not him a long useful and successful For designating Nation in a heated discussion, the calun deportment and, above all, thel to be allowed to affiliate himself career and be responsive to Gangster along with other siarny had lost a part of its səriousChristian Truthfulness of our in the political affairs of ness making it not so injurious the God graces in raising up a Moderous imputatidas, in the presen much beloved and respected Bis country by naturalization. He is ses among a suffering Communi ce of the Governor of the Provin in its effects on the reputation of hop and friend. When asked his ce, Mitchell was fined sixty colo avid the esteem in which Nation not to be given employment by ty.
opinion of the Jamaicans whom the Enterprises of the countrynes and costs in the Police Court. is held in the Comunity. The would He appealed, but the then Gov therefore give judgment lor dahe contacted in Costa Rica, what ernor, don Julio Jurado, confirm mages in the sum of Five hundrwas his spontaneous reply? He ed the sentence of don Carlosed cclones and Costs in the Police made no hesitation in giving out the truth as was uppermost Vaglio, the Judge of the Police Courts 89. 00, plus the Cost for Court. Nation then demanded Mit the Tramitation of the suit in his in his mind. He said HE FINDS chell for damages and costs in Court.
JAMAICANS TOWER OF When on a visit to San josé secure the sum of five thousand colones STRENGTH TO ANY COMMUYour Photograph before the Civil Department of NITY; Jamaicans are very lar from the Photographers PACHECO the most Justice, and after undergoing the abiding and good citizens, exreliable in the City.
customary procedure the case cept in some instances where has now been decided some of them MIGHT BE IN50 Yards East of the Theatre Raventós.
On behalf of the Defence, tWee. Le FLUENCED BY OTHER PEOPLE torney Villalobos raised several to be la vie He said he is glad Telephone 3439 points of law as to the validity ESTRADA 10 visit Jamaica because there is of Police Court Certificates being connecting link between his brought before a Civil Court to Abarrotes y Licores Diocese and Jamaica In Limon.
be adjudicated; the Court howArtículos del País he is the Shepherd of 40. 000 Catever agreed with the Submissions of the Limein Service Bureau.
Precios Económicos holies, which include a great who guided the Plaintiff case, many Jamaicans and West In LA IBERIA dians generally: he is specially MUNICH. The number ct pont. cal police proves unfounded fond of the coloured people and political prisoners still contined, or insufficient for conviction.
concentration camps Ilnds them very devoted practi in German The largest camp still operating cal Catholics: indeed they are is aligtbly in excess of 000 pc. is the Papenberg in the Ems sec the mainstay of the Church in cording to figures obtained from cor, which is a combination camp Limon. He finds the Jamaicans official quarters. total of more for political prisoners and minor than 40. 000 prisoners have expe criminals. The Dachau camp in a tower of strength to any Comrienced varying periods of intern. Bavaria, one of the first to receimunity. He has to Jamaican ment since the camps were instalove notoriety after the Nazis took ROME, 21. Officials sai!
Indy Teachers in his school for led by the National Socialist repil power, still has a population of a PARIS. France famed heads today that it was quite possible West Indian aildren in Limon; me in the Spring of 1933, the About 900 persons, of whom 400 man. Anatole Delbler. hereditary that Premier Mussolini might vi one was trained in Jamaica and gares admitte for the there are reported to be SA and SS men executioner for the Third Rep sit Cermany in the near future the other received her early years being 14. 283 in 1933, 13:200 serving varying terms for infrac ublic announced his intention to in order to return the visit of training there. they were very in 1934 and 13. 063 in 1923.
tions of discipline.
in retire after presiding at the guil Chancellor Hitler to Venice 1933. This would be the Sirst Tine teachers. At this shool the Tre foregoing figures do not in. Access to the camps is general lotine for half a century.
children are taught commercial clude political prisoners awaiting ly denied to foreign observers. Weary of the macabre position time Mussbaint leaves Italy since to subjects in addicion to their ele trial in jails and other semi pe it is believed that the rigid dis in which he has performed 270 October 1825 when he went nal Institutions under so called decipline adopted at the outset has executions, the aged Monsieur Switzerland to sign the Locarno. mentary tuition tention arrest. The detention of now given way to milder treat de Paris informed the govern and Budapest on the same trig Protocol. He may visit Vienna such prisoners continues unabated, men, although fractious priso men: he wished to leave his post in order to return the sits of TRUTU SWIMS LIKE OIL throughout Germany as numr ners. it is said, rous arrests follow denunciations flogging when guilty of gross in executioner wanted to give up do not escape early. The sixty eight year old Regent Admiral Herthy and Jesus said am the Trus which subsequent investigation by subordination.
Cliancellor Dr. Scbuscan.
hence Father Albert, as tre is his duties for some tine, but had fectionately called, showed the been unable to find some one consistency of his life as a Recompetent to take his place.
presentative of Jesus when he The grayLic. DANIEL ZELEDON expressed what he was convinceu was the untarnished Truth.
business man, He GUACINO GUA PILES has a right to lives in a country where he There will be a meeting of the name his successor. He suggested knows that Jamaicans are depre Shareholders of the Agricultural to authorities his successor be his Abogado y Cantina, Licores ciated in consequence of jealouCorporasion of these Districts, nephew, André Obrecht, middleExtranjeros y del pais.
sy for their superior characteris called on the 17th February for aged automobile mechanic, who Notario Público ties; but as our Bishop, on eduTienda bien surtida very important items. Every ve already is practicing beheading Oficina: Altos Pascated christian gentleman, knows Abarrotes en general gis ered Shareholder is invited bundles of straw.
also that colour is only skin deep to attend and it is expected the e Mr. Deibler Inherited the job cual Ingianna DRF C! CS sin COMPETENCIA an dthat it is by no fault of a will be an immense crowd and from his father, who beld office human being that he is born ou heppy time there.
from 1880.
different hue that affections and characteristics run the same in black or white sufficient se is similarly trained, hence he ulNos permitimos Hamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your allention to our remork at the back tered the Truth which was upde su recibo que dice: of receipt which needs.
permost in his soul, for which Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofiwe appreciate and esteem him This bill must be paid at our office more than ever.
cina dentro de los primeros 10 dias before the 10th of the month de cada mes In this country Jamaicans are Be so gooit as to comply with this request and do not disliked, not so much for his co Le ropamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service step which lour as his sterling qualities: his de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take ambition for the higher traits of life impel him to abstain from menial acts and to think only of the lofty things in life, he endea Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Famed Executioner Mussolini May Visit to Retire Germany LUIS WA CHONG From Madre de Dios who looks like a retired French Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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