
Reilly, Hauptmann Lawyer, is in Hospital Hermann Carmiol As a Mental Patient Following Breakdown EDGAR YOUNG CAO.
ties ises For Panama visitors mmigration Law Modified (D. Edward Reilly, chief of the to be at 534 Lafayette Avenue por más de 20 años American Dentist defense counsel for Bruno Ri Brooklyn, where his mother Establecido en la Provincia chard Hauptmann in the Lind lives.
Vende al detal, Vinos y LiMr. Reilly in his long career Graduate of Harvard bergh kidnapping case, entered coreg extronjeros y del pais, University the Brooklyn State Hospital for as a criminal lawyer was said abarrotes en general.
the Insane, Clarkson and Albany to have handled more than 2000 MISCELANEA The most up to dale Dental and Ray Clinic Avenues, onder an emergency homicide cases, of which about Establecimiento esquina Norte del Mercado commitment on a petition made 100 involved women.
Entre 45 Palace Building (Adjoining Palate Theatre)
by his mother, Mrs. Helen Reilly, native of Brooklyn, he ran His physician, Dr. Morti for Supreme Court Justice in SAN TOSE COSTA RICA mer Sherman of 201 Eastern his home borough several years Parkway, Brooklyn, alienist, for ago, but was defeated. He sermerly head of the psychopathic ved for many years as vice Ward of Kings County Hospital, chaiman of the Speakers Bureou accompanied Mr. Reilly to the of the Kings County Den erahospital and arranged his emer tic Organization, and during the recent Supreme Court rul could be set at liberty while his gency commitment administration of Govern John Panama, among other Winter Tourists planning to visit ig has established a modifica case was proceeding which would Dr. Sherman added that the Dix was appointed a Deputy Vacation objectives, are invited on in the procedure hitherto of course obviate the necessity papers were signed by the law. Attorney General.
dopted with regard to foreign or solih resurses before the yer mother in the presence of veteran of the World War. Jana Tourist Information Burto use the facilities of the Panwinesses and certified by a he was a captain in the Military eau recently established at the rs who enter the country with Court.
ut proper immigration downWe notice that Bólivia is act notary public. He said that he Intelligence Division of the Army Permanant Travel Exhibition will apply to Supreme Court and also was attached to the aents.
ing in a contrary manner in the Hustice George Brower, who Second Field Artillery and the Here late data on beach resrooms, 116 East Sixteenth Street.
It has been the custom for fo matter: she is opening her doors is in charge of comintiments to Forly seventh lófaniry, eigners coming in to the coun. as wide as she possilby can miental institutions in Kings Mr. Reilly present wife, Mrs. furnished, together with details orts and fishing clubs will be Fy with irregular papers to be immigration. When work starts County. 10. make the action Fleurette Reilly, has cited him tept under arrest until their car on the Nicaraguan Canal and binding for contempt of court for failing is to trips to the interior.
09 es were adjudicated for expel the Pan American Highway, we In my opinion, Dr. Sherman fo pay back alimony.
Islands atong Panama west coasthave to some time been from ing them; but in a recent Ha guess Costa Rica will also find said, Mr. Kehity domestic troua Mecca for Western fisherment sing meas Corpus case, the Supreme necessary to do likewise be bles der thehestraro mne Regency Act for England onal Court ruled that the foreigner lack or labour The fact did nio win the on the trail of such deep sea dyr Hauptmann case preyed on his fighters as marlin, sailfish and mind and caused a severe ners the broad bill swordfish. Espvous breekdówn. think this Aceording to the English ecially around Pearl Island, named for pearls occasionally will be oniy Temporary in nature common law, a monarch, and with the Treatment thar will however young, cannot found near by, the fishing is be be afforded him at that hospi: said to be a minor. For. have opened their doors to good. Hereabout private clubs will all he will come out all right. say the old of LIMON Dr. Sherman said he accom: when the royal body politic overnight accommodations conlaw books, visiting fishermen, who find for MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS panied Mr. Reilly from the Hotel New Yorker 10 the Brooklyn of the king doth meet with venient and comfortable. For of Compra Cacao Material de Tranvía hospital. It was said at the horel the natural capacity in one parties planning independent Cor that Mr. Reilly hod been living person the whole body shall tours to local fishing grounds che Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo there for a month or so. Mr. have the quality of the ro there are places where boats, fis Reilly legal residence was said yal politic, which is the grea guides and tackle may be tenImportación de mercaderia en general ter and more worthy and led reasonably.
Ty For the pleasure loving touCanada Plans Act to Bar wherein is no minority.
In practice, however, the hotels and up to date shops.
rist Panama cilies offer good es to con East Guillermo Niehaus Co.
Italy Angered at Negus Invitation to Coronation Any Enlistments in Spain re have been several king golf, tennis and other sporis LUIS WA CHONG discour תגיות 2 Died Recontly FROM MADRE DE DIOS DIOS italy Signs Trade Accordian anda dating the sectores manera o Santanathe The decision of the Britisa 50 can deny that Halle Selassie is and others incapable, by vernment to invite the Negus Hai personality sufficiently distinreason of illness or other le Selassie, to send representati guished to receive such an invita 15 ves of boyssinia to the Coronation. The Daily Herald claims of Canadians on either side OTTAWA, Ont. Enlistment disability, of exercising the tich ceremonies of Rmg Gepr. that the invitation of the Negus the Spanish civil war will be effee for the ruler in such emerin royal prerogatives. To act ge has given rise to an outburst 15 perfectly correct and it is al uively stopped by legislation to be gencies a. most inconceivable that the king atroduced by the Dóminion Parliament has of protests from Rome, and GUACIMO GUAPILES although it is not yet known, off should be made ginity of an act vernment shortly, according to a Go created from time to time cially, it Italy win decline to be which would not only be nimical statement in Parliament by Man But there has never been a a regent or regeney council. Cantina, Licores represented, it is generally beltev to Grat Britain but to the King er of Justice Ernest Lapointe.
Extranjeros y del país.
ed she will do so.
Limself. The refusal of Italy to general law covering the si Tienda bien surtida Among the many comments al attend woud be a rude The Minister announcement tuation.
renly being made by the En teous act, it was declared. hinted that the export of Recently King George VI Abarrotes en general glish Press on the possiblity of It is also reported that the tos might also be banned, England third monarch PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA such a refusal, the Morning Post Irish Free State will not besr Lapointe pointed out that the in a year asked Parliament says It would be dificult for En represented at these ceremonie foreogn enlistment act passed by giaria, in keeping with her senses according to a statement ma the British Parliament in 1810 to enact a permanent regencover of probity, to exclude a govern de by Eamon de Valera Ireland extended to Canada, but he said ey law which would rient which still enjoys diploma intends to continue Lighting for the Government bad concluded any emergency which might tie recognition and privileges; her complete independence from would be well to introduce spe arise, not only during the and on the other hand no one the British Empire.
cific Canadian legislation. minority of the sovereign on his accession but also during Sra. Rosa Erazo incapicity of of the sovereign from the died in the San Juan Hospital.
of Colombia is reported to have With Franco realm. The permanent re San José, en the 22nd. instant.
Much satisfaction, is be may be seen at the residengent would be the monarch The deceased was 81 years of ing felt by our people as ace of Ir. Daniel Johnson.
next adult heir in the pre age and previously resided in qonsequence of the news In view of the fact that HOME An Orncial commun sent case the Duke of Glou this City.
that Mr. Meza, the well it is so seldom we are als que announced the signing at Sala cester, khown Dentist of Cartago, forded the opportunity of practica, Spain on Jan. 28 of between Rome will be visiting us during the having a Dentist among us, and the Burgos government. De earlier part of the coming it is expect Mr. Meza time tails were not given, but they we month.
It is understood that Mr. cially by those who cannot for the payment of supplies shipp Meza will be with us for go elsewhere for such treat ed to General Francisco Franca the 4th. 5th. and 6th. of ment.
LOW by Italy by means of raw mate PRICES March during which time he Resident. rials and agricultural products 40 Litro Corrugated Milk Pans, Rubbers for Covers, Milking Buckets from the areas controlled by the insurgents.
Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard Blue Striped Jute Sacks of and Cajuelas The agreement in any case for Potatoes and Coconuts.
NACIONALES was taken as flational eviden ce, If any were needed, of Italy FRANK MADURO Jr.
Ploughs (X) and all accessories; Collins intention to back General FranCutlasses; Nails and Staples in all Sizes: PROP.
co to the limit permitted by the present and future non interven Fencing Wire; Iron Cooking Stoves for Wood.
Frank Maduro hijo, tion undertakings.
Maderas del país. ExisLA COPA BLANCA, Ironmongery tencia permanente en at moderate prices Sox 12 nuestro depósito. CARTAGO Telephone 11 will be fully occupied, espe re generally supposed to provide WE WE OFFER AT EXCEPTIONALLY EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber Always Read The Atlantic Voice Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarEnglandFranceFrancisco FrancoItalyKidnappingSpainSpanish Civil WarWorld War

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