
Harvest Festival SALOMON CHIN Wee. Le a OUR AGUAS CALIENTES over, his body being cut to pie. Announcements Announcements Vacation Season in Full Swing LUIS WA CHONG El mejor Regalo de The Best Año Nuevo The Costa Rica Burial Scheme, And thou who givest daily bread.
New Year Gift Association held their Harvest Grant us the Bread Eternal.
Festival Thanksgiving Function The principal centre of attrarESTRADA Una Máquina One SINGER on Tuesday evening the 26th, Ja tion was Master Courtney Da Cox Abarrotes y Licores wary. The event was made pos ta who played the role of pianist. SINGER 1937 sewing machine 1937 Artículos del Pais sible principally through the in. This youth gives great credit to 11 news backward and for fomitable efforts of Mrs. Daisy his teacher, Mr. Dixon. and Cose para adelante y ward, does mending. emPrecios Economics Blackman. the President of the satisfaction to his parents who de atrás, surce, borda y per Droiuering and hemsiiching Ladies Social Department. and vote so much attention to his edu fora. Le cambiamos SU LA IBERIA work. We exchange your ser colleagues who are always In cation máquina vieja por esta old machine for this won.
yal to the obligations and Fery The Juveniles of the Society derlul new one.
vilting workers, were not wanting in their excelThe Promoter, Mr. Black lent contributions. The addresses 15. 00 mensuale: Man Crushed 15. 00 per month nan, presided as Chairman and by Messrs Bertie Barrett, by Train he Function opened promptly at Mitchell, Goulbourne, Agencia SINGER «SINGER» Agency o clock with the beautiful hymn Manzanares, Duckett. Carlos Cosiado Norte del al the north side of the Now thank we all our God. Valverde and Sister Mannings On Wednesday afternoon Mercado market in Limon vh ch was cheerfully rendered by were all splendid and highly apwork trala operating on the Zent the choir and members. Bro. Hyl plauded; after which a vote of line, between Castro Switch and ton followed with prayer. thanks was offered by Bro. HylLiverpool, crushed to death a man The audience was large and Vacon and the Promoter.
named Euwan who resided in The singing of Abide with ry representative, while the gifts that district.
fruits were numerous, not even Me. and prayer by Bro Hylten The convoy, heavy ballast the ackee was omitted. Two lo brought the festival to a happy Cartago has for long been no. Agua Caliente located in the ted as a Health Resort particular nearby vincinity have become train, was backing toward Liver. vely iced cakes and a litro of plus close.
pool, and the unfortunate man ter punch graced the fancy tuh. The object of the function was ly for Panamanians and as a well known.
le, with some Bread to remind the to raise funds in aid of the Socie We now understand that some who was known to be deaf, was audience of the daily providence ly Treat to the poor at Easter consequence the very effective going in a similar direction to his of the Heavely Father.
qualities of the Hot Springs of foreign Capitalists are banding tide.
home; he got hit by the cars, was together to properly harness 2hrown to the ground and run these beneficial waters and to build a good hotel with all mod ces. When the train was stopped ern accommodations for th se he was already dead.
seeking an efficient health re.
His Lordship biscop Alberto sort.
On the matter being reported Wollgarten will confer the beHardly any one, no is any, here when we have no water for The vicinity is an ideal pln e.
to the Authorities, the ist. A1 nours of Beni Merenti. recenone, can now be found in San bathing purposes. ni cresco ri and its a mystery ho wshortsight calde along with the Agente Priatly granted Messrs. John Smith Jose: at every door at which salada; no drive vays; no roads ed some of our medical men have cipal de Policía went out by an of La Junta and David Shergold cne enquires for some gent eman to Moin or Portette; not even a been in not utilizing this natural other train and took the neces of Puerto Viejo by His Holiness professional the same answer pathway of our own by which facility for the erection of a regl tary depositions. Needless to say the Pope, at a special ceremony is received Gone on Vacation we may visit God Acre and ular Sanitarium where their cathe Engineer and crew of tha to take place in the Cathedral ana whats more all seem to be spend a quiet hour with our tients would be afforded a dipi Train were detained for further tomorrow, 7th. instant.
going to Puntarenas whima is dead. Vacationists who are not in the mysterious pool of 31investigations.
fast becoming the principal Sea disposed for an Initiaty cere loam and be cured, Port of the country.
mony will not travel the Rouga However, it now appears that It was stated a few weeks ago and Rugged Road from Jericho with the assistance of the Na The installation of the oft in one of our Dailies that the to Jerusalem, especially on our tional Tourist Board these ett cers of the District Grand Lige United Fruit Company were rcn Railway Track between the Ce cacious waters will soon be awni of the Mechanic order will take sidering an increase in oren metery and Clarke Rest.
Noable, under the most favourable GUACIMO GUAPILES place on Monday 8th. instant, freight rates. It would however wonder therefore that people see conditions to those in need of at the Concordia Hall appear that if they mean to king 15 ays rest anl change them.
Cantina, Licores compete with the government in some quiet nook, will not come Extranjeros y del país.
Railway. It ought to be the other to Limon but rather go to Punway about so as to induce ship arenas where travelling is chea Tienda bien surtida Shareholders meeting of Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON pers to operate by way of Lina per and they can enjoy a quiet Abarrotes en general the Agricultural Corporation The government is giving every walk along the sandy roag to will be held at Madre de bio facility to shippers and travel the City of the Dead without PRF CIOS sin COMPETENCIA on the 17th, instant.
lers to induce them to use the their feet getting in sud len con: Abogado y Port of Puntarenas and, automatact with stones or Railway sleetically, the Railway for business pers: where they can freely bat Notario Público From time to time we have cal he in God free waters, can ied attention to the great in rea Ec fishing up the Estuaries or vi Oficina: Altos. Passe being made in the Revenue sit the Pirris Estates across the of the country by importations Bay, or make explorations 2n cual Ingianna through the Pacific Port as con the Guanacaste regions.
San Jose abounded with streets or some other publie em pared with that obtained from Hence, as Monte Cristo said.
vagrants, one had to be careful ployment The Police Departwhen moving along the busy ment is acetivel y engaged in more. for the last eight mon waits and hopes. Limon must cards. Then, and only then, This side; and here are nel All thirgs come lo him who ties with or without invitation streets or in front of theatres, rounding them up: there are now hs of 1936 no less than 195 stea only groan and sign for another may we see tourists and vaca ete, as these vagabonds would. 31 well knows characters work mers called at Puntarenas brinzquarter of a centuary when Bastionists around us and our city under the pretence of hurrying ing in Municipal undertakingsing in 26. 000 tons of cargo; his ton may see that her passenger be again inhabited as is was of by rush against the unsuspect and should any of them actempt is some three time as many ax and freight trade is drindling Yore, in the days of forty years ing one and swip ing his peneil, to escape from working they will we have had at this port.
pen, watch, or other handy ar be deported to such outlying dis to nothing and afford travellers ego, when Sancocho parties were We find the Pacific Roway week end and vacation tickets; ourh ighest entertainment, We ticle of personal value, pass it tricts as Talamanca under police offering season and weekend when don Leon or don Lico may will then be full of visitors quickly on to an accomplice pas supervision.
tickets to and fro. Puatoreras spend a million colones as W2 Dr.
Steggal will be sing in an opposite direction all here well dressed.
The Police are to be congratu as inducements to travellers whidone in Puntarenas to give us as also Drs. Cespedes, Velasquez latea for their activity in trying le the Northern Railway seem ly a good waxer supply: when the and Vasquez; don Lucas and don The Authorities are, however, to remedy this annoying conds ing on their cars, with this podead in trespasses and crimes Felipe will also return, while Mr!
getting on to these villainous tion, as these pick pockets study sinking into insignifi:e in the Arias Hotel may be made seaman will once more takel practices and, capturing the vil al sorts of tricks to fleece the Nearly every one leaving Line to build a road for the conve charge of the Commissaries and lains under the Vagrancy Law, innocent pedestrians of their or vacation goes brought yance of the dead to their last shortages in cash and stock will are placing them at work on the hard earned cash.
Puntarenas, while not 10 per resting place, when Mr. Galbrai cease, for Limon will return to cant of those of the Interior ever the legacy may give us a road her eleven million bunches of Ba think of coming to this poc. to Moin and Siquirres; when the ranas per annum and all will be why? Echo answers. Even our Cocal fishing house may beco mirth anit happiness.
Municipal members are not arou me a rendezvous for fishing par HH sed by a spirit of rivalry The bulla a Bar and egisla e tha: LIMON, LIMON, the Negroes who built the towa Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Importación it mus no dipin for fest leaving the inky stain y Imports and Exports their bodiss in the briny Abogado yNotario Público Lawyer Notary Public Exportación blue. Instead of allowing al ternate days for the famiDepósito de Madera Lumber Deposit lles Limonense since they Oficina contigua a la Office: Adjoining to the City nean segregation; but no, tey Public Library Compra de Cacao en ac selfishly, and so the Mas Biblioteca Erglish Spoken grano Cocoa Purchased meld punishes them by de Former Judge of the Limón District Court troying the Tower of Babel.
How can we have vacatiowsts Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Great Nuisance Under Suffocation ALLAN SIMEALLAN SIME


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