
George Breedy Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association HOLLYWOOD Japanese Plotters Seized Leftists Plot to Obstruct Trial: a family who once toek 1: is with much regret we have AVISO NOTICE to mention the passing into the FANCY STORE Great Beyond of a greatly res Seguridad ante todo: Hágase Secure yourself and family pected member of our Consocio de la Sociedad Benefimercial Community Mr. George by becoming a member GRAND BARGAIN SALE cencia de Costa Rica, para paof the only reliable BuBreedy. The sad event took pia. gar los gastos de entierro, Es.
LOWEST PRICES ce at his residence in this city tablecida en Limón, el de Tial Society established last Saturday and the mal Mayo de 1928, in Limon May 5th, 1928, BERENSON remains were taken the iollowing day to San Jose for interLIMON APT. 515 nient years ago and re esca sisted The deceased was meincer business here.
a To his sorrowing witoard TOKYO. The police announ RIO DE JANEIRO. The we have received instructions to re leucing part in the camercial other relatives the Atlantic L ced that fifteen Japanese hari rot police announced they had fuse to appear before the special activities of Limon; ne ler le extends its sincere condubeen rounded up in different for San José, but returel some le. ce.
obtained documents from a Letcourt on the grounds that it is an parts of Japan on charges of plan ist prisoner indicating a conspi illegal tribunal. They are warned ning an armed revolution and the racy to interfere with the trials not to answer questions if forced creation of anarchist conmunes.
of those who took part in the re to attend.
volt in November, 1935.
They said a plot was discoverThe seized insiructions, the jo Dr. Carlos Manuel Fernández ed last August for starting in lice said, stress that if the priThe seized documents wers surrections on a nation wide sca soners refuse counsel and take said to have explained the up no part in the proceedings they Dentist le. Almost all the provincial poearance of a naval officer in will have grounds for legal action Licemer in Japan were mobilized court attired only in trousers. He to upset the verdict if they are Will be in Limon from the 16 th. of Fe to hunt down the alleged plotters had refused to don garments convicted and sentenced to pri bruary and will be at the services of his whose activities were declared to when called to court and entered have taken the officials into forson esteemed Clientele in the Office of Mr. Armando the court room walking backward ty four prefectures.
Others who refused to appear Colonel Costa Netto, chief of Rodríguez The fifteen, whose occupations have been placed in solitary cells the special tribunal.
were given as reporters, printers, The police said the 156 leftists ders of his court would be obey firemen and writers, were seized who are in prison awaiting triaisled if he had to use force.
cut cf a total of 350 suspected berrorists. The police indicated that the aileged plotters would face trials shortly.
LEATHERS OD KEEPS SHOES SMARTER Heart and Liver in Reversed Positions From Honduras come this very Don forget to NUGGET yours shoes Interesting information Felipe Andino, a man of 53 years of every morning and save your NUG lase who always enjoyed good health, on falling sick consults a SWATERPROOF FREE FROM AC GET lids, which can be exchanged prominent Doctor, who discovers that Andino heart is located on for beautiful and useful gifts at the the right side of his body and his liver on the left. An Ray examination was applied and con LIMON TRADING COMPANY, Limón.
firmed the Doctor diagnosis.
Great sensation has been arou INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES bed among men in scientific circles by this freak of nature.
Exclusive Distributors.
San José. FISTIC COLLAPSE AND DEATH EUROPEAN NATIONS ARMING HEAVY IMPORTATIO NS Tommy Marino of Pittsburg, The government of Poland of Russia, the Minister of crait will be of the first power.
DURING JANUARY who engaged Quintana for the spending enormous zums of my tion, General Pierre Cot, has The Fienea Minister of War, de a record for the Revenue de ship was so badly battered last The month of January ma me um lightweight championney throwing up a serie, of en given it out that from June the ward Deladier, has also solici partent of the government Saturday by his opponent that he derground fortifications aloas number of planes have been auged a credit for armaments her German frontier, similar to mented by 37 per cent of az it yielded the huge sum o: thace carried out by the French first line of machines, materinis ratories of Schneider and Creu ipostations produced We view of the fact that the great 320 335 colones: ok ta died on Monday in a hospital in New York from the effects, era Known as the Maginot lire and munitions by from fifty to are being nationalized Bom 065. 270 and exportations Quintana sent him to the carof fortresses sixty per cent and aerial ar se month of March. credit 936, 000. The Liquor tra pet five times, yet he would not maments by 70 per cent. He aiso seven hundred million dollars de brought in 386, 179, 60: give in so the fight had to be de The directions of these prepa stated that by the Spring of was voted by Parliament the Pacific Railway cided on points.
rations are under the guidaese the present year her entire air British capitalists have also 285, 560, 17 and direct taxa of French military experts, and force will be made twice as made a loan to the French go Idion, the dety on Cattle and are said to be a great improve sirons, to be quadruple by 1938 vernment of fifty million pounds License made up the balance ment on those done along the and made five times as powerf. place her railroads in a pro has turned in to the Finance same thing to Bob Pastor, a New The Tibutation Tax Office Joe Louis di practically the French frontiers, by die following year.
per state of efficiency.
The German government iz al department a statematt Suow If therefore, France should 10 so making a similar line of de orrow It may therefore be conting that there are 390, 000 09 Yorker, pho took a severe whip need the intervention tured that the Greater. Powers fences along ber frontier with or an armed force property valuations from ping on Monday last, but fought to protect are of the opinion that war is which Direct Taxes should be out his ten round engegement roland, and no airplanes are ai her international rights her air imminent collected losing to Joe on points lowed to fly over the territory under such military. cperations.
These lines of fortresses will be continued along the Polla F1 Nos permitimos amar su atención a la dorsonol ala We beg to call your attentin to our remark at the back sian frontier. Tag eest of the de si recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
enormous Polish fortifications Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofiare to be borne by French capiThis bill must be paid at our office tel.
cina dentro de los primeros 10 dias before the 10th of the month The French nation is also layde cada mes Ing down adultional dele Be so good as to comply with this request and do not lines along ber entire frotters Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a stop which from the Engll Channel, down de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take the Franco German borders on to that with Svitzerland Although the air defenees of France are second only to those Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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