
Trouble Brews in Russia The Atlantic Vaice Our Coconut Industry Trouble of a rather serious 2:3 to the steps Stalin would take ture seem brewing in Russia as against the General attitale.
the result of the rupture whih The information was however, Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone has occurred between the Soviet given out that the Secret Pollee Dictator Stalin and his Minse would be instructed to sbare Editor Engilih Section: NATION of War, General Voroshiloft. their activities.
The General is stated to te It is the popular belief That Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday February 1937 No. 130 entirely opposed to the methods General Vorochiloft is fast rpbeing employed by the govern proaching a pocition in which he 17 ment in its desire, it is cladce might be able to effect the over to purge the army of all anti throw of Stalin. The position is Stalinites and advised the Dic causing the greatest anxiety ttator Ybat he was not prepa mong all circles.
red to further allow his officers last minute report from ser In an interview which we re. seventy meters wide from mation the groves which havr and men to be subjected to suen lin states that information lia!
activities on the part of he reached that City that a revol la rently had with our much estee aigh tide limit, will be exempt growa up along cur Coasts from Secret Police. As these seemed tionary movement had broken ried Legislative Representative from payments of taxes and sceds washed up and deposi ed to have continued, he threatened out in Moscow where enge de don Juanito Romagosa, he. In rents of any kind.
tiere by the sea, the older tr: to forcibly diarm that famou nients of a sanguinary nature forms us that among other pro The Suggestion includes one of which are now dying out tody known as the It had taken place between govern positions he has in mind for the idea of replanting in regular forl To Page is supposed that Stalin treatement troops and groups of stubenefit of our mu neglected ned to place the Genera; under dents. Several contingents of Province is a for the had to be now if this were done there would be zed to control the situation. In e tions from taxes or rents, of all serious results from the army. the meantime there is th: reAs the General is known to have port that a number of arm; of The project, which will be the greater part of the army inficials who are supporting 4submitted for consideration by his following. there was the most roshiloff have threatened th Congress, will, in order to beau intense excitement in Moscow asli. of Stalin.
tify the Coastline as well as to eugment the production of our Coconuts, provide that all per sons who will clean their gruves end replant the areas to at least elimination of Coconut pianta Felicitations Extended a errest, but he advised him that the Popular Citizen Es kinds Intense Fighting Now Proceeding in Spain The Civic Fiestas are an ofrun Malaga is now the sector in, gainst the severe attacks of the which the severe:t fight ing Nationalists in which all availaThe Committee appointed by taking place for the past few ble sea, air and land forces are the Municipality to carry out the days. Loyalist re inforecements engaged. The terrifie bombardhave been rushed to the defencement to which the port is being arrangements for the Fiestas onis nounced for the 13th, 14th, 15th, of this important Mediterranean subjected has already, it and 16th. instant working Port and additional heavy guns said, produced enormous end a number of airplanes have amount of damage. It is genera with might and main to make the festivities a grand success.
also been sent there from Mally expected that this new che Many horses are under train.
drid; the defenders are reported fensive will develop into ing to compete in the Races Eet to be yet holding their owa a most sanguinary encounter of the entire warfare.
for Sunday, Monday and Tues.
cay, the 14th. 15th, and 16th on The operations around MaVenezuela which there will be many surpri arid appear to be confined mainses. Horse owners are asked in Arrests Leftists ly to aerial bombardments wita send in their nominations and en varying results.
tries by, the latest, Thursday the According to reports emanatFrom Caracas cames the infor ing from Paris, it would seem Ilth, to the Secretary Mr. Nation On Tuesday last, the 2nd. Ins fche er, on the 2nd of mation that eighteen Leftist that foreign intervention is still tant, one of our most widely February 1857. and after serving Leaders have been arrested in pro ceding to an appreciable ex Deposits for entries must be handed to the Treasurer, Mr. Al known and popular citizens, Mr his country both as a po itician consequence of the discovery of tent. number of American urcides Ramirez, on the aformen the recipient of hearty Wallace Szerwood Weeks, was and public servant, migrated to an active propaganda of a sub plenes, des ined. It was presaand Mexko in the interests of his versive nature which was being med, for the government forces tioned date.
sincere fecilitations from a very health, where for many years waged among members of the Feat Valencia, had been clearea The festivities promise to be large circle of friend, and ad he worked with the National ceral troops.
from Havre, ile a number of very interesting; the usual ex mirers, the day being the sothRail vay Department. He atrived It is expected that the govern Frenin volunteers and a quanticursion trains will be to anniversary of his birth, as an in this ccuntry in the yea: 1911 ment will proceed to dissolve all ty of railroad and war material bring in a concourse of people nounced in the Spanish section. a little over a quarter of opposing groups and order the were known to have reached from the outlying districts on the of our previous issue.
centuary ago and shortly after explsion of their leading mem Spanish territory a few days ago Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. weeks was born in Col obtained employment with the bers from the Repyblic. from acrocs the frontier.
Traffic Department of ou Railway Company, where his previous experience and general ability soon brought him to the attention of his superioz offi cers and resulted in his bein selected as Conductor for ühe SERVICIO DE VAPORES Estrella train when that branch was opened to public travel This position was certainly not Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK a bed of roses as the numerous con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA Banana plantations hen in full swing in the Valley gave en ply LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS rent to a large numbe: of labour AMERICANOS EUROPEOS er who made freqrest use of Saldra de Limón the railroad ara may of vlin VAPORES SALIDAS were etways disposed to create trouble; but by the exercise of his determined yet suave man PETEN de Febrero a EUROPA nerism Mr. Weeks not only soon VERAGUA 14 de Febrero thad things going the way he QUIRIGUA FEBRERO 19 DE 1937 21 de Febrero wanted them, but obtained She entire respect and goodwill of tite most ob tinate characters ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
thereby eliminating a great a ORDENE SUS EMBARQUES DE inount of the difficulties which TILAPA 12 de Febrero CAFE PARA ESTE BARCO nht otherwise have been toe Llevando café eclamente para Londres Tierced. He is to lay the most le level and popular employec tie Traffie Department. ALVARADO CIA.
HAPAG LLOYD The At antic Voice adi 1: Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas aucta to the sincere congratulaAgencia Costa Rica tions already extended him. Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United wishes that he may be spared Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica many more years of useful life TELEFONO 3156 Our communit.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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