
Saturday 13 February 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page an The Bene Merenti Conferred on Two Good Catholics to a HIN the Restaurante Siquirres se enEl mejor Regalo de known them for years, have been of Christ as you have done, fot eye witnesses thereof and it so many years, inspite of all the shurt their modesty and humility to crifices, mortifications, ha Uships In culmination of the mie most made by our unselfish, impartial and expressed the hope that itsee their efforts and accomplish and disappointments it has cost you.
noughtful and unselfish recom Vicar Apostholic to His Holinese would be an incentive to a good ments laid bare before the public Let this occasion be something like mendations for honouring meri for their meritorious evangelistic Catholics to take the narrow and eye. They themselves have never an examination of consciease for Lorious services. His Lordship services in the Vicariate. difficult road and assist in intes expected nor thought of this pe our Catholic men and young men. Bishops Wollgarten conducted a John Smith started his evan. sifying Catholic Action. He then blic recognition. We have just Let it be to our younger generamost impressive ceremony in the gelization work in the year 1890 pinned on the breast of cach the tried to do always our duty 10 tion an encouragement Cathedral of this city at p. among his fellow men who had large golden medal and handed ward God, Christ and His Hoy their duties toward God and fulfil His last Sunday when he decorated migrated here for work with the them the beautifully framed di. Church they would answer, ir ask Holy Church every day and day wo of our coloured citizens with English Construction Co. and plomas which accompany the ho eryth the golden medal Bene Merenti spreading his influence West and nour ed for the reason of this distinc more and better, not waiting til the marked distinction accord North of Limon, along the Lines Both recipients suitably thank tion; they would find it imusible old age makes them unfit fur nard end them by His Holiness Pope to Slquirres and Guapiles, made ed His Lordship and the Priests to recollect the details Jong work, but starting at an easly age, Pius XI in recognition of their tho erection of the many eds for the attention and recognition life spent for the greater Glory of so that they also, after many years, forty years of untiring, zealous fices in those areas possible by zewn Faem, uni begged that God. They were satisfied to see may look backward upon a fruta ra selfsacrificing labour in the his advices and monetary back that weir gratitude de conveyed their names written in the Book of ful life spent in the service of the Sest interests of the Religioning to His Holiness for the high dis Life, but not in the newspapers: Divine Master Hy which to their convictions had David Shergold, finding him inction and graces showered on they wished nothing but that God Mithstood the tests of twently sell a true Catholic Convert in them; they also asked all pre would remember their loyal service extend to you both my most corFrom the bottom of my heart mee enturies, had saken off the ca 1897, exerted his influence in a sent to pray that they would be been though men might forget it. dial congratulations for the distincsimny of material inhibitions and Southerly direction toward Cahui spared to continue worthy worI will not make them feel un tion that has been bestowed upon jad, like the Master, risen victo ta. Old Harbour and Talamanca kers.
endously above all earthly condem among the settlers and Indians and The only unfortunate circum easy by going into details; just youg by the highest spiritual Autoconstipattons and taken her place in have throughout this lengthened stance connected with this cere few names will mention, namesrity in the World, by the Puther curbe Spirigial Realm of glorious period devoted his humble servi mony was the marked lack of that contain a whole history of un. and Leader of all Christeotom. manifestations ces in the Vineyard of the Mos interest and cooperation display selfish work of 20, 30, 40 years: Li congratulate you in my own na ne On entering the secred edifice, ter.
ed by the coloured population of mon (Knights of St. John. Apo de as well as on behalf of the Revehe was mmediately impressed hūs Lordship gave a very elo the city, who seem always to ship of prayer, Catholic Dead Fundrend Fathers of this Vicariate, and hat something unusual was a quent address, first in Spanish forget that honours shown any of Society. Siquirres and Old Jar friends and guests, indeed, on beout to take place. The gorgeous and then in English, as to the weir copatriots is evidenlumination of the sacred altars, cause of this unusual ceremony. ce of distinction for he presence of representatives entire Race. We however ho all the Organizations connectthe entire Race. We however ho a with the Church, the solemnity José Achion Ng pe they will gradually be educat.
ast two seats of honour place ed along this line of progress by Ind spiritual harmony express Comerciante Detallista means of the many Organizations El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en a in the voices of the membere which give thoughtful considera Licores, Abarritos, Cristaler the Choir, and last but not tion to Race pride, culture and Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan alInicy jast two seats of honour placed ria, Artículos de Ferretería morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para cooperation.
front of the main Altar, cli y Eléctricos; todo The Address by His Lordship que sea atendido a la llegada. El precio es 250. El Resve evidence of that unusual so cuentra en este establecitaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina. Ciwas as followws: miento a Thething about to be manifested If ever in the course of the long garros, y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
What was it? John Smith of years of my working in this VicaP. Sullivan a Junta and David Shergold of PRECIOS DE SITUACION riate have officiated with entire uerto Viejo were to be honoured LIMON satisfaction and sincere joy, it is in y the Church Militant in keepthis ceremony which am to per600DNOSNOS. 6696 og with the recommendations form on this extraordinary occabour (Construction, instructoa, half of all the coloured people and sion which brings us to gether to converts. Cairo, Talamanca (our of all the faithful, who feel themones day.
neys sometimes very dangeros on selves also honoured, in you. May con Two of our beloved brothers in the coast, the mountains and in the the good spare your lives many The Best Christ, Mr. David Shergold and sea. What an inmense lot of work the good Lord spare your lives for Año Nuevo New Year Gift Mr. John Smith, have been honour in the service of the Church and many more years, so that you may ed by His Holiness Pope Pius XI their brethren these names include will remind you daily of the infiniarle.
with a rare distinction, the golden Though the world may forget it tely greater reward in Heaven, Una Máquina One SINGER Medal Bene Merenti and Diplo all, though they themselves may not where the champions of the faith SINGER 1937 sewing machine 1937 ma. And for what reason? Be think it worth while to be remem in all ages of the Church will be It sews backward and forcause of their manifest untiring bered God does not forget it, neith crowned with a splendour pecuCose para adelante y ward, does mending, emwork for many years in the vine er does the Church. And thus it liarly their own, and will reflect atrás, surce, borda y per broidering and hemstiching yard of the Lord, work accomplish is that am happy to adorn their (the inexhaustible happiness of God, fora. Le cambiamos su work. We exchange your Golden ed in the spirit of Catholic Ac breasts with the old machine for this wonmáquina vieja por esta Medal feasting for ever at the sumptious derful new one.
tion. long before that term moderna.
be Bane merenti. which our Glo isu boord of the Eternal.
came the official password for sly reigning Pope Pius XI has But my dear friends, Shergold 15. 00 mensuale: 15. 00 per month every thorough Catholic, in the warded them as a token of ack and Smith, is it not daring and unworld.
nowledment and gratitude. wise to work for a Church whom Agencia SINGER «SINGER» Agency Must relate what hey have Let this public recognition be to the world hates, whose ministers Costado Norte del at the north side of the done to deserve such a bith recog you, my dear old friends, a stínu are always persecuted, whose faithMercado market in Limon nition? Mary of you, who novelation to carry on, until the Lord ful servants are mockea and slandof the Vineyard will call you to ered and calumniated? Or is it that your eternal reward; it it ba to all you do not know all this? But you of us a motive of sincere jo. do you know that the keynote to stimulation to follow your bright the life of the Church is Calvary: example, by living and workiag us and you know also that the lives you have done us to this very day. or her ministers and loyal children Beauty made its bow to Pana, ing to make her stay comfortable, glamour of the fiesta and her pre and by spreading the Holy Gospel (To page 17. radio audience over the Mira. ano pleasant.
sence is significant of a closer tighIr Station, when Miss Costa Ri Miss Parama welcomed her as a tening of the cultural ties that a received cordial expressions of genuine representative of Costa Ri common tradition and heritage, escome from the beauties repre ca womanhood, whose beauty, tablished long. long agu between hiting the nine provinces of the grace and charm are traditional in the peoples of Costa Rica nd Papublic in the Carnival festival the countries of Central America.
nama LIMON The representative of each pro Miss Chiriqui greeted her with The Misses Verauas, Herrera, hee delivered briet addresses of assurances that her participation Cocle, Los Santos, Darien and Bo MÅDERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Slcome to the Costa Rican beach in the festival will enhance it and cas del Toro, also were on the air with expressions of cordial welgressing happiness over her add lustre to the reign of Queen Compra Cacao Material de Tranvía nee in the city to take part in Marilena come for the Capital distinguished pre lenten fiesta and manifestguest, and expressing hopes that Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo Miss Colon voiced satisfaccition this beginning so auspiciously tithe conviction that her coming with the arrival of Miss Costa Rica, teated, would be continued through Importación de mercaderia en general pves that day by day, the sends a more sincere and cordial. because her beauty will enrich the lout the years.
nship between the two paple being strengtsened by the inten leation of the cultural intercann.
Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata that is constantly in We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back progress de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Iween them Este recibo. debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office To all these expressions of ap. cina dentro de los primeros 10 días ciation and welcome, Miss Costa before the 10th of the month sa gnerously replied, expressing de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not rselt deeply moved by the evi Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Pf. Snce of sincere friendship and de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Ah esteem with which she was eived by her Panamanian sisters.
the efforts of the Caruival of that nothing should be lackEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Panama Greets Miss Costa Rica 27 Guillermo Niehaus Co.
OD LE Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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