
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday February, 1937.
Important Notice EOR ALE Prayer for Motorists Italy Faces Huge Deficit In Lighter Vein LIMON TRADING COMPANY Coptic Church Organizer for Costa Rica Importante Conocer There is the possibility of ano ther Regligious Denomination Aceite verde Green Oil commencing operations here che near future. According to the Panema American the Rey Fine Farm at Madre de Dios cultivated with Cacao James of Panama City Bananas and various Fruit Trees. Property Carries has been appointed Organisez and Registered Tille.
Para la picazón del Warranted to cure Head of the Coptic Orthodzx Cuerpo. Sarna, Rasquiña lich, Mange, and other Church of Ethiopia in Central AISO Coinezones.
Skin diseases.
America and Cana, his jurisdic.
tion covering Cosa Rica, Nicara Several horned and mened Arinals. Three Houses gua and tans vith beayuan and a well stocked Shop Cómpralo ahora mismo Dont Delay in gelling a ters in the latter country. The Owner compelled to sell in consequence credential was sued it is state.
Búsquelo en todas Bolilz on Sale in all of failing health by His Holines, Bishop Lwin las Farmacias Drug Stores Collins, head of the Churra Apply. Farquharsog New York, and authorizes 62 Maire de Dios Rey. James to perform the spiri tual functions of a priest of the church anu personal representat!
ve or the Bishop.
In an interview with repre: sentative of the Press. the Hev.
wames suid that tha Coptic church of Ethiopia was the first We reproduce the following from the Northampton IndepenChristian Church organized cuts!
dent for the benefit of our careless motorists, especially those of ROME. de of Asia; he also added that Council under Premier Be the consolidated loan from The Cabinet, ing of the interest paid on the class of Fowler and his colleagues.
the Coptic taith bad bees kept from the Negroes of the West nito Mussolini chairman 33 to per cent and owing Giant me, Lord, a steady hand and watchful eye, Lern Worla for nearly 30 years, ship bas approved the budg: also to service of additional That no one shall be hurt as pass by and the time had now come et for the fiscal year from indebtedness incurred durThou gavest life, pray no act of mine when they should universally July 1, 1937, to June 30. ling the Italo Ethiopian con May take away or mar that gift of Thine.
cling to the religion of their tor 1938which calls for the fliet.
greatest expenditure of pu. The next greatest inerease And shelter those who bear me company 11 view, however of a recent blic money ever made in the is in the military Ministries. From risks of fire and all calamily: decision of our Executive Coua whole Italian financial his which botween them will yil, we doubtf the Bow Jaines Teach me to use my car for other need, will obtain the necessary permision tory.
spend 5, 534, 000, 000 lire, of Nor let me miss, from foolish love of apeed.
to operate here.
Total expenditures are es, which 2, 491, 000, 000 ale for The beauties of Thy world, that thus may timated at 23, 765, 000, 000 the Ministry of War, 73 With joy and courtesy, go on my way.
lire, compared with 20. 291, 000, 000 for the Ministry of 000, 000 in 1936 37 and 19. Navy and 1, 250, 000, 00u for 108. 000 soo 645, 000, 000 in 1935 36. the Air Ministry. From the There is no corresponding fiscal year 1934 35 to the fis increase in foreseen revenue, cal year 1937 88 the military An itinerant musician was strand which is put at 20, 172, 000. expendituyes have increas ed in a village one Sunday morn 000 lire, compared with 20. ed in the following progres ing, and as he was playing his cor 311. 000. 000 in 1936 37 and sion: 4, 416, 000, 000 lire, net in the street, he was approached 17, 988, 000, 000 lire in 1985. 564, 000, 000 4, 755, 000, 000 LUMBER YARD by the clergyman of the parish.
who said, Do you know the Fourth 36. Therefore, it is estimat and 5, 534, 000, 000.
Of great interest among ed that the next fiscal year Commandment my good man We have opened a Lumber Yard No, replied the man, but will close with a deficit of the measures approved is it where we carry in stock a complete you will just whistle it over, ll do ed with a surplus of 30, 000, government of the Kin the 3, 593 000, 000 lire, compar. the bill delegating to the my best to satisfy you assortment of all kinds of Native 000 in 1936 37 and a deficit power to is ue ordinances on. Robert (aericusly. Do you of 1, 657, 000 the year before. the conduct of war are on Lumber. Special sizes to order.
think your father will offer It is forth pointing at the state of neutrality any We also have Portland Cement, Roof objections to my marrying you?
that the budget does not in What is exactly meant by it clude on the debit side sums is not clear, and circles uzua ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenEve. really dont know, but to be spent for the exploitally referred to as well intine and all other building materials. he entertains the same feelings as 1tion of Ethiopia and the performed declared themselves do on such a metter, he certainly, suing of the rearmament peo as puzzled as every one else.
will gram that the government is The general impression Send in yours orders stille rushing through with is that the bill is the fitst. Willie. Honey, do you think all possible speed. These ex step toward replacing the you could manage to live on 25. a penses are met by means of pre ent chamber by a corpoweek?
special. appropriations and rative one, which, being moLimon Division Dora. can say out get the funds derived from a forced re economic than political, license and ll try it for one week loan of per cent of the ca will delegate to the governDOOR Sococo. OB2 pital value of real estate in ment the power of taking saw your brother Sandy in Italy. to be dedicated te vital decisions in moments of church on Sunday, but he pretend them.
grave national crisis.
ed not to see me.
It is not known, of course, Why, what the matter? Is he how much they wilj amount peeved about something?
to, but the special appropia José Achion Ng About the first spending auths ther assaskinated President, reNo, but happened to have been tions made from the beginn, rized by Congress was an annual ceived 50, 000 dollars and a 5, 000 passing the collection plate, ing of the Italo Ethiopian Comerciante Detallista persion of 000 dollars voted to dollars annual pension Pensions conflict up to today amount Mrs Grace Coolidge, widow of Pic of 5, 000 dollars per year were Wife Every one of Licores, Abarritas, Cristale.
your to well over 13, 000, 000, 000 ria, Artículos de Ferreteria Eldent Coolidge. Eenator Carter votel also tho Mrs Grant, Mrs. friends tried to kiss me at the party lire.
y Eléctricos; todo Gluss, who made the motion, soud McKinley. Mrs Theodore Roose last night.
The increase in expendicuentra en este establecihe was astounded that such ac velt and Mrs. Wilsor: Husband. Well what do you tures for the next fiscal year miento a tion had not been taken earlier in conformity with Congress. o tor Glass put it no pensions are apologize to you?
For special reasons as Senu want me to do? Make them all is spead over all the liinis.
nal policy in such matters.
tries. The biggest increase, PRECIOS DE SITUACION paid to three living Presidential Wife. Oh no, would like you however, is in the Titanee LIMON The custom apparently started widows.
to throw another party.
when Congress voted a lump sum Ministry owing to the reisof 25, 000 dollars to Mrs. Ann s, Harrison, whose husband. lliam Henry Harrison, died Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back pneumonin just a month after de su recibo que dice: his inauguration in 1841.
of receipt which reads.
The widow of Pres dent Ha Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office rrion successor. Mrs. Junta Gard cina dentro de los primeros 10 días mer Tyler, received 5, 000 dollars.
before the 10th of the month dd Mrs. Sara Childres Polk de cada mes Be so gool as to comply with this request and do not For Mrs. Mary Lincoln Con Eresu voted 25. 000 dollars lump Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our servicc, a step which sim and a 000 dollars pension de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take which it sul sequently increased to 5, 000 dollars, with an additional lump sun. of 15, 000 dollars.
Lucretia Garfield, widow of aro Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY Mrs. Coolidge Pensioned se en Compañía Eléctrica de de Limón


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