
Avoid Disappointment ABUSES OF AUTHORITY Fighting In Ethiopia ALLAN SIMEALLAN SIME Ver Engage Accommodations early at the Abuses of authority have ever in public offices recharginsernacion along with a timbre for been abhored by thegovernment twenty five colones to obtain cl two colones and a stamped on HOTEL CANAL of don Leon Cortes, but it would tizen papers for young men born cents sheet the document will seem as if the lower inclinn in the Republic: this is also an be prepared by the Governor for your visit to tions of mankind are forging abuse. All that is necessary in Secrotary. If a fee of say tive cofem CARTAGO themselves forward in those of this connection is for the party tones be charged to make such an his subalterns prone to be dis concerned to secure his Birth Cer application after the Birth Certi during the Fiestas of honest.
tificate and get some one to apply ficate is obtained, it would be ad February 27th, 28th. March 1st and 2nd.
Several complaints have reach to the Governor for the necessary missible, but for a paid servant of Mrs. Falcone Proprietress ed us regarding Agents of Po citizen documents. The applica. the State to demand twenty five lice, who are demanding from settion should be made on a fifty, colones is exhorbitant and hel tlers along the Lines the sum of cents stamped paper to which a should be reported to his Chief, find fwenty colones for preparing ap Municipal Timbre of fifty cents though it would be necessary for plications to the Government in should also be attached and on the complainant to have two witry connection with the occupancy this being presented at the Gob Inesses to prove his culpability By the Weekly Plain Talk of Europaen management. Thousof house spots and payments theJamaica we note that the Ethio ands of Bombs are peing pas refor, which is a direct abuse of pian Warriors are causing end Bed out daily to the troops in all confidence and an attempt al to less bloodshed among the Italian the Zones of action th fleecing the innocent.
soldiers under Marshall Grazia From French Somaliland we are n, and that much unrest exists told of a fierce engagement on It these lots are to be paid for, among the populace of Naples the road to Addis Abeba when the Governor will order a cenLIMON, LIMON, whose sons are being sacriticed Graziani 50, 000 native soldiera sus to be taken ofthe occupiera Importación in Africa.
were surpirsed by the dropping and they will be notified to atThe Ethiopians are manufactur of bombs among them from six tend at the proper office to be y Imports and Experts ing their own gas bombs and Ethiopian planes which caused ma informed of the amounts payable.
Exportación masks, which are said to be mo ny deaths and much panic. The But for an Officer of the Law to los re deadly and effective than tho soldiers took to their heels but charge 20. 00 o make an ap Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit were caught by a fierce column plication to be allowed to pay se in the World. War Ft ambushed News from French Dibou says of guerrilla warriors is out of all reason.
Compra de Cacao en that Ethiopia is in a death strug along the highway and headed by Another matter of which we grano Cocoa Purchased gle to repulse the Italian inva Ras Milka who wreaked death on are informed is that some Clerks ders fro mher territory, and re them by the hundreds. The Gen layed wireless from Adowa goes eral and his men fled in disorfor on to say that a squadron of Ita der. This battle continued Ty sir fighters flew over this seven days during which Ethiosector going North West to Gore pian infantry men arrived daily Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch.
58 while Ras Milka warriors were by air transports. More bloo reconnoitering in the vicitiny, an is said to have been spilled than tl. aircraft equipments were in in any other battle since the LIMA, Peru. Eightyseven nawad houses which rent for 12 to igen ing tear gas bombs ly wounded on the right temple a month, built by the governotec nufactured by the Ethiopian Am by a machine gun bullet.
for workers and their families inor munition Corp. The fumes spread ttana reports that shell fire Oficina contigua a la Office: Adjoining to the City among the enemy planes and sud trom Ethiop an field artillery des Public Library a slum clearance project, orm. lt denly four of the very heavy air troyed beyond repair the largest Biblioteca English Spoken were opened by President Osa Bol er ships in the rear were seen plun air base there. Thirty bombers navides.
Former Judge of the Limón District Court ging to earth in a crazy spin to were completely wrecked by the Behind the new buildings which the delight of the Ethiopian war fire which started as soon as the have modern equipment are a largeute ciors. This was the first test gl shells exploded. Forty eight ROTARIANS MEET IN CHILE swimming pool and fields for coche Ten he rear Bombs made by shells of six inch celibre were cer, volley ball and basketbal That the Ethiopians and they proved hurled upon the hanger, Half a SANTIAGO, Chile.
jer marvellous success The Wies, a bronze plaque placed at the base government will retain ownership oc million Ethiopian troops are con cupants of the four planes died centrating under Ras Gabre Ma pread interest has been taken of the statue, with this inscription the houses.
IT before they crashed, victims ofram for an advance on the Gon the recent meeting of Rotary me These mountains will crurable ad the noxious fumes. Generals who dar sector, from where he has bers of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay to dust before Chile and ArzenRe ad witnessed the crash say the pla ordered the first mopping cam and Paraguay on the frontier tine break their faith to their cath nes fell in a grassy field and paign should start.
would soon be repaired and ma Ras Burra men pverturned of the gigantic statue of Chrisi.
bd de available for an invasion of four Tanks and four light anti which, with arms extended toward the Italians.
Tanke killing the occupants of the territories of the two couitiis.
If Further news tells of tons of both. The artillery fire of the symbolizes the ties of friendshin high explosives which are being Ethiopians just blew them out of between them.
turned out by Ammunition facCommission For the first time the Rotarians tories operating at Gore under Dentist of the four republics have met and at their gather place, more than ro Will be in Limon from the 16 th of Fe10. 000 feet above sea level 01 DENTISTERIA MEZA bruary and will be at the services of his celebrated the erection of the staa tue just thirty three years ago. The esteemed Clientele in the Office of Mr. Armando iti cial ceremonies were arran sel and Save Money and Time by having your Teeth Rodríguez.
attended to at The Mezas Dental Establishment Peru Builds Workers Houses mediately put into a sn project war began. Ras Milka was sigut Abogado Notario Público Lawyer Notary Public ma Fec :D Chile and Argentina at the foot of peace, made at the feet us Chri: THE ATLANTIC VOICE Dr. Carlos Manuel Fernández bu re no y Lady Fanny Houston Dead LUIS WA CHONG er ec GUACIMO GUAPILES LE el It Controversy.
Cantina, Licores Extranjeros y del país.
Tienda bien surtida Abarrotes en general PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA חן CARTAGO 200 Yards East of the Market on the Central Street, This conceited Lady Editor, old from England she wrote Gond Clients from the Lines given preferential Treatment. though considered a staunch Con bye, good bye, we cry with servative, always axhibited her sigh, dislike to the Baldwin regime by Driven away by a Law that her criticisms in her widely read (a lie.
weekly publication. The Sa Great King. True Lover, for you turday Review. we would die She took a keen delight in at Will you never return, Sir to tacking Premier Baldsvin and gladden our eye. From page 11)
United States fleet through from Foreign Secretary Anthony den The circulation ofher weekly the earthquake which brought the Atlantic to the Pacific with whom she believed were plotting was 50, 000 copies.
about this new discussion of a out a single serious mishap in to sell out the British Nation to Nicaragua canal. has contested from forty to forty eight hours. Bolshevism. In one of her issues the right of Nicaragua to grant These arguments against the she referred to Sir Anthony Eden Depósito de Maderas to the United States a lease for Nicaraguan canal are held not as The naneyſied nonentity in a naval base in the Gulf of Fon only in Panama but also in some the Foreign Office. She proNACIONALES seca, as provided in the present naval and army groups. What foundly hated Sir Samuel Hoare, Nicaragua canal treaty. There is ever the value of the proposed insomuch that when he was sent a possibility, it is thought in Pa canal, the introduction of bills in to Paris in connection with the namá, that a serious attempt to Congress will undoubtedly stir Abyssianian affair, she wrote an Frank Maduro hijo, build the canal would result in a up one of the hottest controver article as to his inutility under a PROP.
new protest against Yankee im sies in recent years. canal on glaring headline. Why send perialism.
Traper against one in operation is Hoares to Paris.
Maderas del país. Exis Finally, the Panama Canal has a dispute that offers many possi Lady Houston was badly upset tencia permanente en demonstrated its value to natio bilities.
when Edward VIII abdicated and nuestro depósito.
tal defense by putting the entire. Times) to commemorate his departure Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Maduro Lumber Yard he La FRANK MADURO Jr.
Best native lumber at moderate prices

    BolshevismEnglandGuerrillaInvasionLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaWorld War

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