
Ile Atlantic Vaice Territorial Taxes The Spanish Revolution VO Royal Bank of Canada Leaving Country been giving consideration to the vast number of proper Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone The President and his advisers are considering the Editor English Section: NATION expediency of modifying the Laws gqverning the Income Tax as well as the Territorial Impuestos.
Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 30 January 1937 No. 12)
As we previously announced, there has been on foot the project to collect a contribution from each worker who earns 3, 000 colones per annum.
Formerly, an income of 10, 000 coiones per annum was set as the minimum, but as it has been found that here are many fairly high salaried workers who escape, Torrential rains, extensive re concentrating a formidable ni intervention proposals hay inundations and severe cold wea number of troops, guns and aing been received froin all the in in spite of the precautions taken by the Executive Counmate terested nations, the Special Cor cil, it is, on deeper consideration, decided ther greatly interfered with the large quantity of other that it perations of both Spanish comba rial in that vicinity; foreig ex mittee in charge will, it is expect is little enough for those earning from 250 colones uptants during several days of the perts who have recently inspected, fix an early date on which ward to pay something direct toward the upkeep of the pas week, particularly in the Ma ed the fortifications specially pre the arrangements to definitely drid and Malaga sectors, although pared by the loyalists are howe discontinue the sending of machinery of government control of Law and Order.
the loyalists report that as a rever of the opinion that they are lunteers to Spain will be enfore? The modification in this direction will bring the Revesult of recent offensive move practically impregnable Meantime Portugal has been ask nue about 300, 000 colones. On all salaries and earnings ments and various counter at According to a Viena adviceed to reconsider her refusal to of 3, 000 colones, there will be a tax of twenty colones tacks they had dislodged the insur several large German planes rass allow foreign ships of war gents from per annum, with increases to 40, 60 and on in promany positions ofled over that city during the patrol er coasts as part of th much importance for the con night of the 27th. destined it was scheme for preventing the portion to the scale of salaries or earnings.
tinued defence of the City believed for Spain.
trance of foreigners into Spanial.
Under date the 27th instant. The replies to the Angio trench territory.
The taxes on properties will aiso be proportionately Paris states that large numbers increased to provide this department with a more subsof General Franco troops in tantial revenue. The Director of direct taxation has the vicinity of Madrid were in ra ther precarious positicas being it Dolated by the floodded condition of the localities and the shorta This rather unexpected deci pital, hence the decision of the from February next a great change will take place in ge of food.
wion was communicated to Mr Head Office to close dom. connection with these. According to the figures released Robertson, the Manager of the All depositors are being notifiWith the resumption of actiby him, there are 75 thousand owners who do not pay vities the Nathionalists are staGranch in this country on Mon led to withdraw their deposits tribute on their properties valued at 71 million coloted to be attacking Malaga and day last.
with a view of having the Bank gaining much ground from two!
The new Banking Law im entire business in the country nes. Of course, as is well known, the owners of Banana directions the loyalists were rush poses very stringent regulations completely closed during the and Coffee properties are exempt from payment of ing reinforcements to the aid of, on Banking Institutions operat month of March Territoria! Tax es also are those whose properties do the defenders. It is expected that ing in the Republic, leaving all This withdrawal of so well not exceed 6, 000 colones in value; thus leaving the the Nationalists intend launching the business in the hands of known a Bank will undoubted. y burden, as is always the case, on the middle man. How an early and intensive offensive, the National Bank, she being, be an awful blow to the integrity on the central sector as they we controller of our banking activi of banking faciities in this coun on earth can there be anything but discontent, strife and dissimulation among men!
ties. Under the new regulations try. Some are, however, expecThe Evacuation of Madrid the Bank of Canada would, we ting it is only a bluff and that Imagine that there should be no direct tax on those Madrid, 28 An official report understand, either have to mate overtures will be adoptea to laproperties whose owners control all the gold that flows states that since the local govern rially increase her Capital or duce the Directors to continue into the country and who realize the greatest amount ment ordered the forcible evacua reduce her operations. Possibly business here: but the Britisher tion of non combatants froin the car it was thought there was not a is hardly an individual of this of wealth from their products Bananas and Coffee; pital approximately 250, 000 per sons have left for the eastera pro suffielency of operations offer class.
yet because they are the wealthy ones, and therefore vinces, among them 160. 000 cmiling to warrant an increase of cathe lawmakers, they are exempt. It is true there is a small exportation Tax on these two principal products, RECEPTION on but considering the enormity of wealth that flows in German Cruiser After what we are certain has The residents in the Southera, the affected area and food ia to stand direct tributation according to the valuation teen a very pleasant sit this states of the North America Rahe ng supplied to 600. 000 persons cf the properties whose lands are fortunate enough to country the German Cruiser poble must certainly by syin sho are facing death, atarvation be diagnosed as fit for such cultivations. Sche. Holstein left on Taura pathized with in view of the fr pestilence, and all sorts of lines dal afternoon to contin te her cru quency with which calamities vises and vicissitudes.
Another great oversight which will be corrected.
se in West Indian water sit them in the shape of flooco In view of the continued th3 will be the taxes on the commercial houses. Formerly, tening condition of the Chinand fore her departara, however and tempests.
as no impuesto was demanded from the rich, the miCommander Krause and his of the floouing of the river Ohlo, as are under way by the War De Mississippi Rivers preparations simum was placed at ten thousands colones. It is esticers held a most appreciated to previously announced has caused partment to evacuate about five ception on board in honour of inundation to all the fertile corn bundred Trousand of the inhabl.
the President of the Republl, and and cotton fields of the Miss ssip: tants from the area between Cai!
To page his principal Ministers of State Valley, twelve States being at:ect ro and New Orleans.
which was also attendent by ed by this indescribable fiood.
So far we have been infried number of our official and pro The Mississippi River has risen that the deaths range between minent members of the German eight feet higher than her level, 300 and 400, that about one mi Colony and when one considers the im. llion persons are homeless anil ge President Optes arrived in mense breadth of this river and general damages to the extent the City by special train during the enormous volume of flood of four hundred million dollars SERVICIO DE VAPORES the forenoon and after spending water which must have come have taken place.
a short time at the Gobernacion down from the more North went on board the Cruiser wh: States to produce such an antitu Salidas sestarales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK re he and his party wer most de the deplorable situation may con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA graciously entertained untu well be imagined about P. when they saturn LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS ed ashore and left Immediately to pl and gasoline have been con In Louisville, all the clothing This town showed a dect:fed AMERICANOS EUROPEOS fo: San Jose.
Liscated by the State for distriou apprec ation of the presence of There was a general expressioation among the sufferers. Pres! the Luretor Peblic Road VAPORES SALIDAS of regret that the President stay dent Roosevelt has ordered a Re and Weeks where he was 1ons among us was so short wat in de lief Fund of 780. 000. 000 expected as the result of th clining a number of invitat ons In Cincinnatti, the ava laste pressure brought on his Depart QUIRIGUA 31 de Enero extended him, he expressed his drinking water is being rationed ment by our worthy Deputies in PETEN intention of aga vis tiez our ci out by soldiers. Heavy rains are Congress, don Janito de Febrero Romagosa ty during the coming moat still falling in certain parts or and don Daniel Zeledon, for th: VERAGUA 14 de Febrero execution of Roads and Works of improvement in this Province ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard In keeping with those being done in Guanacaste and other Pro NACIONALES vinces TETELA 29 de Enero FRANK MADURO Jr. The completion of the road SI Llevando cafi coltecate pesa Londres quirres to Peralta is very rental PROP.
te especially in times of baa Frank Maduro hijo, weather, when sildes and wash ALVARADO CIA.
outs interrupt our regular allway communication. The Dirce Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Maderas del país. Existor in therefore here to investiga Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United tencia te the possibilities as well as to permanente en at moderate prices Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica nuestro depósito.
inspect the proposed Avation Field and the site for a Park for TELEFONO 3156 th Central Town of ours Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Extensive Flood Damages in United States from these investments they could very well be made UNITED FRUIT Co.
From Siquirres EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber


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