
THE NAVAL ARMS RACE Month OT Speeches 387 In 1922, when a halt was cal To demonstrate that she is build led on the naval armament race ing against another potential ene January has indeed been niity by his adoption the doc nation and Race, and under tbc58 by conclusion of the Washington my and not against the United math of great Orotary among wrine of The Scrap of Paper conditions only will Gerasanyanaval treaty (later suplemented States. Japan put out feelers for the leading Powers of Europe etc. but no, surrounded by an in form her economic conditions and by the London treaty of 1980) the creation of new Japanese and all, however diplomatically mense concourse, with representa her international relations y. it there were but five great sea pow American peace machinery in the couched, are leading toward the tives from every corner of this neighbouring countries.
ers. Great Britain, the United Pacific. Tokyo newspapers report eventuality of war.
country; the diplomatic represen Hitler expressed his firm States, Japan, France and Italy. ed that Foreign Minister Arita tatives of all nations; his bigbest position to the Soviet government of the Today the world picture has chang soon would propose a conference great speech which the Eden, in anticipation military and naval Ortices and under its Communistic regime and whole äed themselves to the list. Large lity for the Philippines, fortifica 30th of January, ed; Germany and Russia have ad with America to discuss neutra world expected of Hitler on the is entire Cabinct, he stands and pretensions; but denied that Ger first started declares that Germany is as many bas any idea of interiering ly because of the sea rearma tion of islands in the Pac2, and with what seemed an attempt at xious any other nation to 30 in Spain for territorial expension: ment of these two nations for other Asiatic problems with a throwing oil on the troubled seas, operate toward the peaceful sou though she is demanding the resignatories of the naval limitation view toward the preservation of by re iterating the pacifie attitudelution of all and every problem turn of the Colonies taken froni treaties are letting those treaties friendly relations.
Dr the British nation as well as confronting Europe and tue rest her under the Treaties she was expire and the race will becomes he compelled to sign as a humbled universal again.
Usually well informed sourcas ner friendly intentions toward Ger of the world. This however, Naval experts, surveying the sain Washington said the State De many if she would only walk in sald, could only be done by firm nation. He re iterated the German stable international condi sentiments of friendly relations tuation as the racers approch partment response to such an barmony for the preservation of tions, as well as by a frank and with Britain and co. cooperation ed the Jan. barrier, rated the overture probably would be simi Peace. But he concluded iy mak sincere admission by all that ma with her to assure the contuaseven sa powers thus, on the war to that given by Secrsary ing it distinctly known that Bas ny nations of Central Europe need tion of the Peace of Europe. He basis of war craft built, building Hun to a nike proposal in 1934 iand would fight if any Power at the vital clements to carry on a received an immense ovation at or appropriated for: The United States could not contempted to mak cherself a dozni gradual and efficient progressive the clos eof bis address and the sider a bilateral conference, but nating factor in Spain and her evolution toward a superior cul Re:chstag extended him dictatoShips. Tonnege. would gladly participate in a con affairs.
tural unfoldment according Lo rial powers for a further trem 02 Great Britain 545, 473ference with all the countries hav Tuc French Premier.
405 Blum, each one private necessities.
four years.
United States 1, 429, 740 ing Far Eastern interests Japan soon followed, palliating a3 diplo 882, 172 wit, Great Britain, France, Italy, Among other things he said he In the meantime all nations, as 283 France in another column.
219 793, 086 Japan, China, Russia Belgium. matically as only a Freneliman regretted that portion of the Trea we mention their armaments Itay 237 ean, the present peeultar poliu ty of Versailles to which Germa are increasing 524, 045 Portugal and the Netherlands.
nquished with feverisb heat, watehing the Germany 97 cal aspirations of Hitler govern ny was forced, as a 328. 748 ment, and exhorting a peaceful and debilitated nation, to sign. likely (utcome of the Spanish reRussia 105 204, 762 frame of mind among all the peo stigmatizing her as responsible volution and guarding themselges José Achion Ng ples of Europe; but he too closea and culpable for the World War: against whatever eventualities The majority of the new craft, laid down or projected, are subby clearly and definitely pronounc but Germany at this moment re may arise.
marines and destregers, but the Comerciante Detallista ing the determination of his gov turned to claim her equality 85 a vernment to fight along with Bri list includes a dozen new superLicores, Aharrites, Cristale tain should the interests of indreadnoughts of 35, 000 tons ench, ria, Articulos de Ferreteria with a speed of approximately ternational goodwill be tampered y Eléctricos; todo se enthirty knots and guns ranging up by any Power.
cuentra en este establecito sixteen inches. Or these Japan Next came the British Charcelmiento a is building four, the United Stalor. the man already chosen by LIMON tes, Great Britain and Italy two publle sentiment to succeed Balat cach, France and Germany 023 FRECIOS DE SITUACION win Neville Chamberlain MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS each LIMON who tried to smooth out all the Compra Cacao Material de Tranvía political unrest which sought to Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahaita y Puerto Viejo bers; Aj is well known to many of who has for some time been a world a sandon all per apparent Importación de mercaderia en generai our readers, don Manue) Maria ming to be recognized as held at to liceelations and come in Peralta after leaving thi; coun law to his presumei brother. ard safe. baaril the tr, resided in Europe ſo many The Civil Court has now decined Peace of Europe.
in his fawour declaring him a yeary where he died leaving a fhe Italian has also fair fortune behind him but te legitimate brother with al! tried his hand at diplomacy in ure rights to his sur al legal intents and purposes. me. Needless to say na which he is generally diagnosed a From the Vatican City co that prior to the outbrcak of an ay latlare. His endeavour was tomes the news that as a result the warfare there were 69 he left no legitimate her. He to weter.
peal was made against this by laud the great aims of Fascism of the Civil war in Spain cle Bishops and Archbishops, seem to have had an the parties claiming as Text on its approaching 14th anniver ven Bishops and 16. 750 33, 500 Priests and 20, 640 illegitimate brother who 0 kin, but the App aj Coursary, and to also expdess his wish Priests have been assassinat Monks and Nuns in Spain, and bears the name of Peralta and confirmed the sentence, anil for Peace, stressing his pleasure ed that from forty to fifty of the Mr. Peralta is now a mondeover, the Gentreman agreement The report goes on to showl se have been slain by the Reds entered inte between sed legally as the help to his Italy and Britain Guillermo Niehaus Co.
Precedent Created Under Legitimacy Law ants of the League and its mem!
as an Dictator muy at Massacre of Priets EDGAR YOUNG brother etate LIMON CIVIC FIESTAS 13 14 15 and 16 FEBRUARY 1937 COMERCIANTE por más de 20 años Establecido en la Provincia Vende al detal, Vinos y Ll.
cores extranjeros y del país, abarrotes en general.
MISCELANEA Establecimiento esquina Norte del Mercado Entre 42 Knowing, as one does, the Then came the dreaded day, the laws on the question of legid day of many misgiving, apprehensions and anticipations the many and illegitimacy. there is much comment among lean Hitler was to deliver Iris gren day of the 30th January, when members of the legal profesion of the country, and it wou were those whoe onjectured that speech before the Relénstag. The very interesting to read the the speech would have been an out sleadings before both Court on burst of Hitler pent up feelings most important matter occasioned by some of the rewhich a precedent has now beer marks and references by Eden created and Blim regarding his unrelialı cocoeeed BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Prepare to enjoy yourself during the best Civic Fiestas of the year THOSE OF LIMON Sensational Bull Fights, in which some of the most ferocious animals of the country will be engaged. Horse Races. Atractive Mascarades. Fireworks. Band Concerts. Football and Baseball Games hetween the best teams of the country. Airplane flights above the City. Outings to La Uvita, Portete, Westfalia, etc.
BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK ofrece al público los Offers the Public the servicios de su Services of its SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA Ciudad de Limón City of Limon para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service servicio bancario Rendered The Northern Railway Cº, at the request of the Fiestas Commision, will run special trains on the 13th and 14th. to leave Limon on the return trips on the 16th, and 17th of February. Tickets will be on sale at the Stations of the Company at a discount of 50 per cent for one round trip. Only a limited number of these tickets will be sold in keeping with the requi.
rements of the Law. The trains will be under the vigilance of the Police.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarFascismFootballFranceGermanyHitlerItalySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarWorld War

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