
THE ATLANTIS VOICE Saturday 20 February, 1937.
66 NUGGET Minimum Pay Project Cause Alarm KEEPS SHOES SMARTER UNEQUALLED TRADE MARK REOIS TERED CO BETUN PATENT SWATERPROOF FREE FROM ACID FOR GLACE KID, Box CALF, ace. LEATHERS Don forget to NUGGET yours shoes every morning and save your NUGGET lids, which can be exchanged for beautiful and useful gifts at the LIMON TRADING COMPANY, Limón.
SANTIAGO, Chile. bill that would establish minimum pay and other conditions favorable to employes in all private enterprises is causing anxiety in Chilean com.
mercial circles.
One or the first reactions to the projected obligatory pay rises it would entail is an announcement by the Chile Telephone Company increasing its rates. Although higher priced telephone service is eynslag many protests, it is felt that the measure would ccmpel companies to act to increase their revenues, The result of the bill, it is de ared by well informed circles, has been a loss of confidence, deepaning the gult between employer and employes.
INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES Exclusive Distributors.
San José.
The ill Effects of Late Hours Nicaragua Hits Gambling he Women of India Advance Slowly HOLLYWOOD GRAND BARGAIN SALE el BERENSON jar on Belgium Wont Relinquish Colonies re he po When one begins to keep late a one realizes just what has been ves out and exhaustion steps in an hours, there is claimed to be a cer happening.
Weight is also lost and eventually MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Presiwould become gamblers and in in to in amount of fun in it which Nothing drags one down more one becomes a perfect picture ident Anastasio Somoza has reques another generation al persons at makes it all the more attractive: rapidly than the lack of sleep. a splendid wreck.
ted his Prinie Minister, Dr. Gero would be gambling instead of wor but it is not until the after. off haggardness is experienced and Late bours should not be indulged nimo Ramirez Brown, to suppressing fects commence to appear that such after a while all energy or pep gi in except when made necessary by gambling. All gambling is sorp Several months ago slot ma ed, he said.
matters of importance. One loses chines were seized, the Prime The President asserted that un sister at the time asserting the biz sparkling vitality without sufles action was taken children ficient rest. Of course the lozy owners were parasites in society.
ones are not included, for theso never seem to get enough rest the That the women of India will right to vote on the same terms Most folk feel that the later come into their own with inter as men, but as very fe: hold hour the more delightful the enjoyBut national help and by their own property of their own. women ment of Subsequent sleep.
ON with international help and by voters number less than 1, 000, 000 everyone knows that too much of EL their growing inner strenght is Under the new Constitution, the anything is just as bad as none at dl the hope expressed in a memo franchise will be enlarged by giv all. If necessity demands that one FANCY STORE randum to th League League of ing the vote to the and to literate be often out late, then try to Nations, sent by Indian women women.
make up for lost sleep as soon as because the government of InThe average man thinks that possibie.
dia wrote to the League on the the woman rightful place is the Remember to be moderate when LOWEST PRICES civil and political status of wo home. Nevertheless, is it signifi the urge to be out lete is felt and men in British India without cant of the changing Umes that you cannot go wrong.
consulting women organiza women are to be found on mutions nicipal, district and legislative Edwin Horde LIMON АРГ. 515 Politically, women have the councils. Indian women Nd have He entered the learned professions ED. NOTE. We thank Mr. Horhd and practice medicine and the de for his continuous efforts GUATEMALA HOPES wschon have become teachers topics of importance, though it is nurses, strange. so BRUSSELS. Belgium Boxed, authorities. The exact date or the he FOR MUCH assistants. Though they have manifested to his young compa to her colonial empire and laid King visit has not been set.
not been appointed judges and nions, fail to induce any of them plans to strengthen her bands The trip is considered signif are not eligible to serve on the endeavouring to do likewise. with the Congo in the face of re icant in view of the posstoility GU TEMALA. The conjury, they have been made hono, would like to see our young men vived plans to satisfy Germaw there may be international parleys science of the Americans hasrary magistrates. More striking ana women crawling out of their territorial dreams.
on Germany claims to colonies taspoken in an eloquent manner at is the recent adoption of film ac shells and trying their hands King Leopoldo III is planning nisken from her at the end of the the Byenos Aires conference. ing as a career by a number of contributions; sufficient the topics first visit to the rich African ter World War.
where tiventy one republics have women of good family. Not long are commendable, the Editor will ritory since he ascended the throne Although Bcozium has held the just affirmed the unity of their ago the films were only for the regard it a pleasing duty to correct and has sent Lieut. Gen. Tillerns. Congo for a half century, Belgians destinies and the solidarity of disreputable.
and shape up such efforts. We former Governor General, to ma believe Germany always has been their interests, basing themselves Legally, women enjoy no equa await the opening one.
ke arrangements with the lc al jealous of their vast African ters not only on lofty ideals but also flity of status with men. The leadon immediate economic and his ing religious communities, the torical realitics.
Hindus and Moslems, have their While the rest of the civilize own traditional law. According world prepares for war, the three to Hindu law, for instance, womAmericas affirm their will to en may not divorce their huspeace, consecrate their gospel of lands thuogh the husbands may equality and justice and exait marry a second time if the first the generous policy of the good wife chilles. Under tese Mosneighbor, conceived and put into lem lay a man may have four El éxito en los negocios y en la prnetics by President Roosevelt rives at a time. Apart from polyvida está siempre en espera del Our continent has shown in this gamy there are limitations on decisive hour that the future has the right of women to inherit hombre que tiene el dinero nein store for it tho most promising property to adopt children and destinies of humanity.
so forth. At the present day there cesario en el momento preciso is no legal obstacle to the remrilage of widow, but society Usted debe ser de esa clase frown upon it de hombres while a few women have Wee. Le shown their ce pacity for fork in Epheres to which they were comESTRADA ete strangers a generation ago.
the great majority are still backAbarrotes y Licores ward. Only women of the middle Artículos del País el sa and upper middle class ge: Precios Economics the chance of education witaout which they can take no part LIMON ZA IBERIA ir public life or enter the professionsEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Mick at ser Ahorre. SALOMON CHIN Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE

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