
TEATRO PEÑA ALLAN SIMEALLAN SIME Reminiscences of Limon. pear, so we have wondered Child Falls 18 Feet to Sidewalk.
as Our Civic Fiestas Keep Away from England Page 16 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 13 February 1937 Slight or An Omission We have seen a list of the na mes of the recognized principal Negro Orators, Statesmen, Tidur LIMON, LIMON, trialists, Editors as well as of tho Siquirres se of Educational wistinctions and Importación otherwise, in a publication by y Grandes bailes populares todos los sabados, Inc.
the Associated Publishers Imports and Exports of Washington DC. sent out Exportación con la alegre marimba.
by the Pittsburg Courrier, and Todo el mundo esta invitado which says The history of the Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Negro Race told with pictures o: its great men and women.
Compra de Cacao en It is observed that the name grano Cocoa Purchased of Marcus. whether it is an omission or From page 18 that it is because he is no: of cholera brought about by the eating of too many acknowledged among the great.
Bananas and Chabs. Mr. Keith then turned his attention Intelectuals of the Race. After to Colon and Jamaica and contracted thousands from Beeing such names as Me ton; Vann; Young: Ihese points, and these were found more hardy and rea child On Tuesday last of ed on its face on the concrete Paul Dunbar; DuBois, etc. we liable for the strenuous railroad work. The first Camp certainly wonder whyth is univer about three years of age fell sidewalk fully 18 feet below.
for the labourers was erected on the site of the present The mother, who resides on sally acclaimed Negro Crator, Ed from the verandah of a two sto.
as Cemetery, hence the district is to this day known tor and Organizer does not appear rey house, known Chong the building, was away in Comments are invited on this building, at the corner of 7th. back of the premise at the time Camp One. The color (zation of the town, proceeded apparent omission.
Street and 4th Avenue, and land attending to her domestic work.
steadilly, lots were apportioned to anyone making appli and SO the unfortunate little cation for same, the only requirement being that the thing wandering around the ve solicitude should be accompanied with five colones, randah, all alone, climbed on the Dr. Carlos Manuel Fernández and as soon as a one room shack was erected thereon railings with the result that it now lies in a precarious condiTitles were extended by don Balvanero. Lumber for Dentist tion in the hospital.
building purpose: could then be readily obtained from Mrs. Arnold lumber yard, which was under the mana.
We hope the little one will Will be in Limon from the 16 th of Fesoon be made fit by the skill gement of the late Núñez; but how many of us bruary and will be at the services of his care and attention of our DoeThen thought of settling in such swamps, although esteemed Clientele in the Office of Mr. Armando tors and Nurses to resume its today we find Mr. Nicolas Montero asking 9, 000 coplace in the home of its parents Rodríguez lones for one of these corner of 2nd. Avenue and 5th.
Street. Labourers continued to becontracted by the Keith Company from Celon nd Jamaica for railroad work and Mrs. Simpson Advised to the planting of Bananas. The writer was one of those who ventured from the Isle of Springs.
Limon was now to be built as a township. Mr. Dick CANNES, France. Mrs. Wallis Schult and Mr. Fields were ent usted with the Warfield Simpson has been advised work of dumping up the town lots and constructing the by the Scotland Yard detectives From page 13 of the assistance which Fran who guarded her during her first Sea Wall And so today we find ourselves the very been regularly bombarding ico continues to receive weeks at Cannes not to return to people who never expected we could have been so very the coastal regions. The vi from Italy and Germany. England, foolish as to settle in these swamps, and in consequence cinity of Valencia was bom and the delay which ha The detectives, assigned to la did not avail ourselves of the free offer of don Balva.
barded on Friday.
taken place in connection because of their experience in qua Another and yet move in with her suggested internati ding high personages and nero We find ourselves, through lack of experience, their tense offensive has been nal control of the Spanish knowledge of the ways of cranky impoverished in a beautiful city, with streets modernly launched against Madrid coasts and frontiers. Should told her that anly by keeping ou laid out and pavel, a fine Cathedral, through now too from several points, with a this occur, it would, in all of Britain can she have absolue small for the accommodation of its congregation, elabo view of entirely isolating the probability enable Russia to cecurity rately constructed government schools, many fine pro City and forcing its surrcn also adopt a similar attituThe views tfity expressed were testant Churches, three Theatres where the latest pictuder for lack of food. The se de, thus producing further their own and not the official stond res can be enjoyed, a Town Hall, a great big Libe: verest fighting was report complications in an already of Scotland Yard. They did not ne ed in the sector which con much complicated interna present any desire of the govern Hall, where Negros can indulge themselves in taking trols the highway communil tional situation.
liberties with the names of white men and the high ment to keep her out of Englasi.
cating with Valencia, wacre The Nationalists are stat chocolate browns, a public Bathing Pool where Negros the Nationalists are said to led to be mobilizing several people in England Mrs.
The detectives said that to marty Simp can not enter, an imposing Customs House, two large have succeeded in stoppilig thousands of additional tro was a symbol rather than an indiviwharves capable of accommodating several large Ocea the passing of loyalist trans ops for a new offensive aga dual, just as the king is largely Liners, a Tourist Association Board, two large Sport ports.
inst the ports othe east of symbol grounds where games of all kinds can be indulged in From Paris it is reported Malaga.
The resentment of a certain part a Town so improved that our Municipal Fathers are enIthat France may scrap ier The most sanguinary ope of the British population was show abled to annouce the holding of an immense non intervention understand rations are still taking place in the abusive letters which came ings and go openly to the in the Southern sector of to her at Cannes. They were studiCIVIC FIESTAS CELEBRATION aid of the loyalists in view Madrid.
ed carefully by the detectives.
to which thousands of torists have been invited and will. O000000 ke enthusiastically entertained.
With all this however, in the days of swamps and forests, when there was not a child to be seen on the streets of Limon Bay. when thunder heard nou a flash of lightning seen this may seem far fetched but it is true; when there were no Cacao farms, BANCO DEL ESTADO insomuch that don Rafael Yglesias, then President, had SOLE BANK OF ISSUE to offer a premium of twentyfive cents per root to induUNICO EMISOR ce cultivation: we were a happier family of pioneers STATE BANK than we are today as citizens of a city with many Churofrece al público los Offers the Public the hes and other modern accommodations and the great diversity of characters to be met among us.
servicios de su Services of its In the days of which we write, the Anglican Church in charge of Ansell, was housed in the lower portion of Mannie Ho shop building; the Baptist, under Mr.
Sobey, was at Alvarado Bodega alongside the PrinEN LA IN THE cesa, and Old man Pitt started the Wesleyan DenominaZion in a small room on the same site on which the Church now stands. However, we have outgrown all these petty conditions and have marched along with ci.
para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service vilization so that for four days we entertain our welservicio bancario comed visitors whom the Atlantic Voice wisches Rendered plorious festive Season.
ODOSeo Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del minis BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA was never SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon a


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