
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 6th February, 1937.
President Petitioned re Milla Maritima Lands Depósito de Maderas EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber en NAPLES HOPE FOR ROYAL ROYAL HEIR are whom and even Our Coconut Industry.
Maduro Lumber Yard We give hereunder a transla, Costa Rica rents her lands tas ment of the resources of the coun NACIONALES tion of the Memorial presented to you are aware) at One Copa ertry. While we have the honour to FRANK MADURO Jr.
the President of the Republic or annoum per hectarea for the cul subscribe ourselves your itintus Tuesday last by Mr. Na tisation of Bananas; also fein agriculturists of the Milla Mari.
tions commissioned by mary lot of twenty. five hectareas tima and your sincerely zealou Frank Maduro hijo.
occupiers of the lilla Maritima se only colieets twenty five cea citizens. Natlon: Simon Lands in the Caribbean Coax: Los per hectarea monthly. Supoyite; Samuel Palmer: Caleb PROP.
Sr. Presidente de la República, does not rent Innds for the cul Thompson; Buckanon: Your Excellency.
tivation of Cacao so as to elimi Kayasso: Benjamin Dixon; Maderas del pais. ExisWe your humble servanta and nate the presibility of larceny o Smith; Ferguson. and tencia permanente at moderate prices agriculturists on the lands of the Cacao from her plantations any others. nuestro depósito.
Lilla Maritime on the Caribbean Coast beg to approach Your Esco!
Viewing these circumstances, lency niost respectfully with the Sir, we are feeling thai tae defollowing complaint mands of the government from for many years we have been whom we expect protection in the cultivating on the lands og this fomenting of agricultural pursuit and smal! parlors, a pinyroon oy dynasty, lessen Prince Zone without my. estation or bin Its are pressive. Your subordiNAPLES. Naples is preparing two second Humbert responsibilities as the arance of any kindA few years nate Officers are endeavouring to to celebrate with its characteris and a vestibule, on the floor.
future King of Italy.
ago a Mr. Castro tried to colle collect freen us at the rate of two tie enthusiasm an event which Maria Jose mother. Queet The direct line of succession Telital trom us for our Cacao and colones per hectarea monthly for has for the time being obscured cultivations, but on represent, Banana farms, one colon month interest in events in the Spanish Elizabeth of Belgium, and her would be interrupted it Prince tions made by us during the regt ly for Cacao and Coconut farres war, in Geneva, and lesser hap mother in law, Queen Elena Humbert were to die leaving to me or don Cleto Gonzales per hectarea and seventy. five penings. The important concern Italy, will be in attendance. Not, male heir one returned to interrupt us. cents monthly for Potreros per for Neapolitans now is that Bel only Neapolitans but all Italiens Should Maria José bave Latterly, there arrived here air. heetarea.
Oscar Aivarudo demanding that We have proposed to your Ho gium born Crown Princess Maria and Prince Humbert himself hope sons, the Italian throne would, in we shouud sign Contracts and puy nourable José, nt about the end of Februait will be a boy. The birth of a due course, pass to the Duke of Secretary of Finance who is Humbert firs: rents for the lancs occupied. Ive that from the fact that we are ry, expects to become a mother son would insure the continuation Aosta, are suspicious that as these re only being paid by the Fruit Com Suscriptions being made of the present branch of the Say cousin.
solutions have not been passed by pany after the rate of Thirty for the purchase of a beautiful our Legislative Assembly. this Cents for our Bananas, being the crib in which the future royal of: gentleman should not bava aysane price hich is paid to te spring may sleep Small coins right to demand our signing en nants on her lands from lire are pouring tracts nor to threaten us with jushe collects, as recognition of in steadily and swellin ginto thon di la collections of such rentals rights of unership, a rental of According to the Law of 1926, one colon per annum, it does not sands, for Prince Humbert and s, we are within our rights, as appear just that he should colleet Maria José have endeared themFrom Page Mines, and familiarized himselt well as, by your recent arguments from us more than one colon selves to the Naples population with the many spaces left it with our Harbour when fune Talling from your own lip, cat monthly; nor more than twenty Early in the morning, when the hout attention. The only knovationing as Harbour Master. He Uncultivated lands of the State five centimos for Potreros month Neapolitan husbands are far cigrove at present is that at El is therefore, in our opinion, mobelong to those without lands who ty per hectarea especially consi the coast casting their nets into Cocal belonging to Mr. re apt to give us a proper Water Cvate them.
dering the nature of the swamps the sea, the women crowd the Findlay, but even this has no Supply and the much needed which we are reclaiming for the churches to pray for the health attempt at delineation. Und Highway communications than We have to acknowledge bal economic progress of the country ofthe Principessa. Two years the projected scheme the trees any other philanthropist.
Dny cowards have signed and by planting Park an dother gres ago the city stood before the rozili be plantea in regular forma peld to this gentleman, but we ses. We beg to point out further, sal palace unti Ithe small houstion and as scon as they come cardo Alvarado, is most amiable Our prezent Governor, don RIcerinot decide this important ques that the lands of the Company are of the morning to await the ar into production the tion without hearing the last word good and made adaptable to Baold ones and well intentione to his home irm our much beloved President, nana cultivation after lying in fal rival of Maria Pia of Savoy would be gradually thrown down town and its people, but he lacks Considering, Your Excellencys low as Potreros seven years; whithat we have been permitted an lie those of the Milla Maritima are royal palace here to new quar.
Moria Pia has moved from the leaving a beautiful aspect of the fighting spirit of im Juaalignment along cur coastline. nito. However, between Gure bo advised from the time of the Ad not so adaptable, being sampy ters and the small six room apart Proper inspection of the gio We are hoping to see great reministratice or our never to be and if not constantly cleaned at Ives would be afforded by qualiforms in the progressive march forgotten and much beloved don double cost and supplied soon die ment in the palace where she fied inspectors of the govem of our city and its surrounding Tc. nas Guardia, and later by the out by the very nature the first saw the light is ready for Buthorities in the Administration lands, as noxious weeds and moun the ne weoyal guest. It is com who would also instruct planters ment Agricultural Department.
Villages o don Rafael Yglesias, to culti tainous growths overMay our planter take the fai run and posed of a bedroom, bathroom.
rate these lands of the Govern kin th ecultivated grass in quick on the diseases common to this tiative by atarting to clean and ment by words of don Balvanero time.
plant, as well as the most ef modernize their Coconut groves Vergas, then Covernor of Limon, fective manner in which the av the example in keeping with who even subsgidized our efforts no are so uncertain and delicate.
The crops from Cocos and Ca BOOTH gage so frequently made by being set them by Mr. Findlay.
by granting us twenty five cents that coupled with the downwara chapulins. bugs and worms pe root for every Cacao tree rather than tb eupward fluctuaBest te eradicated brought into bearing. We feel that tion of the prices of these pro Boked the Laws would have to recogni ducts as well as the diseases now It will be remembered that we called the attention of the 20ze us as Condueños (part owners) overtaking them, these cultivations Brlin of the lands imprcked; and that are anything but profitable there Ivernment to these evils and we Bread the contracts now being present fore we have asked that a price re followed by the San José DaiBurs ed us ought to be made applicable of fifty centimos mounthly per her lies. It would seem that this to the recent arrivals on the tarea be fixed on these. But in Biscuit Cakes bas resulted in the project now LIMON Coast but not to us the old ce spite, Sir, of all our deducturns and being placed before the Legisla The Peop e Bakery cuters.
arguments in these directions, Hr. Cox 179 tive Committee by don Juaatto a lowever, Your Excellenes, not have been denied these propesiRomagosa and his colleagues.
Fábrica de Hielo withstanding our rights, nce buv tions as a means of harmonizing Well done don Juanito, Indeed ing any desire to creato a dir the situation thus created; hence there has never been so great y Refrescos Toult situation for your govern weeg to appeal to your saner and ment, we will submit ourselves to more ameliorative criterion in this sitnodified and reasonable rate of affair. con fident that Your Excal Or thought both as Governor a o gone Mad Representative of our abandoned Yenal slong with feasible candelency will see the justice and featons for the continued occupationsibility of our arguments and Provine as you have been, and What strange occurrences we o these hults.
grant us a favourable and equitwe are looking forwarl to the see recorded around News We beg to manifest to Your Ex able decision in this all important good fortune of having you comes from New York that Edetency that the Cia Bananera del matter for the further developagain some day as Governor over ward Reilly, the Lawyer who LA FLORIDA cur affairs. Don Juanito has had change of the defence of walked from the city of Limon Bruno Hauptmann in the sense to Sixacla in order to acquaint Fábrica de Hielo tional Kidnapping Case, is now hirelf with the people and condi an inmate of a Lunatie Asylumtions along the coact: to Venta de Leche hes Dr. Sherman of the Institution been on foot along the traverses LOCALES: presumes that Reilly went off his of our Water supply: he has teen y Maderas nerves in consequence of having through all our clans Calle de la Sabana. 50 varas al Oeste de la Paraperia de Coal fruled to set Hauptmann nt ben las Sres. Musmanni y contiguo a la Planta Purificadora de leche ty. He seemed to have taken the tind so much to heart that liebe Bon to break away months ago EN SAN JO E: COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Hauptmann Lawyer tried to Limon in word, deed FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
us Compra y Venta de Muebles a LE OFRECE some HOP LEE LUNG Carros extranjeros desde 2500 ei ede ante. Camas Cocinas Lindbergh still reaicies in EnRoperos. para lores. Mesas. Neveras, Colchones y Almoha.
das de ort. Tijerejas. Estantes, Maquinas de coser y de essland: the latest we heard of him ibu nas. Mostradores. Muebles. Siles: Cajas de Hierro, is that he secreliy took off in Esial ones, Cun s, Espejos de todo tamaño. Tocadires. Es company with his wife for Cairo critorns Sillones Juegos de Sala, Meced ras Mesas de toEgypt. Truly some great mystery che, luegos de coment, Cocinos de hierro, Beues Tacros para leche. Peceras. Garrafas grandes, Registrecoas y una seem yet to surround this unior estantería con 30 gavetas para bo ica, etc, etc.
tunate care was forced to make a londing in Italy.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Establecinieto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes El más surtido en Matina He


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