
1501 British Minister Arrives On War Sloop The Atlantic Voice Fierce Fighting Proceeds in Spain de Revolution in Honduras were Ras Desta Captured and Shot Our distinguished visitors were cccrded a hearty welcome by the government reception Con mittee who had previously arrived from the Capital. CommandDevoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic zone er lifelsten, the Minister and Editor English Section: NATION about twenty five Officers and men left yesterday by special Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Salurday 27 February 1937 No. 133 train for San José where they will be remaining for a few days.
After leaving Cristobal tel oop called at Bocas del Toro and Almirante at the express zish of the Minister, and as this The items of news renris. lieve they will pro luce any easily keep her ships in suwas the first 09 asion during a ing us during the past five or effective results, as it is eil pplies in the position assignlong number of years that a unit six days from the fighusg known that neither Gormed them.
of the British Navy had visited lines do not disclose thai ay ny nor Italy pay mucli res Under date the 26th ice these poits, the detinguished real material gains have Ipect to their contra tualeported that during the party were given an entusiastie been obtained by either of obligations, so it might well previous night a loyalist on welcome by the large number of the contending forces as be expected they will not tallion was almost comeBritish subjects resident there result of the almost conti hesitate to throw aside this tely destroyed in an attack The Atlantic Voice takes this During the afternoon of Tours opportunity of extending a very rious loss of lives entailed. deemed it necessary. On the the nationalists in the sector nuous engagements and se present pact whenever they which they launched against day last the Britih War Sloop hearty welcome to the Minister. The principal activities have other hand Russia says she to the Northwest of Madd.
Dundee arrived here wi a His Britannie Majestys Minister, tho Commander and other members been in the sectors to the is prepared to do her part, It is further reported that of the Sloop and wish them Hon. Federick lodward Fox Adam North and South of Madrid but only so long as the other the insurgents have greaty mcst pleasant time among us.
Powers on board, as well as that strecching contracting do improved their position in toward Valencia in the re theirs. She has since notifi the Rio Jarama sector and gion of the Meditarr can. ed the Non Intervention Com to have definitely broken the However, according to mittee that she will not par offensive of the logalists in military opinion, the defense ticipate in the naval block the other, fronts around Ma of the capital city is being ade as she will be unable to drid.
gradually weakened the The revolutionary movement wounded. The loyalists were al strategy of the nationalists, which had been threatening Hon so defeated in several subsequent and although the latter have PARK duras for many months, now engagements in the the East and not yet succeeded in gaining HOTEL a fact, and is reported to be as south of the Republic. The dis control of the main highway suming serious porpotions. cricts of Yuscaran, in the depart by which Madrid receives LIMON, COSTA RICA Shortly after entering the Pe ment of Paraiso, as well as Pro her supplies from Valencia public by way of Belize the regreso have been captured while Situado frente al mar Cómodas habitaciones bel Canet, General Justo Umana, the rebel Geunerals Fajardo, Au and the Mediterranean secured an inmense following; he ia and Tablada tre stated to ve ports, it is thought thu, the urico establecimiento en el puerto con cuartos con baño.
now has, it is estimatea, Cantina bien surtida.
over operating in the zones of Santa insurgents are steadily clos1. 000 men well equipped wita Barcara, Ocotopeque and Copan. Jing in on the city. It is also Salón para muestras.
modern rifles. In his first encoun During the next few days we believed that another intenceh he routed have tre govern may hear of further accomplish sive offensive will sosa lic LUISE SCHUSTER, Propietar. a.
nient forces led by Generals Lo ments.
launched against the loyAPARTADO No. 263 pez and Espinoza who alists on the Mediterranean front, in preparation for which Valencia is being sub jected to continued air omb ings.
With respect to the nonUnder date the 25th. ins despite the resistence is de intervention arrangemesis tant Rome advises the re they were defeated and ine London reports that Portumeeting of the Phipps. Rules Mr. Carl ceipt of a report from Addis Raz captured and im gal has finally agreed newly developed Club on Monday Kraula; rules, Miss Ababa in whien Marsha! diately executed.
allow 130 Britishers to pa evening, February 22, the follow Scoitock; rules. Dr. Edward Graziani notifis the captu Ras Desta was a son in trol her territory along the ing Omncers and committee heads Salisbury and Mr Bertran 10 re and execution of Ras Des law of the Negus and one of Spanish frontier, It is also were electea: Bookcut ta.
the most distinguished lea stated that the Committee President, Mr. Armando The first meeting of the abovo The Marsh it Vice president, Mr. elected Executive members report ders of the Abyssinians dur has decided that the naval Martinez; the Club took place tast everstates that, aide by their ing the entire period of the blockade, which goes into Frank Riley: Secretaryi Mr. ing at the Community House, airplanes, the iroops sent in war. It is said that Haile effect an the os. March, wm. Leary: Treasurer, Telesforo Sandoval; Chairmen: when the Rules under which the pursuit of Ras Dasta and his Selassie had selected him as shall be undertaken by unit committees Library, Miss Agnes Club will be conducted and a forces located them in one the representative of Aby of the navies of England, Bowsden: Entertainment Mr.
rous other matters were present of the mountainous regions ssinia for the Coronation ce France, Italy, Germany, Por Dean Smith Dance, Mr.
of the Province of Tigre, and Fremonies of King George tugal and Russia.
Jobaled and discussea.
Commenting generally bo on these efforts of the Committee, a Moscow dispatch declares Russia does not be Escuela Complementaria de Comercio de Limón SERVICIO DE VAPORES ACTIONS ARE FINER Fundada en 1928 por el Patronato Escolar. ReglaSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK THAN WORDS mento e probado por la Secretaria del Remo.
con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA Se pone en conocimiento de los señores paLLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS So as to encourage the Ministdres de familia, que la mátricula se abrirá el AMERICANOS EUROPEOS er of Public Works to start the lunes de marzo, y las lecciones comenzarán construction of the roadway el lunes de marzo, a las 19 horas. Derechos VAPORES SALIDAS from Turrialba to Limon, upon de matrícula: 20. 00 al año. los que pueden which don Juanito PETEN 28 de Febrero Romagosa has always been harping in Con pagarse en abonos. VERAGUA de Marzo gress, the Municipality of Tu CONTABILIDAD, CALCULO, INGLES, MECA QUIRIGUA 14 de Marzo rrialba, as well as the farmers NOGRAFIA, REDACCION, DERECHO COMERand other interested parties have offered to contribute 54 000 CIAL, GEOGRAFIA COMERCIAL.
colones toward the cost, ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
Se pueden seguir, uro, o los cursos que se This roadway, known as the deseen. Para otros detalles, hablar con el Se SAMALA. 26 de Febrero Jesus Jiménez Carretera, is of cretario de la escuela o con el suscrito.
Llevando café solamente para Londres.
more vital importance to Limon than to Turrialba, coming as it aces through Peralta to Siqui TODO JOVEN BIEN PREPARADO TRIUNFA ALVARADO CIA. A.
rres then on here by way of the EN LA VIDA.
Matina Valley.
Agente para Limón y Puntarenas.
We are watching to see merchants Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United our rich farmers and Peralta Director Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica. will put up in response to the offer of the Turrialbears. Surely we have TELEFONO 3156 some philanthropic Capitalists Limón, febrero de 1937.
the Province. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
BANACO CLUB At the first Winsomo OL Mr UNITED FRUIT Co.
what in


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