
Page 18 THE ATLANTIC PSICE Saturday 13 February 1937 BOUND FOR THE ISLE OF SPRINGS EDGAR YOUNG From page 13 on answer! The splendour of thenificently illustrated by Fr. Lord Rica, It was something unique in, griets; days of Spanish reign and eontable. berpagtops, sweet celebration surpassed my most der pageant Jamaica Triumphant. the History of the country, Oly rule and Catholic civilization; days meats, toys, kites, bird. seed, cold ing imaginations and anticipations. Human words are too weak to ex the genius and talent of Fr. Ford of slavery when greedy, godis ham birch brooms, hearth. stonis. Let me tell you what said to the press adequately what felt when S. and his herole patience while men brought free born yet un.
salt vinegar, blacking, red. her Editor of Catholic Opinion who saw it being staged.
practising with more than 400 ac protected Africans in chains to this eings, stationery. lard, mushroom asked me for my impressions. Ja If this pageant had been the only tors, musicians and singers, all of beautiful Island; days of liberty in ketchup. staylaces, loaves of bread. maica people. said, Catholics way of celebrating the Centenary them sons and daughters of Ja der the banner of England; and, ilshuttlecocks, eggs, and slate. pen as well as Non Catholics, respon daresay that it alone would have maica, incombination with the abi nally, days of religious freedom eils everything was fish that came ded one hundred percent to the call been sufficient reason for me tolity, discipline, docility and zeal of from the chains of intollerance and to the net. How many other kinds of their beloved Pastor and Bishop. have made the voyage from Costa the performers made such a gorge with it the beginning of a bao.
of petty merchandise were there it the Rt. Rev. Thomas Emmet. What ous drama possible, and also itblesed time, when one hundred would be difficult to say: but balla consoling sight this unity, harmosuch a thorough sucess. It was 30 years ago the Holy Catholie of packthreat, ropes of onions, ny, cordiality, this living faith, well rendered that one forgot that Church brought new religious dife pounds of candles, cabbage nets, this outspoken christian spirit of it was only a pageant, it seemed and God graces and blessing to and brushes, hung in bunches from the Jamaican Catholics! am sure COMERCIANTE to be a living reality, the past and these good people of charming Jathe ceiling, like extraordinary fruit, that the Heavens have rejoid dupor más de 20 años its history became a vivid today: maica Establecido en la Provincia while various old canisters emitting ring these glorious days over what within the narrow limit of Icss Vende al detal, Vinos y LiThe Catholic Church is growing aromatic smells established the ve they witnessed on this Island. How cores extrunjeros y del país, than three hours the history of the faster and faster; everywhere racity of the inseription over the encouraging a fact this ever. growabarrotes en general. people of Jamaica passed before round this Island Catholic schools outor door, which informed the ing flock of united, well organized MISCELANEA the eyes of the spectators who, in and churches spring forth like Ira.
puble that the ke per of this lit and highly caltured Catholics. What Establecimiento esquina deed, lived, one by one, its various grant flowers after a long life te shop was a licensed dealer in the Church is able to do was magNorte del Mercado. phases: days of paganism of the ali killing winter. Priests and Naus teal coffee, tobacco, pepper, und Entre cient Indians with their joys and guided by their unbounded love for sous. So far Dickens. have God and their unselfish christian to stile when think of his alCharity, encouraged by the brave exsimple of thousands of Chambeheld at Pereira in Kingston pions of the Church, who all over But they are doing fine; be sure ol This is perhaps, the only ci these animals regard the attacks are to which pedestrians are often sub the world spread the good tidings tha! They sell everything; and that allowed to traffic on our vilized country where Cows high Jected, or their efforts to of the Gospel, toil and labour with is what pays! And when you ways without any restraint. out of the wo sfich aniapostolic zeal and abnegation for thea: How is business. they will Very fierce an mails are pre mals, as a great joke. Our pro the temporal and eternal welfare tell you promptly: Not too bad. quently driven along our cond gressive Governor should see that of the people of Jamaica am sure they tell the truth! These ways without any protection steps be taken to protect us from From San Salvador comes The What a wonderful harvest of a and many others happened to afforded pedestrians. In other these attacks. The animals ought very interesting information that a hundred years of sacrifices, morti meet who begged me to give their countries, a horn or whistle of to be yoked to a tame one and Cow belonging to a farmer in the fications and hardships. Uplift love and best regards to all their some device is sounded by the thus taken to their destination jurisdiction of San Marcos in that and progress everywhere, as far as former friends in Costa Rica.
men conducting these animals so and a shell or some other me Republic had recently given birth could see; and dia look at Jabe When did breept the invitation that the people on the roads may thod of warning passersby to three calves.
maica with my eyes wide open. Too men to go to Jamaica, it was for the sole know that danger is approaching provided, rather than the soon had to leave that wonderful the last moment reason to assist at the solem festi and get out of the wily of the, at waiting till when people are being attacked times, ferocious brutes.
people, This very unusual occurreace Island, its hospitality, its vities of the celebration of the Cen On Monday last a child was ve to their enjoyment.
had, as may be imagined, prosinechivalrous and brave, it mountains tentey of the establishment of the We take this means of calling led much excitement in the neigh and valleys, its rivers and shores; Vitezlate Apostolic. How will Ja Ty Tearly killed on the Cienegui ta Bridge by fierce steer which our Governor attention to this bourhood The calves were report but carried along with me a thank males celebrate this Centenary was being driven to the Slaugh vile practice and dangerous sported in good health and under the lui remembrance, a great love for wes the question asked myself. ter House.
among cattlemen.
care of a specially appointed Vete Jamaica, a longing hope to behold oon got the answer. And what Some of the men conveying (Trinary Surgeon.
again the blessed Isle of Springs.
most exact description of what A MENACE TO PEDESTRIANS Cow Gives Birth to Three Calves get LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO se complace en llevar a conocimiento de sus numerosos lectores el hermoso edificio que para MERCADO DE CARNES DE LIMON MERCADO DE CARNES levantará en esta ciudad la importante EMPRESA EL INGENIO propiedad del Sr. Ingeniero don Francisco Jiménez


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