
Visiting Footballers Footballers Jesse Owens Beats race SALOMON CHIN From Bocas del Toro FROM ZENT The race was held between the LOTERIA NACIONAL Mission; also to the Taitaru ca as owens came out of his dres Compre Ud. LOTERIA NACIONAL El mejor Regalo de The Best On Monday last the Boys from took their places to see what HAVANA. Before a wildly Año Nuevo New Year Gift the German Cruter, the Schels their play would be like it ho enthusiastle crowd of some 3000 wig. Holstein, created quite a wever did not take long for persons in Tropical Stadium dur demonstration of merrimeni a to be observed that they were ing the Christmas festivals, Jes Una Máquina One SINGER mong our citizens, by making a u: to the contest. The home we Owens, in his initial profes SINGER 1937 sewing machine 1937 ve y march through the city, team. did their best, but they slonal appearance as a runner It sews backward and for ir ng as lustily as sailor: can, were out of it from the start. sprinted 100 yards in competi Cose para adelante y ward, does mending, emto the football ground to engage The visitors scored their first tion with a racehorse. Owens co atrás, surce, borda y per broidering and hemstiching fora. Le cambiamos su team from the Surtidori Club goal in quick time. The home vered the distance in seconds work. We exchange your eyes were centered on the eters rallied in an effort to and crossed the finish line ap máquina vieja por esta old machine for this wonderful new one.
moderna. apy go lucky Lads, 25 trey avenge themselves, but were aproximately twenty yards ahead gain out done by a second shoot of the thoroughbred. 15. 00 mensuales through our goal. keep amid At the starting gun the Cuban 15. 00 per month an immense roar of applause Jockey, Contino, in gold Agenc a SINGER «SINGER» Agency from the pavilion; this made and purple silks, got the chestCostado Norte del the men of war more determined nut gelding Julio McCaw away to Wee. Le of the north side of the Mercado markel in Limon to take the trophy home. At the a fast start from a point forty call of time, they marched vic yards behind Owens who sprintESTRADA torious y back to their shiped a way like a flash. The horse Abarrotes y Licores much happier than they had cut down its own running distan Artículos del País made the city, as they had se ce by leaving the cinder track cured a third goal kick, wich left and crossing the turfed infield Much enthusiasm is being di crease, and Cacao crops cannot Precios Economics our team bad beaten by three on the curve into the straight played, it is said, in the propos be relied on, the people regard LA IBERIA to Love.
way before the grandstand, but al to place a large area of the the opening up of the sizal inbefore halw the distance had lands along the Changuinola dustry, from which a steady rebeen covered it was a forcgone Railway under cultivation of the turn can be expected, as the onconclusion that the steed vould Sisal plant for the manufacture ly means of enabling Bocas del not catch the flying runner. of manila hemp.
Toro to regain some at least of was, before a ful Church at the p eight hours had sloved the track ported to be again on the del Showers during the past forty Sunday, January 17th, As the Banana output is re her past prosperity.
the cccasion of the Harvest Fes service. During the course tival at St. Johns Church, Zent, of the latter, a much appreciat. However, one of the three tim and the reports that have come ed programme of recitations anders gave the time made by Owens as 0:09. although the other two POR CADA 100 BILLETES, la to hand are most encouraging. sacred songs was rendered clocked him In 0:09.
the united efforts of the loyal through the devote, labours of and generous folk of this Mission Mrs. Franklin and her assisStation resulted in their Church tants.
halves of the football game betand da 128 PREMIOS presenting a very pleasing spec Congratulations to Capt. and ween the Cuban marines tacle for the occasion, and in Mrs. Keats, to whom Zent is the Cuba Athletic Club, the first their raising, by special of indebted for their continued ge event of the Cuban sports festi La otra loteria solo da 107 premics por cada 1000 billetes.
ferings, over one hundry and nerous and kind support to the val. The crowd cheered wildly ninety colones.
con más probabilidades de sacar premios.
Te Rev. Cooper of St. techist, Mr. Franklin, and other sing room. At the termination of Mark spent the week end in the workers, who helped to make the the sprint enthusiastic fans poured out of the grandstand onto AYUDE AL HOSPITAL AL ASILO CHAPUI district, he administered the event the success it was.
the track, surrounding Owens most Holy. Sacrament in Zent at and soldiers were forced to clear our team padly beaten by three a. and Estrada at 11. 30 a.
the field for the remaining half again. returning to Zent to preach of the football game, Plans are being made to pit Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON Following the competition Owens against the fastest Cuban Owens stated he was satisfied sprinters.
with the time made.
Since haven competed for Rush for Edward Abogado y such a long time and considering GUACIMO GUAPILES the condition of the track, m Stamps Notario Público satisfied with my showing he The abdication of King Cantina, Licores said, would be willing to run Oficina: Altos PasExtranjeros y del país.
ward VIII caused a flurry of buy a horse without a handicap, proin the four new lowvalue vided the animal selected wasn ing cual Ingianna Tienda bien surtida British postage stamps benring cured athird goal kick, which left his likeness Philatelic dealers Abariotes en general and speculators figured that the PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch. se stamps would be withdrawn shortly.
Heavy purchases of the issue depleted stocks and caused the in Morocco Lawyer Notary Public filing of rush (ders for new sup The general demand has been unsually heavy, despite the fact tion made by a group of British LONDON, 27 The investigaOffice: Adjoining to the City that postal officials have Oficina contigua a la an naval officers in Spanish Morocco Public Library rounced their intention of cont at the invitation of General BeigLondon, 28. Henry Page Croft Biblioteca English Spoken nuing to print them until a pie deber, the military Governor of the Zone, showed that foreign press reM. conservative, stated in Lore of the new King, George ports alleging that German troops House of Commons today that the Former Judge of the Limón District Court VI, has been chosen and a design had been landed there are in British Air Force in the Dominions would have to be strengthened. He approved for a new set.
way supported by te facts, pointed out that the creation of an cording to a statement made by air force capable of successfully de Undersecretary of State for fereign fending the Dominions against hosaffairs, Lord Cranbourn, in tile attacks is as important as the House of Commons today. The remaintenance of the Home Air Force port fied by the commission after at a strenght equal to that of the a thorough investigation of stron Test potential Santiago, Chile. According It is declared that an agreeenemy.
The In any case, wel. informed Zone declares that merely some speaker estimated that to guarantee to Paris dispatches published went hes already been reached circles express the belief that German civilians are staying the ssfety of Canada, Australia and here Chile has been negotiating between the Chilean India air establishments with about Govern France nitrate purchases in the that about 150 nationals, likewise Tetuan as commercial agents and 1, 000 anes each would be requs with the French authorities for ment ana the Chamber Syndi current year will greatly exceea civilians, are present at or ed and for the defence of the Crown the disposal of a large quantity cale des Industries Aeronauti past figures. Slanilar barter a that the mere presence of Melilla. The political view here is Colonies from to 10 squadrons of nitrate of soda. for which air ques, in which all French airpla greements are also being consi German civilians is certainly for each of these colonies.
planes will be taken in exchange. ne factories are associated, bydered by Chile with Britain and justification for diplomatie steps in which the French Gwerrment Italy, it is reported, in order to can be no objection to the presenwill take nitrate to the value of increase Chilean nitrate sales in in Spain Moroccan territory from ce of civilians or foreign nationals 120. 000. 000 francs.
Europe a juridical point of view.
It is said that the French Government considers it necessary LIMON, LIMON, to build up a big stock of nitrate Importación in connection with rearmament in view of the international siy Imports and Exports LIMON tuation.
Exportación It is believed here that the MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS planes could not be delivered beDepósito de Madera Lumber Deposit fore eighteen months, and it is Compra Cacao Material de Tranvía also feared that the nationalizaCompra de Cacao en tion of the French factories if Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo grano Cocoa Purchased the Popular Front government Importación de mercaderia en generai continues in power might delay delivery stil more cional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas Read LUIS WA CHONG the Atlantic Voice EAGerman Troops Not Britain Needs More Abogado yNotario Público Air Forces Rhe 10 DCFrench Planes for Chilean Nitrate the at near some no ALLAN SIMEALLAN SIME Guillermo Niehaus Co.

    FootballFranceItalyPopular FrontsSpain

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