
Saturday 30 January 1937 THE ATLAVIC VOICE Messrs. Smith and Shergold honoured by Pope Ria Rurial cheme Association National Football Champions TE Photographers IỆU CAO)
Windsor Enjoys Party AVISO NOTICE We have been informed that, ten will deliver toe decoration to zeal for the Cause enabled the the above named gentlemet the distinguished gentlemen on construction of the Churches at both Jamaicans, have received the first Sunday of the coming these points. Bro. Shergold has Segur dad ante todo; Hágase Secue yourself and family an exceptiona) distinction from month making it a solemn act in laboure unceasingly for the ex Socio de la Sociedad Benefiby becoming a member cenc a de Costa Rica, para paHis Holiness Pope Pius XI. They the Cathedral All, especially our pansion of the Gospel among the of the only reliable Bus have been granted the gar los gastos de entierro, ts.
Golden coloured citizens, are cordially indians of Talamanca and for tablecida en Limón, el de rial Society established Medal Bene Merenti with DJ invited to assist at the ceremo the construction of the Sacred Mayo de 1928, in Limon May 5th, 1928, ploma in recognition of thetny.
Edifices at Old Harbour and Calong and untiring labour in the. This recognition by the Holy huita. It is therefore pleasing field of Catholic Evangelization Father is doubtless the result that the authorities of the Holy in the riate Apostolic L of the recommendation of ar Church here in Limon should mon, far visioned Bishop Alberto on have made such recommendahis recent mission to Rome and tions to His Holiness to honour It is with the greatest satisfac the Holy See.
these meritorious workers in the and Sion we make this announce These two gentlemen have Lord encampment, the ment as it is to two of the Co certainly been untiring in their ATLANTIC VOICE sincreely con loured Race that this extrazdi efforts as Missionaries in the gratu ales them on their prefernary and rare distinction has field of Christianity. Bro. Smith ment and hopes they will long been recorded. Thus the Holy from Limon to Siquirres, and live to enjoy the satisfaction of Father remembers and honours from thence to Cairo: and whole the honours conferred on them.
even the most humble ones of his collaborators in the vineyard of the Lord.
HLs Lordship. Bishop WollgarPACHECO COTONNIHATINCONTROL of the When on a visit to San josé secure Cattle Industry Your Photograph from the Photographers PACHECO the most Law has been passes which reliable in the City.
provides that every calf born on Costa Rican soil along our Nera 50 Yards East of the Theatre Raventós.
thern frontier, must be branded Prenda GC. Thi is for the Telephone 3439 purpose of control ing the imThe Cartago Team portation of catile from Nicaragua, on each head of which there Mummified Bodies Found in San is an import duty of forty colo nes.
Jose Cementery The Agents of Police in tlice NZESFELD, Austria. Jolly iage Turner Hall today Zones are the ones authorized while most sensational discovery, the suſpered theory that these to do the marking and they are Duke of Windsor made Christ his hostess gave package away has been made by Professor do persons subjected required to keep a proper revo a wastade merry for the children hetked with the bigeyed guests aniro Aguiar in the century arsenical treatments so that shewing the name of the properand thn whistle, and hummedo San Jose where separat tua putrificaction wout be avoided ty on which each animal is born All but mobbed by 220 boys and folk songs as they sang, dreea ceth, bodies of persons bu bocaure in such a case the quanti the name of the owner as well litis between the age of and He seemed to enjoy inmmen red many years ao are founi of the drug would be incalcu as the date of the birth of sue 14. the Duke stood beside the Barely a cat hy tune called May petrified and conserved a peable, nor can be think of a treat animal fect state not only of prevent of calitation for the ac rones de Rothschild in the vilI Love My Girl.
The Duke, heavily guardel ar tlon but of calsification con of the seslusion in the tontb rrived from Castle Enzesfeld weariosity of the pulito is As may well he inside the wild neutralize the treatment: inex neither can be think of the incuto. Entering the hall, he walk baustible and so an investigation luence of the Pavas Stone ed down a double row of twenty of this most peculiar phen menon somo suppose.
eight members of the Enzesield has been urged. Se entit. inter He declared his hel ef in the pre War veterans organization. est has also been aroused and sence of a powerful magnetic fcr many opinions are being expresse, which may produce the iden FANCY STORE He seemed to enjoy immen: aed regarding the cause of the of the operation of the mystertous chatted with the comnian ler unsual transformatioa phenomenon from the spiritual and had a smile for every one.
On Professor GRAND BARGAIN SALE Aguilar bg deas sone persons are inclin Then, for an hour ant Askce the reasons for the chant to think that a ninfod cor 10 WEST PRICES minutes, he watched with the B3 ze, he says the scientie in testir a toirt Toms tien ron and Baroness de Rotahgat on will require auch time y esageran and expense, but that tenda sehid, Count Rex, the Professor Aguilar his invited aron to celve into it from two separadical Faculty hind cietary, and the cillase p:est. e standpoints that o the parely eress to accompany him in his LIMON APT. 515 while the children uang and cl material in a manner of physical investigation by the exhumation fered a playlet chemical components of the subs over 500 bodies which Eager youngster qranici tances, and that of the spiritua enor have become murin fleet San former King with chubby slon of the Faculty of Medicine expresses his bu Sufficient fingers. None quite managed to with the consent of the relative, lief that we are living in a dan HYYDERBAD, India Rajaget in his lap. The Dake seamfor the eshumat on the bed gercus epoch and that these are sopal, an Indian student. ezclad to prove they are mund the signs and forces ed in a high humor.
destrue continuasly for 69 hours, 20 ml He proposes to construct a large ton.
Paris. 28 Minister of Defens nutes and set up what is bellyof plass in which them His contributions made pasIn treating of this rare happen Edouard Laladier declare in. ed to be a world nonstop cycle cible the addition of many arti cred to the Museum for conser man in his treatise on Legal mmy will be placed and transferts Doctor Alfonso Costa Guz day session of the Cumber of De puties that the famous Maginst record Jeles in the eighty packages for vation Line of fortification along Erare cine in the edition or 1932, says ce northern and easiaca fronter Rajagopjal became drowsy af he poorest children including would withstand any surprise ut ter eyeling for 69 hours, and to suits dresses, overcoats. asi ed if he sad. some corpses are concerved quie shans tack despite the fact that the work keep him awake a band played and some food anul sugar.
vious idea regarding the mysto ker than others in their normat had not been completed in some se rious phenomenon he was invest state Sydney Smith, in his trea tions of the most powerful den: drums were beaten and fireAt the castle there were gating. be saiti perbape waarotise of 1926, says is ockp 23 system ever worked out ov exparts, works set off. But 20 minuts femal celebrations for the ho face to face with a polariti ihanalu in sand or very dry earth, tional defence was being discuss a later he was overcome by Cotisehold, including a whistling and gives cut fluid en anations of a particularly in the trpics, The statement while wa Socialist deputies will oppose any gue, wobbled and touched the deling contest.
dun oz some other subtanunk mit. cat. on takes place quickly move on part of the Communisss 10 ground with his left foot, there. Fidward, it was sa! had 6229 nown to lower the military service priod on us to now. He dinand conserves the form 30 Well the present system of conscription. by giving up the struggle perting for that.
not, turther stated, be in thet it can be iden ified alter long perior of interment would sem that in places were the power of quick lime Nos permitimos la mar su atención a la dorsonol ala We beg to call your attention 10: our remark at the back of calcereous rock is mucho pra de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
minced in the scil. putrifact on in the body is restes and re Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office tr fastion becomes imminent. Ho cina dentro de los primeros 10 días svever, this is a maits for the before the 10th of the month Pencereh Leboratories of Ecten.
de cada mes Be so guod as to comply with this request and do not cment to investigate and deci de.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service a step which de tener que cortar su servicio.
There is only one place in all we would much regret to take cworldhetssturbo occuince has transpired in Viza, inly: zome of the hodies are nere met with intre formation Or Calcareous Rock Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
as HOLLYWOOD BERENSON the France Fortifications Indian Cycles 69 Hours through policemen less to touch screw hire there in the Ceneral Cenetery of תיוג חותם Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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