
The Milla Marítima Lands The Atlantic Vaice Britain Hugel EUROPE AGAIN PERTURBED Defense Plans sugof Power, This vexed question is nearing a Crisis, as definite instructions have been issued by the Tributacion Depart iment for the prosecution of the occupiers of this section Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic zone of government lands who have refused or negleted to Editor English Section: NATION pay their monthly rentals. We understand prosecutions will be immediately instituted against more than one Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday March 1937 No. 134 auwdred occupiers.
Now, these occupiers are of two classes. The one, comprised of the se who settled there years ago under advices from some one or other of our government Of News items coming from Paris, tiated by Russia have also further fices in keeping with the intentions of the Law where and other centres indicate that the affected the situation.
under the Lands of the Milla Maritima are declared un international situation of Europe The Spanish warfare continues denounceable; that is, they were left for the benefit of has once more become exceedings with intense fighting around MIIn pursuance of its huge precarious, and it is believed that arid, where it is expected anoilier the poor settlers who could not afford to buy or denoun re armament programmie, this has arisen mainly from the and yet more extensive offensive ce lands for agricultural purposes. These, naturally, ha the British government nas vast re armament plan of En will shortly be made by the insur ve never signed contracts for such occupancy nor paid any called on Parliament to centals. The other class is made up of those who have approve and appropiate the land and her announced intention gents who have been reinforced by the idea of Naval Estimates for the fis. Tor defending France and Belgia 18. 000 men.
been settling there in recent years, since The international should such an emergency aris2 blockade cal year 1937 1938 which Her further offer to financilly rs should go into effect tonight, but paymen was promulgated by the attempt of don Eze amount to the sum of.
sist France in her present econ there is a suggestion that this quiel Gutiérrez to collect rentals under contracts. For 105, 065, 000 representing mic difficulties has also, it is sad, should be postponed to a later date.
these latter, wbr have all signed contracts for the use an increase over last year accelerated the situation, as it should this really happen its ultiof the lands, there is nothing else to be done than to appropriations of 23, 776. the feeling that these difficuldmate results would be greatly wea 000. In the estimates 14, meantime a keep on paying; for the former, if Justice is to be ob were being augmented by Germakened. In the 033, 215 provide for increasserved, there must be some consideration.
ny so that France would eventually gestion has been made for the reed naval construction and be placed in a position in which moval from Spain or ali foreign the year 1918, Congress passed a law that these the provision for the moder she would be unable to intervene volunteers; the Valencia governlands should be paid for. Later on, Mr. Gutirrez enter. Inization of several capital in international matters as a strom ment has indicated its agreement ed into a contract with the then Secretary of Finance, ships and maintenance provided, of course, the insurgent and if our minds are correct it was with the present oc the fleet have been increasThe decision of Italy to re ala command also agree.
ed by 9, 081, 985. The esti and the military reforms being sai cupier of that exalted position, don Raul Gurdian, for mates provide also for the the lease of all the Milla Maritima lands from Limon addition of nearly 11, 000 to Sixaola. It was then that the rates now being demand men and 516, 500 for ad GUILLERMO ARIAS DELGADO ed were fixed. No sooner than Mr. Gutierre. disclosditional maintenance of the ed his authority to demand such collections, a deputa naval aviation department.
JORGE ALVARADO PIZA The Increase of personnel ABOGADOS y NOTARIOS tion was sent to don Cleto Gonzalez Viquez, who was LAWYERS and PUBLIC NOTARIES President at that time, and on the face of the memo is neces ary in view of the Tienen el gusto de ponerse a las Toke pleasure in offering their proincreased air armaments and ordenes del público en este provincia fessional services to the people of rial he abrogated the Gutierrez Contract. Still later on, This province.
the new naval constructions.
OFICINAS San José: Frente a la don Aurelio Castro appeared as Collector, and with Theree 35. 000 toa battle esquina Noreste del edificio de CoOFFICES. Son José: In front Northeast Corner of Post Mc Bullcontracts to be signed for a four year period of occu ships, five 000 ton vruirreos y Telégrafos. Limon: Contiguo ding. Limon: Joining the British al Vice consulado Británico.
Vice consulale.
bar. cy. Some of the people signed and paid, others again sers, two 300 ton cruisers, San José: 1463 refused to do either and another memorial was made 16 destroyers, submarines, Apartados: Boxes convoy sloops, mineswee Li non 34 to the President. in consequence of which don Aurelio pers, patrol boats and mis did not return to either enforce contracts or collect.
celaneous small naval craft Again, the question crops up and a deputation was make up the construction THE SANITATION OF LIMON sent to the Minister of Finance and a memorial to the program to be commenced President, don Leon Cortes, but apparently without in April of this year. Sir Sa It is pleasing to note that the visits to give advices in cases of avail. and the climax has come when embargos are to Uniqueness of Sanitation is an siekness so as to contro dises. To page 11)
accomplisned fact so far as ses. Maternity Hospital is also be made by the government and recovery of the rentals 18 cicerned. Dr. Carios to be established and prenatal os effected by confiscation and sale of such farms. What Umana, who occupiell a similetrical examinations provided for position in San Jose, is the Chief all needy expectant mothers, a state affairs for any covrnement to so retrograde and and Directo rof our Sanitary Ins Public conferences will also be hu niliate itselfas a means of raising a few paltry dol utution with Mr. Enrique Arra Geld, when cur people will be aa lars at the expense of its destituted peasant citizer.
zola as his assistant, vised and instructed on Sanitary ship.
We, however, find that there is one generous, The campaign against Mosqui measures. Above all, we are to be The regular routine for the educos and Flies; the eradication of provided with a competent wate.
enlightened, broadminded heart, who, enthused with the cat. on or our youth has once venercal diseases and the clinica service, for without water to tree spirit of Justice, has sounded the warning note to his col more commenced under our most examination of every poor Bickly pathe and wash, there can be leagues in Congress with respect to this most important zealud, genial and philanthruwul again be instituted. Qualinea no adequate Sanitation.
pic Director of Schools, don Juan Xurses will make house to nouse matter Deputy Lic. don Teodoro Picado.
Bautista Peralta. To page 9)
Mr. Peralta and his co Direc.
00000OOOO Cress, Miss Trejos, have sacrifice ed themselves during the past Wo years so as to elevate the educational status, not only of the youths under their care, but o SERVICIO DE VAPORES the adults of our City who may ve anxious to pince themselves Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK in a position to carry out their Salidas de Limón: con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA ambitions in life.
We are feeling that this yea: LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS will, the the crowning point in EUROPA AMERICANOS EUROPEOS the achievements of these educatio nalists in the disseminauchi nigher culture among our citizens VAPORES SALIDAS and for which Limon will ever Marzo 19 be found grateful. VERAGUA de Marzo QUIRIGUA 14 de Marzo PTO. BARRIOS PETEN 21 de Marzo Commander and Officers of Dundee Entertained ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
Marzo 22 SULACO.
12 de Marzo On Sunday evening last. Come Llevando café solamente para Londres.
ORDENE SUS EMBARQUES DE mander Itheisten an aths Officers OIH 01. op Duncte were CAFE PARA ESTE BARCO entertained Communits ALVARADO CIA. A.
House by the British Colony re.
570 Agentes para Lurón y Puntarenas.
sident here The function took the form of Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United an informai Dance with lasted Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica. from D. to midnight, and Ager. cia Costa Rica a most en oyable time was spent TELEFONO 3156 Teléfono 2086 Dy all who had the pleasure 01 Avenida Central attending QOooooo oogsee DeGo Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
mon Our Day Schools UNITED FRUIT Co.

    FranceItalyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSpain

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