
Saturday February, 1937.
POLITICAL ACTIVITIES Con 2. 00 usted 6. 000. 00 C6. 000. 00 Cricket Association Officers Elected LL)
Compre sólo Lotería Nacional Death Of Captain Heckman Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association Pens Parsas We are un States un Cuma Were Find Use The Atlantic Voice for your Advertisements COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA sacar en el nuevo plan de la LOTERIA NACIONAL The political campaign for the enjoy great reputation in the election of Deputies, to fill the Community as possessing every Con la Lotería que más se importa, con 00 positions falling vacant a year adaptability to represent the Pro hence, has been pubicly opened vince.
sólo saca 500. 00 The annual general meeting in the Old Capital where it is We do hope that the electors of the Costa Rica Cricket Asso being arranged to secure the elec o thly Province will make an ciation was held at the Baptist tion of Dr. Jorge Saenz in place early start to secure the re elecsussion House on the 22nd, ins. of Monseñor Claudio Vollo, with tion of don Juan Romagosa, as lant. the following members and Messrs. Luis Calvo, a son of the we do not think it will te pas y sacará MAS dinero gastando MENOS plata. representative es being presentMessrs Spyer, Presiaent; ExGovernor, and Jaime Además, que, asi ayuda al Hospital y al Asilo Marin sible to find another who will Clarke, Sevy and representative of Turrialba as his assistants be so interested in the affairs of of the Pathfinders; Sutton Ex and interinos in office our province; don Juanito is alcelsior; Hayling, Motive These selections are well ae ways endeavourg to do somePower Spence and epled generally as they are all thing for our betterment.
Murray, the Construction men of vast preparation and It was not until a few days, who some years ago occupiAlter the reading and confirgo that we became aware ed a prominent position in rast meeting, the election of orci mation or the minutes of the the sad passing of one our community, hence our cers for the 1937 Season took pla apparent tardiness in bring ce with the following results pew: Total of Flood Sufferers in the regrettable occur resident. Spyer. re electto attention of ed unopposed. Vice President, AVISO Washingron. Here is ihe Red readers.
Goulbourne; NOTICE Secretary, 310, 743 Cross estimate of number of Actually, it was on Tues Clarke: Treasurer, e letersons who suffered by the day last that a representati langus. Members of the Board of Seguridad ante todo; Hágase Secure yourself and family en lood: ve of the Voice received Control. Nation; Hay socio de la Sociedad Benefiby becoming a member parel the information that Cap ling: Cox; Sutton.
cencia de Costa Rica, para paof the only reliable Butain Federick it was decided that the gar los gastos de entierro, Es.
Heckman 1937 rial Society established tablecida en Limón, el de Season should commence on Sun had succumbed at his resiArkansas (17) 111, 400 141, 096 Mayo de 1928, in Limon May 5th, 1928, day the 21st. March Ilinois (8)
73, 876 dence in Albany in the StaIndiana (19)
67. 775 56, 810 te of New York last Christ Ite in the competition are All Clubs wishing to participa raya Kentucky (63)
asked 352, 256, 000 mas night to an attack of to send in their applications and Louisiana (4)
1, 440 1, 170 pneumonia.
Mississippi (4) 4, 417 4, 417 entrance fees to the Associations Nearly three decades ago, Secretary not later than the 8th.
Cristal Missouri (6)
60, 196 Ohio (28. 143, 437 100, 000 Captain Heckman came of March in order to further ta Pennsilvania (1. 800 800 among us to fill the position cilitate the Board in arranging the Tennessee (14. 85, 841 38, 000 of kost Assistant to Captain Fixture. Each application should West Virginia (12)
Which 65, 694 34, 580 Owen, the then Superinten be accompanied with a list of the and Total (175. 917. 925 652, 905 dent of the Marine Depar Clubs playing members. The Entrance Fee 19 ten colones.
tment of our Railway Comcaled pany, whom he eventually succeeded and continued with the department for a LICITACION 61 number of years. The sad Lines news of his death will, we Teel sure, be very much reLIMON gretted by the large circlc who knew him and by whom Administración Crédito Hipotecario de Costa Rica ons he was highly regarded.
To his sorrowing widow, who is a daughter of the late VENTA DE UNA MAGNIFICA PROPIEDAD EN PUERTO LIMON Refrescos by Mr. Charles Scott, and the other members of the famiis, FINCA 235 PROPIEDAD 401 food the ATLANTIC VOICE exSituada frerte a la Avenida entre calles y a 200 varas al y 60 vaQuar tends its most profound con ras al de la Plaza del Cuartel. Se compone de tres construcciones: dolence.
the Primera. Unu residencia de hormigón de cemento armado y en parte de madera, consta de tres pisos distribuídos asi: En planta baja cinco cuartos, amplios ibeir corredores, hall y servicio sanitario. En planta alta, que es lo mejor de la casa, tiene fun Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON salón, dos cuartos, comedor, cocina, amplios corredores y servicio sanitario LA FLORIDA large ter piso lo compone un cuarto grande en buen estado y otro pequeño, servicio saniSSS tario y tengue para agua lovida. Tiene extenso terreno al frente para jardins patios laterales en el fondo. Buen estado de conservación.
Fábrica de Hielo Abogado y Segunda. Una casa de ladrillo, situada detrás de la casa grande se compone Won Venta de Leche de tres currtos y cocina. Buen estado de conservación.
Notario Públice Tercera. tina casa de madera cituada también detrás de la casa grande, se y Maderas Oficina: Altos Pascompone de tres cuartos, comedor, cocina. Regular estado de conservación.
Ambas tienen patio. Todo el lote mide: 23, 24 ms. da frente a la avenida por PS cual Ingianna 45. 85 ms. de fondo.
Linderos: Notic. lote Nº manzana 57: Sur, avenida Este y Oeste, totes 3 manza 12 57.
BRO NUEVO AV LUO 50. 000. SEGUNDA LICITACION Managua, Nicerogi a. Pres. Great Maritime Spectacle 580 ident Anastasio Somoza sent CONDICIONES: Rafael Huezo. assistant mana From Washington comes ger, end Alfred Gini, auditor the news that on the 16th.
of the Nicaragua National Bank, April will commence Esta vinta será por licitación privada conforme a la iey Nº 27 de 19 de Diciemthe 10 New York by airplane to manoeuvres in che Pacific bre de 1935; el Crédito Hipotecario recibirá propuestas por escrito en sobre cereorganize the directorate in Ocean in which more than rrado indicando por fuera que se refiere a esta finca.
New York. Both will serve as 29 Las oferlas se recibirán hasta el dia 15 de marzo de 1937.
members of the new board.
two hundred fighting units 39 No se considerará propuesta en que no se ofrezca pagar al contado por lo meThe functions of the bank of the United States Navy, nos un 10 en dinero efectivo o un 25 en valores de la Institución, que se will be enlarged to give tinan will take part.
recibirán así los bonas por su valor nominal, las cédulas por el 92 del valor cial aid to sniall farmers and The principal bases will facial, y los espones vencidos de unos y otras, por el 50 de su valor nominal: the salaried class. who have be around the Alaskan and todos esos valores calculados al 400 de cambio.
paid as high as 100 per cent a Aleutian Islands, and the year for locns. The bank will sphere of operations will co49 La parte del precio que quedare pendiente podrá pagarse al de interés y ſend mony at ard per ceni, ver about 2, 000, 000 square 29 de amortización anuales por cuotas adelantadas en las condiciones usuales de este Banco para operaciones hipotecarias a largo plazo, con garantia de la miles in a triangular form.
misma propiedad; los honorarios y gastos de la escritura correrán por cuenta del All airplane carriers and secomprdor. Deberá indiear ea su propuesta si desea pagar por mensualidades veral hundred airplanes will o trimestres las cuotas respectivas.
also participate and consti5. Cada propuesta de compra debera acompañarse de un depósito de 20. 00 que Wee Le tute a leading factor in the el interesado perderá si la finca le fuere adjudicada y no se presentare en el engagements.
términu d: QUINCE DIAS a formalizar la operación ESTRADA The fleet will leave from 69 El avalúo in licado no SIGNIFICA BASE PARA LAS OFERTAS, que podrán the naval base of San Diego Abarrotes y Licores and proceed in a westerly ser mayores o menores que aquella suma Artículos del País direction toward the 180th.
79 La Directiva se reserva el derecho de aceptar la propuesta más conveniente a los intereses de la Institución, o de rechazarlas todas Precios Econónic)
Para más informes, dirigirse a la ADMINISTRACION DEL CREDITO HIPUZEThis ought certainly to be LA IBERIA a fine spectacle to privileg.
CARIO DE COSTA RICA San Jose, 26 de Febrero de 1937.
ed observers.
10 Fábrica de Hielo FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
El ter. These GO 000 28. 000 50 Managua to Change Berk SALOMON CHIN 7 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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