
Oppose Batista FOR SALE Tom one Prolarm billo prises America and the Peace of Europe sin dat to on The Past Year Marriages All West Indians to Leave Cuba ind in her to WE OFFER AT EXCEPTIONALLY om page 7)
ing was not worth the money it do fame getting a trampl might have been good enouga fur Havana reports that a democra of the animals the amusement of infants or aged tic parliamentary front had been did not seem sure whether it women from a highly, civilizei formed by numerous members of guadruped or biped he was community but for us of thes, wild four of the political parties to Fine Farm at Madre de Dios cultivated with Cacao, ag. Busha Acquart must ha western parts of God earth who oppose Colonel Batista military Bananas and various Fruit Trees. Property Carries rather uneasy on observing have been accustomed to atroctics rule in Cuba.
Registered Title.
quality of the contest with of all kinds it was the most atroThe members of the newly ot knowing much of fistycious attempt at pocket picking inaugurated party supported exAISO submitting himself to an we have engaged. However, it is President Gomez during the pro.
ise by Horny cutis. We were all in a life of experiences. ceedings of his recent impeachSeveral horned and maned Arimals. Three Houses relieved, probably, than he The Gambling enthusiast was ment, and have now pledged them and a well stocked Shop.
hen the horse men in atnot as keen and varied as in for selves to work for the stability Owner compelled to sell in consequence nce released him from his mer years, as the games which were of republican institutions, for unof failing health ment. Poor Mas was, howe provided seemed more intende: biased elections and for the Sopay any wed a trip in the ambulance for children than adults: hence wereignty of the coming govern Apply. Farquharson e are sure he will henceforth when the Bombs went off at nid adre de Dios many yards away from the night of Tuesday the 16th to bio 603. 80. 30. 600900665. 004 circle of a Bull Ring. On the farewell to the Committee on Fiesreadiness to cooperate wherever the Bull, Steer or Cow Baltas, all must have felt much relieposisble, the position of his Govved that this attempt at amusa.
Some are criticizing President made to stand shoulder to shoul It is seeking peace and pursuing ernment has been made plain.
ments was at an end and that Li. DANIEL ZELEDON Roosevelt for not having been der with them. That would be lit not alone for its own people mon would once again fall bact: more emphatic and explicit in of beyond the power of the Presi but for the benefit of all maninto her accustomed quietude.
It this is all that our Civie Fics Tering American ald to maintain dent. But in every implied form kind.
Abogado y tas will be able to represent, our peace in Europe. Not one of his or approval, in every implicit (N. Times)
messages the new Congress sober minded people should at thus far has taken direct cogniNotario Público the next announcement all take a zance of the conditions abroad vacation to Sixaola or Guimetus ficina: Altos Pas les and leave the city in the haros that threaten war. Not one has of the few drunkards and gamb proposed the cooperation of his mes te cual Ingianna Government in working for the of the three thousand five hun. non Catholic Denominations are lers to indulge in their choice sport!
various agreements and peace dred and thirty three marriages re regarded as civil ones, this tota)
heatles proposed by France and ported by the Department of Ci seem rather small for the period Great Britain. The menacing sivil Registry to have been rele. referred to, and leaves the imprestuations is, it is complained, no brated throughout the coun ry dorsion or a marked decline of celetorluos. It is full of peril for the ing last year, it is noted that this brations among the adherents of United States as weli as for the na Province is credited with one hun such churches.
e Cuban government has de. They will be despatcehd in batchestions immediately concerned. Yet dred and forty, of which 48 were that in order to secure work of five hundred until the country the President has not called it to or a civil nature.
The Province of San Jose leads her rationals all Haitians. Jd shall bave been entirely cleared the earnest attention of Congress the list with 209 celebrations of ans and other West Indians of them. It is estimated that there and the country.
As marriages solemnized by borders must be re are some 000 destitute Jamaicans This is not a fair statement of e ated to their respective homes. among the number.
the whole case. The President has wincentration Camps are being This is a note of warning done much to throw the weight led to group these aliens to foreigners in this country. To the of his office in favour of Eurountil the arrival of the ships wise a word of advice should be pean perce. He has made it cerhich they are to be sent away sufficient.
LOW PRICES tain that hs Administration, in accord with the manifest desire 40 Litro Corrugated Milk Pans, Rubbers for Covers, Milking Buckets of the American people, will do Blue Striped Jute Sacks of and Cajuelas States out of for Potatoes and Coconuts.
will go great lenghts in putting Ploughs (X) and all accessories; Collins such a strain upon its neutrality that no European belligerent can Cutlasses; Nails and Staples in all Sizes: ONDON. Lord Chancellor oft hope to draw any form of war Fencing Wire; Iron Cooking Stoves for Wood.
Exchequer. Neville ChamberBOOTH supplies from the United States.
disclosed in the House of Com That of itself would make a great RIVERA Co. that Great Britain plans to 850. 000. 000 difference with the war plans of for national Best certain European nations. They «LA COPA BLANCA» Ironmongery nse purposes during the year Baked would do everything possible to Box 12 CARTAGO Telephone 11 emphasizing that Great BriBerlin render the aims and purposes of is determined to build up her Bread the war makers difficult and dan ngth in order to be adequately Buns gerous. This part of the Adminisared to meet any eventualities.
Biscuits Cakes tiation policy is now fixed and he chief of the British treasury well krowe that the Government has The. People Bakery Dear Mr. Editor in his eventually ridding his counded to borrow up to 400. 000. 000 Limon The President has also shown Box 179 Please allow me to convey these try of those cruel Italians.
ads sterling during the by example where his sympa few words to my people of Costa next Thanking you, Sir, for the neS years for purposes of national thies lie. Owing to his initiative Rica.
cessary space in your valuable weeannually the necessary appropriaend efforts, the twenty one repu There are several Negroes herekly news service, he proposed loan, it was ex tion to cover the interest on this blies of the Americas have entered who are under the impression that Ira Roper ned, would be spread over a new debt, and added that defense into treaties making resort to the Italian. Ethiopian war is over; od not to exceed five years, the expendit ures are growing 3:war dear, almost impossible. In but will say that even the Rocontracted to be redeemed in such a pace as to make it impossible hailing this achievement, Mr. mans admit they are still at it with ly years.
for the government to finance it Roosevelt spoke of it as not mer the innocent natives. am of the. Chamberlain said that Par from ordinary Government reve ſely a great blessing to the Ameri opinion that the Italians are ient would be asked to vote nues: cans but as blazing a trail for present not certain of their exact European nations to follow Il position in Abysinia.
they would only enter into a sin It is a fact that Haile Selassie has LIMON ilar. series of peace agreements lost many a brave and noble Gene the United States would be de ral; but in war both sides must and lighted Importante conocer Important Notice will lose men. The losses which Fábrica de Hielo Not yet has a promise been Ethiopia bas suffered at the hands of the Fascists confirm the EmpeAceite verde Green Oil ror statement which reads Non Intervention.
follows will be a Traitor to my From page From Valencia comes the sen country, to my brave men who have Para la picazón del Warranted to cure sational information that a batal given and are still giving thely lilion of the International Brigadeves, to my ancestors from Solomon Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquiña Itch, Monge, and other composed almost entirely of and the Queen of Sheba, to every Comezones.
Skin diseases.
French volunteers had rebelled principle that lovers of their counLA FLORIDA against the loyalists by refusing try respect, if did otherwise than Cómprelo ahora mismo their resist until the last man falls.
Dont Delay in gelting a to continue fighting in cause, and had demanded their Now my dear readers the defen Fábrica de Hielo Búsquelo en todas Bottle on Sale in all repatriation entire force, ce which the Emperor is putting las Farmacias Drug Stores Venta de Leche some two hundred and odd men, ur at present against the Fascist were arrested and twenty of the invaders is further proof of those leaders reported to have been words. My faith in the Emperor SHot for insubordinatioue lisunfaltered. have all confidence Britain To Spend Huge everything in its power to keep Sum On Defenses Happenings in Ethiopia nse.
The y Maderas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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