
31 The Care of Our Children The Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone Editor English Section: C. NATION It is distressing to see the abandonment of hundrels of children around us in this city. The government is realizing the enormity of the problem, and, through the Patronato Fscolar in every Province and township, is endeavouring to provide education as well as care for those whose parents are not in a position to either care or feed the. But this needs the co operation of not only parents but of our philanthropically disposed citizens who can assist in this laudable disposition.
Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 20 February 1937 No. 132 117 Non Intervention Activities Start in Spain nico various COL THE CIVIC FIESTAS 27 NICARAGUAN CANAL! mulous should be give nto a milk, egg, fruit, vegetable It is a well acknowledged principle that the grealas est asset to every nation or community is the strength At 12 o clock tonight the In Since these decisions of the sist she would not hesitate to reof its man power, hence if our children are not properterational Non Intervention Com Committee became known taliate with arms, as she alrdy ly cared a strong and healthy population will not be Snittee will start their activities reported that thousands of allens regards the presence of so large obtained community whose children are ill fed and Sms to prohibit the entry into Spain have been rushing into the dis a number of fascists in Spain as of all alien volunteers, in keep turbed Republic, especially from a danger to her African Cole badly cared will experience a heavy infantile mortality puede ing with the proposals finally across the French border, and it in the vicinity: and in this she and become possessed, eventually, of a miserable sick he. Edopted in order to bring this is also generally supposed that would in all probability have the ly manhood. thus the necessity of parents feeding and de terrible bloodshedding to an end the Fascists will be pouring in as support of Russia who is vitally caring their children to the best of their ability, and Rer as early as possible.
much war material as they pos interested in the ultimate results of the government assisting in providing centres where The frontier with France is to bly can before the blockade soes of the conflict.
the unfortunate orphans an ddestitutes can be properly Vhe be specially controlled by several into effect. According to a cte Meantime the reports reaching cared, nurtured ad educated so that they may become Becom detachments of the French Natio estimate, there were some 118. 000 us from the disturbed zones in deci, nal Guards, and every precauticn aliens taking part in the warfare; dicate that the fighting an asset to the country rather than a continual charge mucho will be taken to prevent airplane and as these have been consider continue in the sectors on our Charity Institutions, Hospitals and Homes for transportions being resorted to, ably increased during the past around Madrid, but these are so he indigent and incapable.
while it is reported that the for few days, it is evident the con conflicting that it is hardly posde tifications in the frontier regions flict will henceforth more trily sible to frame anything like a cor In Great Britain, the question of a healthy popurette of Irun have been much strength become an international contest rect estimate of the exact condi lation is again coming to the front as it did in the World de ened by the Nationalists. As Por, between Fascism and its opps tinos. The sector covering the War. It will be remembered that hundreds of thousands tugal still refuses to allow her ers.
Madrid. Valencia highway, where of men were rejected from service as being physically Ba frontier to be supervised by the Notwithstanding there restric the heaviest engagements have Committee, it is feared that dif tive activities, further internatio been occuring for the past week unfit for use in the trenches; the question therefore of alle ficulties may arise, as it was sugnal complications may still arise, or so is supposed to be still conmalnutrition has to be taken seriously into considerar gested that if she did not change as France has again sounded the trolled hy the royalists, while the tion de her attitude her coastline would warning that she will not allow attacks of the Nationalists in the e be included in the general naval Italy or Germany to further aug other fronts are reported to have Sir Percy Allen has told the British government blockade fixed to commence onment their armed intervention in been occurring for the past week that manutrition of her sons is a black spot which she the 6th of March the enflist, and that if they pments have however been dis has ignored in her national life and should be corrected.
claimed by the Nationalists, from Committee of the League of Nations has taken up whose headquariers it is stated the matter, and statistics have been turned in to the that the intensive activities of the Health Department of Britain which disclose that as past few days have produced late as 1935 no less than twenty millions of her subSo far these festivities are fiasco. The masquerading had no most favourable results not only als concerned Limon is on the do vn pep. no innovations to attract one arouna Madrid but in the Medi jects were living below a proper level of health and wkrd trend; the recent ones were attention. the same old Giant and terranean zone as well.
energy, and advised that proper attention to food rere the tamest ever witnessed here. his wife with the usual famior (To page 9) quirements should be adopted. It is pointed out by the The only brilliant thing was the features without even, appareily Imperial Bureau of Animal Nutrition that wheat and Bido wenther; up to Friday the weather a change of clothes.
CONTROVERSY OVER Beet Susuf drz noc the crops which should alone be cock seemed bittler against everyth The Horse Racing lacked et cultivated for food consumption; but that greater stideling like pleasure, ana eryone husiasm, Tico lost out to Camsconcluded the festivities would ha roonian, and that ended the grit ve been perfectly washed out, but for one and all. The Music on the and poultry diet if a strong healthy population be dePANAMA, The renewed during the afternoon of that day ground, Garfield Troupe it is be sired. While it is acknowledged that infant mortality began to clear and on Saturday lieved, could not be heart to build a canal through Nicaragua proposals that the United States has considerably decreased in some of our most civilized the promise of better weather was five yards away insomuch that not at a cost of 722, 000. 000, more, countries, dropping from 105 per 1, 000 to 57, the neces evident so that by noon, when the a solitary lass of laddie took ad as a measure of national defense first Bomb was exploded, it was vantage of shaking off the slipper. for the transfer of the navy from sity for better foods is still uppermost in the minds of pretty warm sunshine which was The Bull Fight or Play was by cur leading statesmen.
experienced throughout the ocean to ocean than as colta, the worst we have had The Here in Costa Rica our infant mortality is lamenlowing days.
mercial project, has again stirred only thrill to those who knew it.
tably high, and why? Because our people are dependent up the hornets, nest of controThe illuminations deserve credit was occasioned by poor MC of versy on a very low proportion of nutriment in our food elebut all else was, in short, a perfect To page This latest suggestion has ariments. As a rule our people consume very little milk, sen as the result of a favorable TO PAGE 11.
soeve SCHLEI. Reese. report on the Nicaragua rorlu ai ter a survey made under the direction of Lieut. Col. Dan Si tan. Representative Carl Vinson, chairman of the House Nay. At fairs Committee, favors N SERVICIO DE VAPORES raguan canal and says he has sup port for the plan in the Senele Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK The bills, which are expected to con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA de introduced, call for canin!
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS 172 miles long, one third of which will be through Lake Nicaragua.
AMERICANOS EUROPEOS Panama Canal is, by comparison, Saldrá de Limón only forty miles long. The proVAPORES SALIDAS posed route is almost at sea level, but six twin locks would be QUIRIGUA.
21 de Febrero required with chambers 125 feet PETEN 28 de Febrero wide and 1, 240 feet long, larger VERAGUA de Marzo than the Panama locks.
FEBRERO 21 DE 1937 The value of the proposed canal is summed up by Colonel Sul ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
tan in the following words: ORDENE SUS EMBARQUES DE Canal through Nicaragua will aid SAMALA 26 de Febrero our national defense, will fo ter CAFE PARA ESTE BARCO Llevardo café solamente para Londres.
friendly relations with all Lati America and will promote trade with Central and South America. ALVARADO CIA. A.
HAPAG It will provide a shorter route LLOYD from port to part for about twoAgente para Limón y Puntarenas.
thirds of the traffic now using Agencia Costa Rica Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Panama.
Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
Teléfono 2086 The Nicaragua canal idea had Avenida Central had a long period of qu esence TELEFONO 3156 se (To paze 10 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas a comUNITED FRUIT Co.


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