
will make them forge, above Drect, for the auto pomy of the indisputable right the most ferocious animals of the country Compra y Venta de Muebles above the City. Outings to La Uvita, PorCuba Recent Political Change. BUENOS AIRES PACTS PLEASE MEXICO MEXICO Mexico receiv By Gen. Lazaro Cardenas, the peopleswarrant the exLIMON CIVIC FIESTAS ed with singular interest President of Mexico. pectation that the high mis the generous exhortation all verbal formulas, an ins sion of the conference will of His Excellency, Franklin trument of real efficiency to be carried, out to a happy Roosta Piraidens fo keep the peace.
conclusion 13 14 15 and 16 FEBRUARY 1937 the United States of Amer The friendly relations the The principle of equality ica, to attend the Buenos Ai American nations cultivate among the nations, dictated Prepare to enjoy yourself during the best Civic res, conference, and has hajamong themselves, the ru by international law, Fiestas of the year THOSE OF LIMON done it, firmly believing that les which direct their inter ceased to be a mere juridithe spirit which animates national policies, and, abo cal speculation to become Sensational Bull Fights, in which some of ve increasing something real, recogniz to life of all the peoples of the Americas and also the will be engaged. Horse Races. Atractive right of every nation to organize itself in the manner Mascarades. Fireworks. Bard Concerts, best fitting its interests and. Football and Baseball Games between the LOCALES: its national ideological peculiarities.
best teams of the country. Airplane flights Calle de la Sabana, 50 varas al Ceste de la Panaperia de Thus, the material and los Sres. Musmanni y contiguo a la Planta Pu ificadora de leche cultural develo, ment of the continent is conditioned on tete, Westfalia, etc.
LE OFRECE the possibilities offered each State to develop its elements EN SAN JO E: of personality, inasmuch as The Northern Railway Cº, at the request of the it is evident that each counFiestas Commision, will run special trains on the 13th Catres extranjeros desde 2500 en adelante. Camas Cocinas try has and 14th. to leave Limon on the return trips on the an unmistakable Roperas. Aparadores, Meses. Neveias, Colchones y Almohadas de pala, Tijereras, Estontes, Maquinas de coser y de esphysiognomy and must be 16th. and 17th of February. Tickets will be on sale cribir, thnos. Mostradores, Marbles. Si los, Cajas de Hierro.
Ifree to solve its internal pro at the Stations of the Company at a discount of 50 per Estal ones, Cunis, Espejos de todo tamaño, Tucadors, Esblems in accordance with cent for one round trip. Only a limited number of critorios, Sillones Juegos de Sala, Mecedoras, Mesas de no their local roots and in an these tickets will be sold in keeping with the requi.
che, Juegos de comedor, Cocinas de hierro, Baules. Tarros para leche, Peceres, Garralas grandes, Degistradoras y una American international spirit rements of the Law. The trains will be under the estanteria con 50 gavelas para bo ica, etc, etc.
The edifice of continental vigilance of the Police.
peace can only sustain itDO NOT FORGET COME AND ENJOY self upon solid bases if, inYOURSELF IN LIMON dependently of the proclamation of purely political principles, a community of SEE PROGRAMMES THE COMMISSION In the spleaold Salon or Mrroshe finest in the world.
moral and economic intereThe which graces the Presidentit troops are well fedwell sts is created. To this end pata Palace at Fluvana. Cornel de happy, leat to Batista. Back o will actively contribute the co Laredo Bru, soldier, la wyot there is a military reserve of facilities granted to intellec In Lighter Vein Princess Mary to Visit an judge, took the oath of office, 40. 000 men and 10, 000 women, tual interchange, to the fosus fourteenth President of the Koltso loyal to Eat sta.
tering of commerce and to Duke of Windsor public of Cuba.
With the array growth grew the opening of new meanser say when he heard you had Mother What did you fainAt about the samo time Dr. Batista political power, so that of communication, of Miguel Vienna, 28 Reports that Princess all Mariano Gomez, that he had no difficulty in arranging which bring men nearer tosmashed the new car?
Mary will visit her brother the teenth Presirent and the rst President Gomez impeachment Son. Shall omit all the Duke of Windsor at Enzesfeld wers to be cristed by so polite and cons when Gomez opposed his propeach other better and sow gether, make them know printed by the Wiene Zeitung swear words he used?
today, and the paper gjes on to say titutional a method as impreacasal for a tax raw sugar to fi Mother Yes, of course. that the British cabitte told ment was pack ng his has fo nance more rural schools operet in their spirits fraternal well in that case, be Duke of Kent who attende the wed a trip to the United States. Se ding of Princess Juliana of Hollanri ed by the army. The army al principles.
Cabinst. ready had taken over the funcdidn say a word.
veral members of his and intended to proced to Austria Faced with the problems dire from the Hague io a visit all but one of whom resigned tions of the Labor, Educat on that worry the world, the to his brother that it is not avar when the Cuban Senate voted Health: Public Works and InteIs your husband a member of such a visit. The arrival of Printo impeach him or trans Ter rlor Departments.
peace conference of Buenos any secret society?
cess Mary is said to u Fobruary sion against the free functioning In bis swan song which Aires keeps alive the hope no He thinks he is, but he talist or 8th and the vast of a purely privat, nature. The vullenof the legislative parea Cuban newspaper published many peoples entertain that a great deal in his sleep. gage in winter sports to the dy had õeparted on a milar trips cring President Gomez declared the day will arrive when But the thoughts of most cu that Batista had assumed all the mankind will forever repubans turned to tte long, turr. tel powsts of a dictator and challeng diate the use of violence as be as brave as a lion, but not She. The man marry must mansion in the Havana sebabla him to come out in the open a means of setting interna forward; handsome as known as Military city, where and prociam a government optional or individual conflicts but not conceited; vise a Solc.
Apolo ves Colonel Fulgencio Batistu. force.
one tire army sirgeant, but now The new Pres dent. Laredo Pro Very grave, no doubt, are mon but meek as lamb; a man calef of staff of the Coban any moving up automat. cally fron, the obstacles in the path of who ts kind to every woman, but and strong man of the isla. the Vice Presidency, named a Ca materialization of the ideal loves only one LIMON Since 1933 when he took combine ait of whos members te of universal peace; but it He mand of the army in the revoltre said to be friendly to Batista, is timely to remember that Ah, how lucky we met that overthrew Pres de Machado, and issues a proclamation calling human aspirations considerFábrica de Hielo Batista has built the army up for the Sincere cooperation OL Troat 000 men to 7000 all who love the nation and de ed Utopian in other times y Refrescos barracks at Diilitary Cty (Camp sire the triumph om its institu are now a practical reality. Johnnie after gazing for some Cocomia in the old days of Ametions in this period of difficult It is necessary to have time at his one day old bro her.
Tican intervention) ne periup circumstances. Although Presi faith in the conquests of the who was squealling and wailing dont bra has been friendly to spirit through its own for in his cot, exclaimed. Did you BOOTH Batista, many Cubans expect ce, and to have confidence say he came from heaven, Soth samt resign soon.
that the destiny of mankind er?
will be directed through Yes, dear, why?
Best Mentioned as s successor was better channels by the comWell its no wonder they put LA FLORIDA Baked Gener Rafaele Montalvo, ing generations, which, free him out.
Berlin single carry over from the Go mez Cabinet and a close friend of from prejudices and rancora Bread antista. Under Gomez he was se will go on with the new task, Fábrica de Hielo Buns cretary of National Defense. Pehardly under way, of solid large portion of the world Venta de Leche Biscuits Cek2s sident Laredo Eru named him ecly establishing in the cons. is moving withoue a compass.
retary of Stats position from cience of the people, the su It thinks it is moving forward y Maderas The People Bakery which he would step nutomati premiaey of moral values.
but actually it is moving backLimón. Cox 119 cally into the Presideney should word at top speed le present Chef Executive qut.
As a citizen of the Americas and as a collaborator BRITTON INN in this great work of continental fraternity. feel deep Best Hotel in its Cless in Town ly happy about the good result achieved and vei Clean and Hvg ere Sleeping rarters. Meals pre especialy because Central pared by an expert Cook and spred under up America has been able now, 10 dale accommodtou. Bruhe you have as at the Bolivar Congress the guarantee of being served genuine and una.
of 1826, to present a united dulterated Liquers. front in the deliberations Situa ed next door the Limon Trading Company.
and in the triumphs fo ΕΙ más surtido en Matina SD Britton the continental assembly of Propri tor Buenos Aires.
the HOP LEE LUNG Estable imito de Licores, Tierda Abarrotes Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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